Spreadsheet about George Soros' Attempt to Ruin U.S.

Sorso was an SS in the Nazi Germany party that help murder his own people and the US allows him to funnel cash from the Rothschild family group to influence our elections. Go figure!

Sorso was an SS in the Nazi Germany party that help murder his own people and the US allows him to funnel cash from the Rothschild family group to influence our elections. Go figure!
I know! Why won't anybody arrest him?????

My best guess is that he is being protected by some very powerful people with a lot of money. Leo Zagami may have the answer? I spoke with Leo awhile back and asked him if he knew Karen Hudes. He said he did and the report that Karen gave about aliens being protected by the Illuminati were true. Follow the money and we may find the evil ones. Leo also said there are a very few families that were given time travel technology in exchange for their protection from us humans. Now that may explain how they got so very rich?

George Soros is the front man behind the extortion of our elected office holders and has been for many years. The money comes from the Rothschild's family gold that has been moved to South America because they plan to start a civil war in this country very soon:
