Space Monkeys


Temporal Novice
One of the greatest mysteries or maybe even achievements of all time have to be the Great Pyramids of Egypt, namely Gizah. It is believed and taught that these fantastic monuments were built and designed by the Egyptians, they say it took 24,000 men working 24 hours a day 20 years to build just one of them, is this true or is it merely an easy explanation for yet another question that otherwise would be too hard to explain.

There are documents and scriptures in existence that tell of the Great Pyramids long before the arrival of the Egyptians, ancient races stumbled across these strange landmarks hundreds if not thousands of years previous, at a time when that part of the country was probably uninhabitable and desolate. When the Egyptians finally did arrive they may have tried to emulate these grand structures this would explain the smaller tombs that are scattered around the same area. Egyptian hieroglyphs have been studied for centuries and although there will never be 100% certainty in what they tell us they appear to detail every aspect of their lives from religion to work but there is not one mention of what must have been their single most important achievement, the building of the pyramids.

There are many "alternate" explanations of how the pyramids were built and many people look to the heavens for an answer, it seems more and more people are willing to believe that extra terrestrial life may be the answer to many of mankind's unanswered questions. Now I don't believe that so-called "Aliens" built the pyramids but I do believe that the answers may lie somewhere in our skies.

Firstly take a look at where we are today, we are already half way to destroying our planet and within the relatively small time we have dominated Earth we have managed to not only partially destroy and overpopulate it we have also managed to and place a nuclear threat over every individuals head. Now think about this, if this planet reached a point whereby it was so volatile that sustaining life could no longer be guaranteed and we had the technology to leave this planet, move on and perhaps, find a "New Home, do you think we would do it? Yes of course we would. If this is possible for us to believe then what I am about to say cannot be dismissed as inconceivable.

With an explanation of this magnitude it is difficult to know where and how to start, the best place is not always the most obvious or indeed the beginning. I am going to start with Darwin's theory of Evolution or "Natural Selection", this is again a commonly believed answer to another piece of the, if not unknown the unsure. Darwin stated that we, Homo sapiens evolved from Apes. Now if you happen to have a limited or perhaps suppressed imagination then this "theory" which may I remind you is all "it" is, may be the only conceivable explanation to the big question "where did we come from?" This has now become common belief and has been accepted across the globe that is with the exception of most if not all-religious quarters, which have to be commended for their original if not blinked train of thought.

If we look at the theory of evolution and the way it works we know when a species develops new "traits" which in turn helps it develop and become stronger, eventually the weaker member's of the species naturally die out creating a stronger more intelligent race (Natural Selection). Now think of how Darwin's theory looks, we have all seen it in books, you know the one where gradually the Ape magically metamorphous into a modern day man, nice story although unfortunately unacceptable for one simple reason. The reason evolution works even according to Darwin is that the stronger survives to allow the species to evolve further, which should mean each stage of mans evolution is no longer around. For that reason you will not anywhere on this planet find a Iron Age man so why therefore are our even older ancestors the Apes still around, they surely, according to evolution, should have been the first to go after all we are, allegedly, the updated versions.

So on that same basis do Monkeys, Gorillas, Apes, Urangetangs and Humans all came from the same species? Or is it not a little more believable that we are five separate species evolving simultaneously. Mr Charles Darwin has perhaps concluded that because we simply appeared similar i.e. two arms and two legs we must of course come from the same egg.

What I propose may seem to be no more plausible than the Darwinian theory but on the other hand is more believable to those of you who are able to keep an open mind. This may still be a theory but one which has a stronger factual and scientific base than any of the two previously mentioned.

The first solution is not always the correct one, this has been shown before in the past, it was once believed and proved by the "Patalemic" theory that the Sun revolved around the earth. This was not only common belief but could be backed up with scientific and mathematical evidence. It wasn't until Galileo arrived on the scene to question what he was told that it was proved otherwise. At this time because mankind was thought to be an all-powerful race and the thought of us revolving around something, depending on something, would not be accepted. This of course was largely due to religious groups of the time who in turn put pressure on those in power to force Galileo to renounce his theories or be sentenced to death, this goes to show that just because something can appear to be proved and is commonly believed it does not always mean it is the only or indeed the true answer, what would happen if people like Galileo or even Einstein had not questioned what they were told, where would we be today?

Lets go back, right back to when the pyramids we supposedly built and look at the way this has been described. Firstly they were assembled using rock quarried from sites miles from the actual construct. This is where I feel the first question arrives, how did they transfer these rocks that bearing in mind weighed from three to ten tons each from the quarry to the building sight? The answer that is given is "Trees ". Now we all know of the famous ancient way of moving objects using the rolling method but Egypt is not exactly famous for it's abundance in timber, and the trees they do have would be crushed within minuets from the weight of the blocks. So there we have it, problem number one. It may be an appropriate time to point out, before we go any further, that the ancient Egyptians were without the wheel, simple pulley system or even steel tools.

Assuming they did manage to transfer the rocks, which I suppose, is slightly possible albeit over an incredible period of time they are still faced with the problem of actually forming the construction. Not only were the pyramids hundreds of feet high but also each individual block was hand carved in such away that they interlocked with each other. Modern craftsmen of today still marvel in disbelief at how this was achieved especially when you consider the primitive tools they were forced to work with. So how did they get the blocks (remember how much they weigh) higher and higher as the pyramids were being built? Again we have come up with an answer that again has obvious flaws. A form of ramp was build coinciding with the building of the pyramid. The ramp was build round the pyramid so blocks could be transported from bottom to top, unfortunately it has been calculated that the amount of work and rock to build the ramp would be greater than the work to build the pyramid it's self and in addition to that the debris that would be caused during the dismantlement is no where to be found.

This it's self is evidence enough to perhaps consider that it was not a primitive race that devised, planned and built these magnificent structures. In fact it would have taken a race superior to our own to achieve architecture of this complexity, especially when you consider the detail and the genius of the interior.

As we are all aware the pyramids are not visible from space but there is however a form of static electricity that emanates from them that is. This static is produced by a series of seven granite stones within the pyramid. These stones are placed about two inches above each other and have been given a name by our ancestors, they are now known as "Spirit Stones"

This energy was more stumbled upon rather than discovered where an archaeologist inside the structure sipped water from a bottle and felt the electrical charge. This raises the question why are the spirit stones there, what purpose do they serve? Because this "energy" is visible from space I believe that the pyramids could have been used as a form of navigation system, an ancient airport if you like, a way to guide shuttles to Earth.

This may now seem to be creeping into the realms of the unrealistic or even futuristic but like I say these are theories built and substantiated by scientific facts. Now this is where it becomes a little, how can I put it, unusual. You may know or have heard that each of the Great Pyramids are aligned with a star or star constellation and so there is no denying there is a connection to other planets. The pyramids on Earth are at a degree of 19.2 (the angle where longitude and latitude meet) and it has been know for some time although perhaps not widely that there is another planet very close by that has these same three structures at the same position, that planet is Mars.

Mars is a planet that mankind have had problems obtaining information about; over the years several failed attempts to get visual information have failed, all for unknown reasons. It has only been recently that we have discovered that there was at least at one point in time the necessary atmosphere and conditions on Mars which made it possible to sustain life. This combined with the Pyramids is almost too much to be coincidence, but if it is not enough then there is more.

We have spoke of the pyramids and of the Egyptians but not yet of the Sphinx. With a half man half feline face this remarkable structure looks over the pyramids and shows it's true age with the evidence of tidal marks on the lower part of the statue. Some of you may remember seven or eight years ago there were reports in the papers of a "Face on Mars" story and then we heard nothing of this what should of been a remarkable story, it just disappeared, then fobbed of as "a trick of light". This however was not the case and several other pictures taken by NASA aircraft from different angles showed the same image. The structures that can be found on Mars are certainly far older than the ones on Earth probably immeasurably older and because of that are slightly eroded, despite this they are still undeniably there.

I mentioned earlier that although I believe that it was not aliens that helped us to build the pyramids I did believe our answers were somewhere "not of this world". What I have been trying to put forward is that perhaps our history is a little vaster than we originally thought; maybe our origin is a little further a field. Ancient scriptures tell of a planet that like Earth has a rotational path. This planet is known by scientists as "Planet X", it's path crosses with Earth approximately every 2000 years and according to the scale that has been produced by examining the times Planet X has been documented and times when mankind has excelled in technology, Planet X is due to make a brief return sometime in the next 100 to 200 years. This I believe may now be desolate, a victim of it's own or more likely mankind's destruction but I do believe that it was once a home to mankind.

