Terry Stonefield
Temporal Novice
We currently play with light through the use of optics. We control it's waves/particles by use of lenses, and mirrors. We are also able to compress it into the form of a laser. This compressed light has many abilities that normal light does not. If we take the same line of thought, and apply it to space/time we may also gain many new functions. In place of optics and gases, as used in normal lasers, a space/time laser would employ electro-magnetic 'lenses', compressors and filters. By compressing the vibrations or waves/particles, and aligning them we could create a space/time laser.
Objects caught in the beam could experience all sorts of space/time discrepancies. This could also be used as a form of time travel.
Objects caught in the beam could experience all sorts of space/time discrepancies. This could also be used as a form of time travel.