StandardQuantumString#M-BrainTheory of Everything!


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And yes, I know I spelled Brane incorrectly. All part of the fun of this post! :D

Isn't it darned interesting how one of the big "fights" in physics now seems to be an offshoot of the appearance & evolution of String & Brane theories, which came as an attempt to rectify and unite the disparate issues between Standard Theory and Quantum Mechanics? It seems that we have this fairly large inventory of competing, and somewhat contradictory while also being somewhat complimentary, theories! A cacaphony of theories, if you will, all trying to explain Everything.

And what seems to be the big discussion du jour? How many physical dimensions are there, really? The arguments seem to focus on either 10 or 11 dimensions. Isn't that true? And it seems there are good arguments for both numbers.

I find it terribly amusing that the sciences seem to have converged to, and are arguing the details about a model which has been well-known and well-used by "mystics" for thousands of years, if not more. I refer, of course, to the Qabalistic Tree Of Life, which shows that the geometry of the universe is centered on 10 discrete nodes, or what we call sephira. And how when these 10 nodes all interoperate together, as a single system, they create an "11th reality" that is the emergent property of the interaction of these 10 "dimensions" (sephira).

The teachings of Qabalah have told us for quite awhile how the 10-dimensional physical Tree Of Life which is represented by our physical body within its physical environment, is responsible for the emergence of the higher being...the non-physical self. Furthermore this body of knowledge tells us that our non-physical self is architected in the same 10-node manner as our physical self. So the scientific theme behind the mystical knowledge of Qabalah is embedded systems!

If there are still people out there who steadfastedly hold to the disbelief that the sciences of our day are converging on a point where they will validate the "wisdom of the ages", then I feel a bit sorry for them that they do not see the writing on the wall of history. The very fact that scientists generally agree there is such a "Force" that we are calling Dark Energy should be evidence enough, but the coincidence of how the theories of physics are settling on the 10/11 dimensional model should be another dead giveaway.

Add to this the story I have been telling about the "embeddedness" of Force, Energy, Information and how they lead to the higher level of INTENTION. Clearly we live in the Information Age, and it would seem hard to argue that we are not evolving beyond this... towards our destiny in the age of INTENTION. And all this is unfolding before us here in the years leading up to the fabled 2012.

Perhaps at this point I should ask OvLrdLegion to chime in and lay-out the final 7 years of the "End of Time" (or End Times) that we live in... and what event started that 7 year countdown and where it will end. OvLrd? Care to take up this discussion from here?

Mark 13:8
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows .

And the postition of Earth 7 years after the Indonesian Event....


And a quote from 12:1-2....any connections come to mind?

Revelation 12:1-2 says, "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered"""

More to follow....this is just the tip of the iceberg...
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows .

I don't know about this. I mean, forgetting 2012, couldn't you apply this quote to just about any era since recorded history....

In our bubbles we assume now, that we - in the west - are locked in our own war and its a big global deal. In reality there are horrific forgotten wars (some of which we have been involved in behind closed doors) going on all the time in the planet. You could have applied this sort of quote time and time again year upon year for thousands of years already.
Thank OvLrd, I look forward to more! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Ollyb wrote:
I don't know about this. I mean, forgetting 2012, couldn't you apply this quote to just about any era since recorded history....

In our bubbles we assume now, that we - in the west - are locked in our own war and its a big global deal. In reality there are horrific forgotten wars (some of which we have been involved in behind closed doors) going on all the time in the planet. You could have applied this sort of quote time and time again year upon year for thousands of years already.
Certainly your point is well-taken, but there are many other dots to be connected before this is all over. And OvLrd is not solely relying on the Mark 13 quote as the only "dot". I am sure if you let both OvLrd and CAT continue this thread, they will offer quotes from several sources. Many biblical, some from other sources. Another dot I am trying to bring in is the evolution of science from the understanding of Force, to Energy, and now to Information that our human culture has lived through. Information is now just as much a weapon of war as those devices of Energy and Force from our recent and distant past. Nostradamus, and John Hogue's interpretations of his quatrains, speak of the age of terror that we are living through. There are also dots to be connected with the emergence of the Bible Code phenomenon, whether or not you believe it is true. Past traditions and authors have "predicted" that the world would become smaller in the End Times. And we see this with the interconnectedness of the Internet, news media, cell phones, Blackberries, etc. etc. etc.

To me, it is not so much "who had the RIGHT interpretation", because all of them can be subject to errors in different ways, but rather "what are the sum total of these interpretations pointing towards?"

Olly, I get the feeling that you and I agree on the strong nature of our individual Free Will and ability to Create our own futures, and that by Force Of Will we can make things come to pass. I tend to want to Create a wonderful transformation in our world... one where Freedom of our individual Free Wills wins out for all people on our planet. I would like to see a world where every person in every nation has the freedom available to those of us in Western cultures who often take our freedoms for granted. This is the world I wish to Create, and I think you would wish for such a positive-outlook future as well.

So I look at the connections of all the dots and I seek to uncover what they mean for the wonderous advancement that we are moving through. I see it as the final reconciliation of Science with Spirituality... and as part of that it will be the passing by the wayside of "Religion" which is a vehicle invented by man to control their fellow man.

When science describes spirituality, and spirituality validates science, we will finally live in a world where the fascism of people who abuse religion will cease to exist. We are lucky enough to live in the final emergence of this very situation in our world. Good WILL win out over Evil, if the majority of we as humans WILL it to be so.

So let it be written... so let it be done! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
Re: StandardQuantumString#M-BrainTheory of Everyth

wait, you spelled "brane" incorrectly before when you spelled it "brain"? hmmm. Me thinks you should consult spellcheck bud. everything after that was incoherent due to the confusion concerning the intentional yet unintentional spelling mistake?
don't know about this. I mean, forgetting 2012, couldn't you apply this quote to just about any era since recorded history....

I actually put that in my first version of the post. I knew it would come up. And yes, you could apply many quotes in 'ancient' texts to many different times of our history.

However, our era has many different factors involved than those of yesterday.

- Chemical dumping into our rivers and oceans
- Rainforests being destroyed at an alarming rate
- Greater access to nuclear weapons by more countries
- The flood control channels in California, as an example, have caused the erosion of the coastline itself due to sand no longer being swept down from the inland mountains
- Population is greater than ever before
- Third world countries that never really had a demand for oil coming into the technological age are increasing demand and consumption.
- Global Warming and its effects
- The genetic scientists creating only God knows what in their labs

I know that you can add to the list of the differences of our time as compared to those of the past. The list of the differences would be quite lengthy. And we all know within ourselves that the way of our world just can NOT continue as it is right now.

I dont know of any other time in history where the scientists had the ability to actually manipulate objects at a molecular(cellular) level, creating hybrid materials.

Also, not to long ago, if all the electrical power failed for whatever reason, it wouldnt have impacted the population too much. Imagine the disaster if all electrical systems ceased to operate today. That in itself would be the end of our life as we know it. A simple hiccup of our Sun that changes the patterns of energy...or a reversal of polarity..not an impossibility for nature..but for mankind???

And we cant forget the 2012 event. It just seems to all fit together. We live in a time as never before experienced by mankind. And there are too many "unusual" events on a global scale, that are occuring together as never before...

...I think you get the idea.
And we cant forget the 2012 event. It just seems to all fit together. We live in a time as never before experienced by mankind. And there are too many "unusual" events on a global scale, that are occuring together as never before...

Again though each age has brought about unusual events on a global scale occurring together as never before, how are our current technological achievements also our downfall? Wouldn't you think that people in Europe thought much the same when gunpowder was introduced? I don't think having this many people on the planet is a harmful thing nor do I see it as a sign of the end. Humans can and will adapt to the new challenges brought about by our own advancements.