I believe it is possible that there are many planets not unlike Earth and Mars where a civilisation is living, moved on or has even died, why then you may wonder is our technology as limited as it is. Well if the reason we were put here was to save mankind from itself then it would be sensible not to leave the knowledge that bordered on destroying us, you could say than we can learn from our mistakes but I think it is probably fairer to say that mankind is far too greedy to do this. The greed for power and knowledge is what drives us, it is, if you like what makes us human. In the fear of sounding like an X-File the answers are somewhere here and the pyramids are an unknown entity, there are chambers within these structures we have not entered and probably others we yet to find, maybe, once we do it will be our turn to move...

Remember what I said earlier if it's possible to think of it now then it can’t be inconceivable that it's been done already!

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Re: Magic pizza

Quote edison228 &gt;Firstly take a look at where we are today, we are already half way to destroying our planet and within the relatively small time we have dominated Earth we have managed to not only partially destroy and overpopulate it we have also managed to and place a nuclear threat over every individuals head. Now think about this, if this planet reached a point whereby it was so volatile that sustaining life could no longer be guaranteed and we had the technology to leave this planet, move on and perhaps, find a "New Home, do you think we would do it? Yes of course we would. If this is possible for us to believe then what I am about to say cannot be dismissed as inconceivable

Creedo 299 answers comment&gt;No I must correct you there.
In the mid to late 1960s there was a movement in order to explore space, for the common man, however due to monetary budgets going to war-like devices and movements, these budgets were eaten up.

Earthbased man was stifled anyway and out plans to colonize and explore space were thwarted.

Out being lulled into a sense of complacency while we had overpopulatired which is the predicament are in now, was not in full part, Earthbased man's fault.We were directed this way by others as a plan?

Quote edison228 &gt;With an explanation of this magnitude it is difficult to know where and how to start, the best place is not always the most obvious or indeed the beginning. I am going to start with Darwin's theory of Evolution or "Natural Selection", this is again a commonly believed answer to another piece of the, if not unknown the unsure. Darwin stated that we, Homo sapiens evolved from Apes. Now if you happen to have a limited or perhaps suppressed imagination then this "theory" which may I remind you is all "it" is, may be the only conceivable explanation to the big question "where did we come from?" This has now become common belief and has been accepted across the globe that is with the exception of most if not all-religious quarters, which have to be commended for their original if not blinked train of thought.

Creedo 299 answers comment&gt;Technically what we are as an entire species, the product of an apelike creature and many differing strains of aliens genes.

Source book, Extraterrestrial Friends And Foes, by Geo C. Andrews, The Khyla Interview.

Quote edison228 &gt;If we look at the theory of evolution and the way it works we know when a species develops new "traits" which in turn helps it develop and become stronger, eventually the weaker member's of the species naturally die out creating a stronger more intelligent race (Natural Selection). Now think of how Darwin's theory looks, we have all seen it in books, you know the one where gradually the Ape magically metamorphous into a modern day man, nice story although unfortunately unacceptable for one simple reason. The reason evolution works even according to Darwin is that the stronger survives to allow the species to evolve further, which should mean each stage of mans evolution is no longer around. For that reason you will not anywhere on this planet find a Iron Age man so why therefore are our even older ancestors the Apes still around, they surely, according to evolution, should have been the first to go after all we are, allegedly, the updated versions.

Creedo 299 answers comment&gt;Our evolution was planned in steps, that that we would progress in certain steps, by many offworld concerns.Source Jacques Vallie:

Quote edison228 &gt;This energy was more stumbled upon rather than discovered where an archaeologist inside the structure sipped water from a bottle and felt the electrical charge. This raises the question why are the spirit stones there, what purpose do they serve? Because this "energy" is visible from space I believe that the pyramids could have been used as a form of navigation system, an ancient airport if you like, a way to guide shuttles to Earth.

Creedo 299 answers comment&gt;The Egyptians and other ancients had fraternized with aliens, however this was for the most part a hidden and not well known arrangement.Source Wendelle C. Steven's book UFO Contact From Itibi Rah, UFO Photo Archives Publishers Tucson AZ.

