Standard Time Traveler Test ?


Super Moderator
It would seem that we need to develop a "Standard Time Traveler Test" for the claimants. I would like to propose that we use the AMS Fireball Sighting Report for this purpose.

If any "time traveler claimant" can provide an image of this report one month prior to being posted on the AMS site, that would convince me of a time traveler's claim of being from the future.

It would have to include everything as listed on the AMS report, exactly as it would appear when released by the AMS.

Any time travelers, ( remote viewers welcome to take a try at this as well ), up for the challenge ? And if you future claimants can read this, then there is no excuse for not knowing this "test" is a requirement before making any claims.

This is the link to the AMS Reports for 2009 :

2009 AMS Report

The link will be up-dated in 2010, 2011, 2012, and maybe after 2012 depending upon whether any of us are still around after 2012. o_O

And if you future claimants can read this, then there is no excuse for not knowing this "test" is a requirement before making any claims.
Have no fear.... recall can always (and will always) come up with a (lame) excuse that protects his beloved TT hoaxers from having to prove themselves. Of course, no one with a modicum of scientific understanding would accept recall's excuses, but recall lives in his own little world. :D :devil:

Quoting as Darby said:


He Who Has a Pact With Satan, the evil and wicked Moderator RainmanTime (Ptui! We spit on his boots!)"

Have no fear.... recall can always (and will always) come up with a (lame) excuse that protects his beloved TT hoaxers from having to prove themselves. Of course, no one with a modicum of scientific understanding would accept recall's excuses, but recall lives in his own little world.

end quoted...

Speaking of the Devil !!!

:devil: :devil: :devil:


If, in your course, you don,t meet your equal, your better, then to continue your course, firmly, along, for there is no fellowship with fools.

A fool with a sense of his foolishness is at least to that extent wise. But a fool who thinks himself wise really deserves to be called a fool.

11 years later and this still look like the best example for what we could do here. I'm putting something like this together now; if anyone has any suggestions or ideas I'm happy to hear them.

The point is to make sure we're getting interesting, QUALITY claims.

I came up with a test that filters out all the hoaxers. The test: "Please provide the answer to the question I haven't asked you yet." The test requires the use of a time machine to establish the veracity of the time travel claimant.

Couldnt we all ask a similar question to any of these?

As the person asking the question only knows the answer?

The other aspect is can the time travel machine read the person's mind if it was nowhere stated, except in thought?

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I guess instead of "test" a better term might be "claims protocol".

We could design tricks or mechanisms that puts burden of proof on the claimant like this, but we assume the time traveler has the inclination to jump through hoops for strangers on the internet. I would never do that and wouldn't expect them to either.

I'm thinking more along the lines of collecting information about the time traveler's story or purpose for being here. Something like:

  1. Method of travel
  2. When did you depart/arrive
  3. What is your mission?
  4. Please provide our members an idea of what life is like in your time

Perhaps not these exact fields, but something like them. Make some of them required, so while this may not "catch" a time traveler, it at least minimizes the number of shitpost claims that come through.

That could be a way to address them but as has been seen, some don't like to answer certain questions for fear of being exposed as fakes.

Thereby removing themselves from the conversation when the heat gets turned up.

But if required on certain fields may work.

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The problem with asking a supposed time traveler for any answers ( in advance of the question's ); is possibility that the claimant has two or more accounts here at TTI. Obviously, would be the same person answering his/her own questions. As remote as something like that actually happening here at Time Travel Institute, it still creates an opening for doubt.

Posting a page from a future AMS Report, would be superduper extraordinarily difficult to fake.

Anything we do could encourage people to fake being a time traveler thinking they will get attention and fame. Every single one of them believes they will become an urban legend, but every single one also fails. So, I personally think all tests should be done in private as to not encourage others to do the same. That's just my humble opinion. Doesn't need to happen. Just a small suggestion.

Anything we do could encourage people to fake being a time traveler thinking they will get attention and fame. Every single one of them believes they will become an urban legend, but every single one also fails. So, I personally think all tests should be done in private as to not encourage others to do the same. That's just my humble opinion. Doesn't need to happen. Just a small suggestion.
Well, can tell you, there is no possible way anyone can fake a future page of the AMS report. If a time travel claimant posts a page of the AMS report 7 days prior to the actual date it's published, I'd believe they are indeed time travelers. Who could possibly accurately guess where and when meteors , or fireballs in the sky, will be reported from around the globe for a 24 hour period?

Have to up-date the link though ...

American Meteor Society Event Reports for 2020

Well, can tell you, there is no possible way anyone can fake a future page of the AMS report. If a time travel claimant posts a page of the AMS report 7 days prior to the actual date it's published, I'd believe they are indeed time travelers. Who could possibly accurately guess where and when meteors , or fireballs in the sky, will be reported from around the globe for a 24 hour period?
American Meteor Society Event Reports for 2020
HAHAHA You caught me again (ADD) not reading a whole post.

Something like that would work. It's better than lottery numbers.
