Space Time Phase Shifting


Temporal Novice
This is what I believe the techonology, in a more rduementary form, was being tested at Montauk & elsewhere between the late 1940's and early 1980's.

Space Time Processing: Journal Papers
Study of the Bandwidth Adjustment of an Unbiased Adaptive IIR Multiline Enhancer
M. Ghavami and R. Kohno.
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences,
vol. E84-A, no. 4, pp. 961--965, Apr. 2001.

A New Broadband Uniform Accuracy DOA Estimator.
M. Ghavami and R. Kohno.
accepted for publication in European Transactions on Telecommunications.

Improvement in the Resolution of DOA Estimation of Broadband Signals Using Partially IIR Beamformers
M. Ghavami and R. Kohno.
accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. Communications.

Wide-Band Beamforming Using Rectangular Arrays Without Phase Shifting.
M. Ghavami.
submitted for publication in IEICE Trans. on Communications.

Rectangular Array as a Frequency Selective Wide-band Smart Antenna.
M. Ghavami and R. Kohno.
submitted for publication in IEICE Trans. on Communications
(Special Issue on Software Defined Radio Technology and Its Applications).

Wideband Ultrasound Array for Electronically Steered Audio
M. Ghavami and S. Haruyama.
submitted for publication in IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals.


Space Time Processing: Conference Papers
Combined Beamforming and Space-Time Block Coding with a Sparse Array Antenna
M.Ghavami and R. Morelos-Zaragoza
submitted to WPMC 2002, Honolulu, Hawaii, Oct. 27-30, 2002.

Combined Beamforming and Space-Time Block Coding for High-Speed Wireless Indoor Communications,
R.M-Zaragoza and M. Ghavami.
Proc. of the Fourth International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC'01)
pp. 1427-1431,Aalborg, Denmark, Sept. 9-12, 2001.

A New Wide-Band Smart Antenna Array
M.Ghavami and R.Kohno.
Proc. IST'01, Tehran, Sep. 2001.

An Efficient Design of a Frequency Selective Wide-band Microstrip Smart Antenna.
Proc. ICICS'01, Singapore, Oct. 2001.

A Method of Adaptive Beamforming and Space-time Block Coding for Wireless Indoor Communication.
R.M-Zaragoza, M.Ghavami and R.Kohno.
Sony Research Forum, Dec, 2001.

Rectangular arrays for uniform wide-band beam forming with adjustable structure.
M.Ghavami and R.Kohno.
Proc. WPMC'00, Bangkok, pp. 93--97, Nov. 2000.

Space and Time Signal Processing Based on Adaptive Antenna Array for CDMA
R.Kohno, Isamu Yoshii and Kazunori Watanabe.
1999 IEEE ITWCKruger National Park(South Africa),
pp.45-47 (1999-06).

Space-time Blind Signal Processing for Communications, Intelligent Antennas and Adaptive Equalization
XXVIth General Assembly XXVl e Assemblee Generale,

>Optimal Access Point Placement in Simultaneous Broadcast System Using OFDM for Indoor Wireless LAN
M.Kobayashi, R.Kohno, S. Haruyama and M.Nakagawa.
IEEE Personal Indoor Mobile Radio Conference, London 2002. (PIMRC 2000)

<Published Papers List><ATL>

(c) copyright 2002 Advanced Telecommunication Laboratory,
Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc., Japan

Last modified: Wed Apr 24 12:23:59 JST 2002

Tudor's Electronics


David Tudor's manipulations of electronic circuits are legendary. His alterations were usually the result of a great deal of experimentaion in which diagrams and sketches were used in the conceptual stage as well as for documenting his work. The image to the right is an unknown component that we found (along with many others) at Tudor's home at Stony Point, NY. It is a good example of a typical Tudor box. Notice the housing is a plastic box - he was renoun for using soap dishes as contairers for his creations. Many of his creations, however, were housed inside a silver aluminum containers (good for preventing RF interference) rather than plastic. As was the norm with David Tudor, none of the inputs, outputs, or controls have a label.

Below are examples of both of these phases of his work. Click on the image to see a larger version of it.

These WERE unknown schematic diagrams. Thanks to the informed knowledge of R. Albert Falesch, we now know what these schematics are. Click on the images below to find out more.

Please come back to this page for some fresh mystery circuits... arriving soon.

Below are three different set-up diagrams for Tudor's Rainforest.

New to the electronics page are some short essays that we have thrown together about certain key elements to Tudor's electronic performance. These have always been on the site but were hidden "sneaky" links FROM the image map on the home page. We decided that the information was important enough to the understanding of Tudor's music that we should make them more obvious.

Over time we will expand these INTO real works of prose but for now...

David Tudor's use of amplifiers
David Tudor's Audio Cables
Equalization a la Tudor
David Tudor's performance matrix
Phase Shift a la Tudor

Phase Shift a la TUDOR

David Tudor, of course, had his own thoughts on the use of phase shift. Typically, phase shift in performance is the use of a piece of equipment (Phase Shifter or Phaser) that shifts the phase of a signal according to a carrier wave, usually a sine wave, to ceate a very 1970's sounding sweep of harmonics within the original signal. Tudor used this typical type of phase shift FROM time to time but, as usual, the carrier wave was to rigid for him; he wanted more control.
David designed and built a vast number of phase shifting devices over the years. Many of these were switchable devices. By this I mean that he could switch between different degrees of phase shift (e.g. 90, 180, 270, or 360 degrees out of phase). This created a change in phase that was stationary and did not impose the predictable characteristic of the sine (carrier) wave.

One of Tudor's more rewarding uses of phase shift was within a feedback path. He found that applying these priciples of phase shift in this way produced very unpredictable results. His piece Toneburst is a great example of this kind of sound.

One of David's most fundamental uses of phase shift was that which occors within the acoustic environment as he changes the position of his sound. By using multiple speaker set-ups (i.e. 8+) as he did, Tudor could create phase shifts within the space by moving the sound around FROM channel to channel.

This information was found at this Yahoo search:

Always seqarching,

Mr. Daniel E. Laurier - [email protected]
Condnamed: Zxavier - [email protected]