Quote edison228 &gt;Mars is a planet that mankind have had problems obtaining information about; over the years several failed attempts to get visual information have failed, all for unknown reasons. It has only been recently that we have discovered that there was at least at one point in time the necessary atmosphere and conditions on Mars which made it possible to sustain life. This combined with the Pyramids is almost too much to be coincidence, but if it is not enough then there is more.

Creedo 299 answers comment&gt;There are both ancient and modern settlements placed on Mars.

Some are hybrid beings, part Grays and others not well known.

There are some said covert U.S. Settlements hidden on Planet Mars, however entry is by special arrangement.

Source; Web hit, hidden alien bases.

Quote edison228 &gt;I mentioned earlier that although I believe that it was not aliens that helped us to build the pyramids I did believe our answers were somewhere "not of this world". What I have been trying to put forward is that perhaps our history is a little vaster than we originally thought; maybe our origin is a little further a field. Ancient scriptures tell of a planet that like Earth has a rotational path. This planet is known by scientists as "Planet X", it's path crosses with Earth approximately every 2000 years and according to the scale that has been produced by examining the times Planet X has been documented and times when mankind has excelled in technology, Planet X is due to make a brief return sometime in the next 100 to 200 years. This I believe may now be desolate, a victim of it's own or more likely mankind's destruction but I do believe that it was once a home to mankind

Creedo 299 answers comment&gt;Planet X is mentioned In Sitchin's book and is where the Heira complex from, within ancient Mesopotamian civilization.Planet X is currently within our closed area, close to the sun position as of now at

I do not know lineal approach, or whether this is a rotary approach.

People now reporting X in, are saying that this said planet is getting larger in their field of view now.

So I do not defiantly know the rate of approach?

Quote edison228 &gt;I believe it is possible that there are many planets not unlike Earth and Mars where a civilization is living, moved on or has even died, why then you may wonder is our technology as limited as it is. Well if the reason we were put here was to save mankind from itself then it would be sensible not to leave the knowledge that bordered on destroying us, you could say than we can learn from our mistakes but I think it is probably fairer to say that mankind is far too greedy to do this. The greed for power and knowledge is what drives us, it is, if you like what makes us human. In the fear of sounding like an X-File the answers are somewhere here and the pyramids are an unknown entity, there are chambers within these structures we have not entered and probably others we yet to find, maybe, once we do it will be our turn to move..

Creedo 299 answers comment&gt;For the most part we are used as a type of cattle with little regard for our feelings or safety.

Some are allowed to leave Earth, if this fits into someone's plan.

So you might say that there is little rhyme or reason to our existence here on Earth.

Signed Creedo 299X9 would-be pro-tem ambassador

Interesting ideas. But I suppose that if one were Egyptian, Nubian or Sudanese, rather than a Scot, one might take umberage with Western ideas about what one's ancestors were or weren't advanced enough to do without calling upon aliens.

Scotland is an ancient land...a land of many strange and ancient artifacts. Scots don't call upon aliens (or Englishmen) to explain those artifacts do they? No. They say that Scots built them.

Just a thought...

Even if this were true about aliens and their influence here on Earth, why would you want it to be so?

To me they are considered hitchhikers after being casted out of the heavenly realm!

They look like men, but of course they are not!!!

They tried to implement themselves with many genetic experiments using us, which inturn was the cause for the great flood!

A good example of their hostilities and influences over man kind, take a look at the surviving Great Pyramid of Giza. For what looks like it was several thousand years newly constructed by the Egyptians is falsely hidden to most Archeologist and Egyptologists. (just as you mention above in your posting.)

There are still many unanswered mysteries associated with the great pyramid left with numerous dead end hypothesis with no recorded instructions of how the Great Pyramid was build/constructed? Its clear to see beyond any reasonable doubt that the Great Pyramid is considerably older than estimated, and has been renovated many times over from post flood civilizations...Its original purpose misunderstood?

A good example of this is the mysterious tetragram that "ONCE" existed above the present entrance of the great pyramid in a triangular shaped stone. Carved on this stone were several symbols that are not identifiable as being any known ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. Infact to me they kind of resemble the markings associated with the Roswell crash...

It kind of looked like this: VO=O, but add another line to the equal sign making it three dashes and add two up and down lines in the middle of the last circle.