2012 the end? I don't think so, a new challenge to overcome? Possibly.
Wouldn't you think that people in Europe thought much the same when gunpowder was introduced?

I will try to expand on my reasoning further in future posts. But to address your quotes...

The energy and manpower it took to wage any war of the past was immense. One knight against the world wouldnt be able to do much against the population on a global scale. It took alot of equipment, energy and manpower to effect anything on even a minor scale, even with the Mongolian Hordes sweeping across the continents, the impact on society was immense, however, it didnt effect the climate, nor did it cause erosion of the polar ice caps. The Rainforests also were still very much intact. And there is a difference between gunpowder and biological/nuclear weapons.

You have to combine all the recent events and compare them to what the warnings say regarding the end of times as a whole.

2012 the end...

I dont think so either. And it depends what exactly we mean by "end". End of our times as they are, yes, I think we will see an end to way mankind has existed. From a religious point of view, I think we will see events that will be on a theological scale. The beginning of a new cycle. With every end, there is also a new beginning, and this is what I believe is going to happen. Exactly on a particular date, maybe not, since the Bible states that nobody knows when "the End" will be to the day and time.

But, Jesus did say to watch for the warning signs of when the end of our time is near, and this is what we are witnessing today. And, Jesus wasnt the only one who made these warnings.
Met some old cowpokes last night and had a very interesting discussion with them regarding our weather. They have been working with cattle for decades, and have done range work around the U.S. .
Besides their complaints of diminishing work, the comment they all made was that they havent seen weather like this ever before. And they know something has changed.

I know they arent scientists, nor very technical, and very simple in their ways. But, I believe that they have an excellent understanding the changes taking place. They dont need all the computers, satellite images and mathematical models to "feel" what is occurring in our times.

Especially some of the real old timers, they just shook their heads and said 'things aint the way they used to be'. And they werent referring to the normal ' things ain't the way things used to be'.

We get so caught up in all the details and information that surround us, it becomes easy to lose sight of the way things are from a simple point of view.

The only group of people to completely escape injury during the tsunami, were those that had a simple view of nature. To them the land, water, air and fire are always fighting with each other. They seen the water go out and knew that the water wasnt going to put up with the land doing that, so they all got out of the waters way when it decided to fight back.

To them it is a simple process. When nature is fighting it out, just let it do battle and stay out of its way whilst it is doing it.

Not a very scientific approach, but it worked for them, and not a single hair got hurt on their chinney chin chins.
I know what you mean, you are complete right and same thing happens here in Baja California, corse not in the same magnitud, but we feel all scenario (world politics, health, wether, religion, etc) it's changeing, and it's dificult to keep traking the way it's going in order to predict our family steps for the future.
About your quote at the end, again, it's true, we can not espect to do things in the same way as before. Now, we got to do things and think in a new way, every day, living the present and maybe prepare just our tomorrow future or close our eyes and pretend everything it's ok.
Something else, Mayan's calendar sayed something about the date 2012.
Sorry for my english.
Ah well, the end. There have been many ends. Many diseases worse than now, many plagues worse than now, and many other things that have happened.

Really to me, The Bible states that when people decide NOT to acknowledge the God Act upon Nature of the Universe, wars happen. They have happened in the Past, and they will happen in the future. The end -- no -- possibly a war -- well, when Cartoons (Denmark) are made, and there is no real religion really, it ends up -- war.

Armageddon, well that is something all together different. That to me is what The Bible states -- and that will happen every time.

As to dimensions and anything else, I think the new Dr. Heim's theory being around, may change somethings. What did it do already? It solved particle mass with the math of it, while other theories of quantum theory and everything have not been able to do that. With further refinement of universal Constants, the results are even closer. It is being worked on.

Real link:

Well, just one of those German scientists that was missed, I guess.

Other than that, there are other websites describing end of times scenarios also and what it means.

Just another War, I presume, according to what I think that The Bible contains.