Quantum Scribe
With CERN's announcement of Higgs Boson.
We have a complete Standard Model of Particles and Forces. (no question mark after "Higgs Boson" after all)
u = up
c = charm
t = top
d = down
s = strange
b = bottom
√e = electron neutrino
õ = muon neutrino
√Ʈ = tau neutrino
e = electron
µ = muon
Ʈ = tau
Gauge Bosons
ɣ = photon
g = gluon
W = W boson
Z = Z boson
H = Higgs Boson
We have a complete Standard Model of Particles and Forces. (no question mark after "Higgs Boson" after all)
u = up
c = charm
t = top
d = down
s = strange
b = bottom
√e = electron neutrino
õ = muon neutrino
√Ʈ = tau neutrino
e = electron
µ = muon
Ʈ = tau
Gauge Bosons
ɣ = photon
g = gluon
W = W boson
Z = Z boson
H = Higgs Boson