The V sign was meant to be an "arrow pointing down". The O is meant to say "open passage". The = three dashes represent "3 steps" and the last O with the up and down lines in the middle tell us its a "sealed passage". And to this day the passage remains sealed with tons of block...

The full interpreted message: Go down this open passage until you come to 3 steps there you will find a sealed passage...

If one goes down the descending passage they will find 3 steps located at the entrance to the ascending passage. The ascending passage is sealed by massive stone blocks. I think some time back in the 14th century, the Arabs first gained access to the ascending passage by digging around these blocks.

If the interpretation of the tetragram is correct, then the following possibility must be considered:

The symbolic writing that early historians said covered the faces of the pyramid could have been of a type of writing to which the symbols of the tetragram belong and thus, not of the hieroglyphical type that we know was used in ancient Egypt.

The supporting ledges of the 3rd ceiling (counting upward) of the 7 ceilings in the Grand Gallery, show signs of crude hammering. This was obviously done to remove some sort of carved inscriptions that ran the galleries length on both sides. Maybe the inscriptions were in the symbolic writing to which the symbols of the tetragram belong?

I guess no matter what type of inscriptions were on the walls of the Grand Gallery, the question still remains, why was such an effort made to remove the inscriptions?

Could it be that the pyramid contained some technology that could have an enormous effect over mankind? An Earth grid tool that could be used to have a strong effect over the environment and control us all, taking away our species freedoms of independence! No Edison not a navigation system or an ancient airport to guide shuttles to Earth, but rather a primordial language with stones that whisper and connect us throughout the universe!

I'd be surprised if you could understand that?

bah!!! no alien or angels have ever been to earth or built anything here.

so I guess you assume things like angkhor wat temple were made by aliens ,this building is just as majestic and wonderful as the pyramids ,with just as many architectual feats as stone henge, why not this building then?

why is the WTC something of man ,yet a pile of rocks is made by aliens,you would think the aliens would have used something nicer than local desert stone to construct their buildings,they have shown that these buildings can be made,yes its hard,but not impossible.

yeah yeah like everything for you morons its a big paranoid conspiracy or somethings hopelessly unsolvable, you cannot face reality, you cannot believe what is happening so you must create things to explain your uneducated view of the universe and reality, like ancient man your mind still ticks out local legend like an assembly line.

aliens have not been here,nor have they had anything to do with our evolution,wake up smell the coffee...the only alien here is MAN!

there is no alien conspiracy...there is no alien influence, it is false and found to be lacking, the beliefs of so many faulty minds, the ever dreaming perpetual brain, the weak flesh of soft goo that pumps blood through your body is making [censored] up...your mind is lacking it is weak it is not the end all and be all of evolution, it is just learning like everything else ...

Re: bah!

*&lt;&lt;Yeah-yeah and bah&gt;&gt;*

What’s a matter Xanadar, Cat got your tongue?

Sounds to me like your feeling shown up /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif and would like nothing better then to have those who know what their talking about, to shut up.

You might want to quit while your ahead… cause the TTA and CAT will not


oh jesus fucken christ you are the biggest moron on the planet.

cant you see?

XANADAR is a hoax...all the ideas and thoughts the concepts are false ,they never existed, there is no XANADAR there is no 8 year old daughter, no wife no ouija boards no gateways beyond jupiter , no secrets no myth.

you have believed like everything else in your life ,wholeheartedly and spoonfed the myths that other people feed you.

there is not a individual thought in your body ,beyond what people write in your crap new age religions and your alien x-files handbooks, your whole hearted belief in a book called the bible like wow man you were there in the times of jesus, can you not see the threads that make up the puppet???

the only real idea of XANADAR is that anyone can choose to believe itor make their own ideas of it,they can use whatever they want from it and let it become apart of their lives,because they choose to let these things become reality in their lives,you create your own demons and gods because you cant exist in this world alone ,you need the security that because things are falling apart in your own life that maybe its some other magical force controlling your destiny...all the time forfeiting your own free will. have the right idea,but it must be refined.get a grip on reality.take your pills ever so often ,it will be ok.

CAT...your fantasy world and tenuous grip on reality will be welcomed by many of the worlds people,as the saying goes " the idiots rule".cheerio are probably a nice guy,but get out take a walk outside ,maybe meet a girl get layed and forumalte your thoughts,think about what your saying and discard all the crap,you read to many weird books and know to much information about absolutely nothing,there is no alien controllers or atlantis conspiracys or planet X,there is people ,tropical islands and the moon...

anyone can write a book about ideas, anyone can take pictures of aliens...

reality is an illusion.
Re: bah!

Well Newbie...........thanks so much for your wonderful and fasanating insite, your brain is obviously far more developed than mine, this i guess would explian why you allow your children to talk to beings from another planet through a "board" that was created by man to explain somtheing (earthbound) that their small mass of grey matter could not comprehend.

I dont claim what I wrote to be fact and i certainly dont or wont live my life by it but it at least proves that i have an original train of thought and will not simply accept every theory that is put before me !

I do not think that Aliens have been to earth i beleive that it is possible that mankind could have been else where before here........and i am not sorry that your own personal "jesus" cant back this up !!!!

Cheers and what is up with this Arise thing...........?
I assume you already have your own little cult set up ?

Ed ideas are nothing to do with where i am from. I simply dont accept that it is possible for these structures to have been built using the technology we had back then. I dont think that Aliens bult them, i agree that it was mankind but mankind at a different stage of our development.

As gor the English remark, well, i am not sure what you mean by that Scotland and England are two seperate countries.

As a Scotsman i know the type of structures we have here (probably a good deal more than you do) and can safley say that there is nothing here that even slightly compares to the structures at have shown your ignorance by assuming that.


hey rockstar what part of hoax do you not understand?

I dont have any children nor any affiliation with ouija boards, XANADAR doesnt exist.

anyways I still dont believe yor half-baked theorys.

yeah so what about different stages of mankind, what is your point? like 100 years ago we werent as tall and didnt live as long did that make us any less mankind,or did it make us alien crossbreeds because most of humanity died at 42 years old.boing boing?!?!?!

of course the ancient egyptians were different they lived ina small little river valley thousands of years ago without knowledge of much the world, they were gathered togther with some leaders and made pyramids,it easy to figure out.

why does ancient for you guys imply stupid?

just because a group of humans existed 10.000 years ago doesnt make it that they were stupid and didnt know how to do things that we dont know how to do now,different civilizations were better at different things ,its not magic its not from space its not from mars ...its human nature to develop stuff in their world and create new mystery thought solved everyone back to bed.
Re: FOS!

So another words Xander, you cooked all this up and construed the biggest lie? What a gibbering witless gimp you are! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Your no better than Al Capone's business card that said he was a used furniture dealer!
World religion...

how does it make me a gimp to concoct a theory and a working model for a religion?

I will continue to preach the theory and religion of XANADAR in other circles. I am hoping to get more people involved in the idea/concept so in oder to create a phenomenon, I need more writers and artists/photographers to help me create this idea...wish me luck?

L.Ron.Hubbard here I come!!!
Re: World religion...

L. Ron Hubbard Haa Haa! At the sounds of your story, it couldn't raise a fart at a bring and buy sale!

You missed my point. Of course there are no structures in Scotland the size of even the oldest pyramids in Lower Nubia. But you do have, for instance, Dun Telve, Dun Troddan and Dun Beag. Yep - much smaller scale but they are points of Scot pride and cultural accomplishment.

If, rather than saying that someone other than the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids, I would say that aliens built Dun Telve (Troddan or Beag) thus suggesting by indirect reference that native Scots of the period were too ignorant and unsophisticated to accomplish the task I might get an argument from at least some Scots. I think that I would get a bit more than that. (Substitute "Englishmen" for "aliens" and I'd surely get more than my share of an argument...and a bit more.

Your point is well taken - I am ignorant of Scotland's culture. That's because I'm not a Scot, I don't live there and I was not educated there.

Now, using the same logic but from the point of view of an Egyptian, are people who cast doubt on their cultural accomplishments (who are not Egyptian, have not lived in Egypt and were not educated in Egypt) also showing their cultural ignorance?

And please don't get me wrong. I'm not throwing this thesis out to be contrary for the sake of contrarianism. It really does rub me wrong that modern western society (or at least a part of it) just can't accept that ancient cultures did what they did, as evidenced by the artifacts, but didn't need any special help from "someone or somewhere" else. It's a strange anti-anthropic philosophy that permeats the Web...very strange.
Re: Grog


Ok - we grok you.

A) Xanadar is childless, single and a hoaxer who did not admit in a public forum to felonious sexual misconduct with a child
B) You don't believe that the pyramids were built by ancient astronauts
C) The bible is a work of fiction

See? Your position can be stated rather succinctly and without a single inflamatory reference. How cool is that?

Now, is there any chance at all that you can continue your discourse without playing the part of a troll, using the word "f*ck" or any permutation thereof, or refering to members as being morons?

I do hope so. There is a glimmer of cogency of thought in a part of your posts but it tends to get lost in the troll clutter. Do your self a favor and go for the glimmer of cogency. Just a suggestion...
Re: ...

Ah man, I can’t even take a day off without there being the unveiling of a hoax’ter and me not being there to see it.

I hope that I can at least take some of the credit for it /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif since I did help in turning up the pressure.

That is after all, the TTA’s purpose. As it’s been with every other New Ager or person claiming to be a Time Traveler from the future. Get to the core of the story, make it difficult for them to lie, and eventually find the truth out.

I gotta say though, Edison and CAT, you both did exceptional jobs of being the TTA while I was away.

As for me having the right idea and ever fearing you or your supposed Alien Master, I am the TTA /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif of course I have the right idea. There would be no reason to fear something like New Age doctrine or demonic spirits, only if others follow it and believe it though.

As for L.R.H. I know all about the Xenu theory and OT III, and false religious notions it entails.

They are not happy with the TTA either
but what group or New Ager be when exposed?

See ya,


Darby thou art retarded!!!

Can you not see what was happening?

how easily you guys fell into my story,believed every word hanging on a thread of hope that it is all true , no ENFORCER you had nothing to do with breaking the story, CAT/DARBY/EDISON you can store your imagination in a bag ,you had nothing to do with breaking the story.

what proof do you have that it isnt true?

what proof that it is real?

once again you take what I say to be of whole truths...once again XANADAR is ressurected!!!
Re: Grok up your, so you had better......?

Oh sh*t-head' you don't know what you just said.

Darby is anything but retarded, plus citizens with downs syndrome, are sometimes fifty percent more reliable, than regular people on the job.

Stoe that crap, would you?!

To Darby:What Xanadar, or whatever he is, has tripped upon, is that there is a super-dimensional doorway near Jupiter.

One of the moons of Jupiter gives off tremendous amounts of electrical energy, however they don't know why it does this?

I think Xanadar coming out with at'least some level of reliable information about one of Jupiter's moons should beg the question; "What function does this particular moon have and if there is an one-dimensional doorway there, what is its purpose and how does this work?

On Art Bell, there was a telling about this moon not long ago.

In AWST magazine, there was a very brief, however questioning article, about one of these moons around Jupiter and if I recall the force of the E that was coming out, was in the terra-watt range?

Some awesome amount of power, that was very, very great.

Leave Darby alone.

He had paid for his sins and is like everyone else here.

Let him alone or you'll catch our wrath, plus TOS rules and you'll wish you hadn't Xanadar...?

Get the message?
Re: Grok!


Say what you will about Darby &amp; Creedo, but leave CAT and Edison out of this. They are new and have not been here long enough to have read every post in your threads. Therefore, excuse them for picking up on the discussion where it left off. They did nothing wrong by asking critical questions on the information you supplied.

And according to you because they so asked, that makes them falling for false data? They didn’t fall for anything, only questioned it as it’s meaning were hypothetically possible. Of course no one here can truly know and say for sure if something is true. That’s why it’s a forum, and that is why there are discussions.

However, that doesn’t mean questions about it can’t be raised.

The distinction if someone does fall for something someone says, would only be if the person was taking steps in adjusting their lives according to what they believed was real.

Leave that to Darby and Creedo to do that.

The TTA has always been who he is, and there is a high level of skepticism to his personality that he is immune by claims of people of this nature. His only concern and reason for questioning what is given (for example people like you), is for the fact that he does not wish to have others fall into believing in the B.S. that is given.

As how your so @$$holishly pointing out those who do.

So thank you for being such a fine example of that

Re: Grok!

I have nothing against you ENFORCER, lets have a fresh start?

I dont have anything agaisnt anyone here, I just dont agree with many people, and I question everything.