Sorry if this sounds totally stupid....


Chrono Cadet
I debated posting this in claims, but I'm not "claiming" to have traveled in time...

Something weird is going on, though. Over the past few months, my life has begun to be "less familiar" to me.

1. My job. My coworkers are people I know and everything, but, I just feel unfamiliar. The best way to describe the feeling would be; say you worked at Applebees, and you changed Applebees locations. Your job would be familiar to you, but different. That's how I feel at work everyday.

2. My personal life. My family is still there, doing what it is they do. But, there are differences. I don't want to get into TMI areas, but my, umm, "really personal" life has taken some surprising turns over the last few weeks, again, giving it that "different Applebees" feel.

3. Other stuff. My car. My possessions. My clothes. All of this stuff has the same kind of "Applebees" feeling as well.

I have been lurking here for awhile, and thought, "Hey, maybe it's possible that I left one reality and entered another." Or maybe a time traveller has interfered with my life.

I could also be going totally mental. Some of these feelings would be consistent with paranoid schizophrenia. I don't "feel" like I'm going mental.

From what I've seen, some of y'all are pretty creative and open minded about possibilities. Some of y'all are strong critical thinkers. Some of y'all are total loons.

I'd be interested in hearing from any of you.
From what I've seen, some of y'all are pretty creative and open minded about possibilities. Some of y'all are strong critical thinkers. Some of y'all are total loons.

I will put on the third hat, for now, and just suggest this:

Stop eating the food at Applebees for awhile. Every time I ate there I was disappointed, if not also getting an upset stomach. No telling what bad food can do to your noggin!

Hmmm...well, I do not know your age, but given the description of yourself and situation you say "your family" as in you are married and may have children. So I assume you are not 16-20 years old. I believe I would rule out the Schizophrenia unless you have been experiencing auditory hallucinations, disorganized speech, and things like that. Everybody can be a bit paranoid at times, especially if they begin to feel a bit weird.

I believe you may need a moment of self reflection and try to remember where and when you began to have these feelings. Did your work place start to become strange first, was it your family and friends who seemed strange first or what?

Are you where you want to be or thought you would be at this point in your life? Are you truly happy with your job, family, etc? Have any bad news recently, family member or friend die recently, have a child recently?

Honestly sounds to me like you have a bit of underlying depression with a touch of anxiety and you may not even know it because you do not recognize how it can effect you, what I like to call a state of "Blaahh". Just go see your GP to rule our anything serious.

Stop eating the food at Applebees for awhile. Every time I ate there I was disappointed, try Outback, I always have good food there /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
[A little bio: I'm 35, have two children, am married]

I'm not dissatisfied with how things are going, don't get me wrong. It just seems like some sort of vacation or something.

Let me get a little more "sci-fi" with it:

Suppose you were in a room, and in that room was a couch and coffee table. The date is 12 Apr 2010.

You leave the room, to go to the kitchen for a glass of water. While you are in the kitchen, time travellers go to 12 Apr 2009, and replace the couch with an easy chair.

When you return from the kitchen, the room now has an easy chair and a coffee table in it. You know that, because as far as you're concerned, that's how it's been since at least 2009.

But, something in the back of my mind STILL remembers the couch. That might be better than the Applebees analogy.
Well, if you were talking to a new-age person, they would probably say that you are "ascending" into a new reality. They believe that many are "vibrating" at different wavelengths and will "emerge" in a higher dimension.

If you were talking to a psychologist, they would probably agree with one of your assessments--that you are having a "mental" episode. Their suggestions, of course, would amount to drugs and therapy. In other words, YOU are the problem.

If you were talking to a priest, then a bunch of hail Mary's, penance, (and a nice donation to the cause) would probably do you a lot of good (from their point of view, of course). A few "Our Father's" wouldn't hurt either.

If you were talking to a Muslim, of course, suicide would definitely be an option. Seventy-two virgins would definitely pick up anybody's life.(thats 72 virgins in 72 different cities, by the way--and probably in 72 countries). At least, that's how the Palestiian-turned-Christian lawmaker in the Netherlands states it.

If you were talking to a drug addict, they would very definitely want some of what you are using. Their response would probably be something like: "Hey man, I spend hundreds of dollars every week for the same experience. You gotta show me how to do it."

If you were talking to ME, I would probably tell you that you would not be NORMAL if you were NOT feeling these things. We are in a truly messed up world with so many contradicting avenues of "escape", it is a wonder that anybody can function normally in today's world. There used to be a future that we could all look forward to with some assurance that there would BE a future. Nobody living today has that assurance. Doom is facing us in a multitude of ways and we have NO IDEA how to deal with it. Everything seems to be coming to a head. Uncertainty is rampant. There are few, if any, heroes to emulate and justice is fallen in the streets. With "mens hearts failing them for fear of what is coming upon the earth", it is no wonder that what previously was "enough" for us to go on as if nothing was happening, is now giving us an "odd" feeling about everything we do. Nothing seems to hold the same value as before. Foods we used to love are now not giving us that satisfaction (and feelings of contentment). Although we can cope and maybe even enjoy "change", the changes going on are too much for many to handle. Answers are hard to come by and solutions even harder. Nothing is black and white anymore. Nothing is sacred anymore. Even the little things we took for granted (like boys and girls bathrooms and other gender specific outlets) are under attack by the "civil libertarians" as discriminatory. Poor little Johnny at 12 years old (who used to be Joanna before his/her sex operation) feels discriminated against because he/she cannot go into the boys bathroom.

What I am saying in a nutshell is that there is a thousand and one things that identify why we are experiencing this "shift in consciousness". Most people don't feel prepared for whatever is coming--and many believe that something big is coming. The anticipation and fear of it can bring even the strongest to their knees--and there are some who believe (like myself) that this is EXACTLY the intended reason for all that is happening. There is a point at which we cannot shut our eyes and ears any longer. One person dies and we mourn their passing. Ten people die and we are shocked at the tragedy. A hundred people die and it becomes more than we can incorporate into our thinking. A thousand people die and we are infuriated at the senselessness of it. Millions die and we simply put it out of our minds. It is inconceivable. It is such a horror that it affects our very being. We cannot grieve for it, explain it, solve it. It is an open sore that is eating away at us. Our very human nature and the spirit that gives our lives spark becomes diminished. We cannot but feel guilt by association.

We are going through birth pangs. It is not pleasant, but we FEEL it. It is better than feeling nothing. We are in woe and tribulation, and in deep denial of it. We can only fool ourselves for so long. We are now waking up and many are finding that they do not REALLY belong here. We are strangers in a strange land and it is some part of ourselves that is trying to tell us that things are not right. There are just as many light receptors in our stomach cells as there are in our brain. Some say even more. The point is: sometimes you have to trust your gut is telling you the truth and your brain is diverting you AWAY from the truth because it is just too hard to accept.
So let's see if this is right. ddsilver is in the air force, and eyecare74 is in the navy. Is there a reason for a military presence on this site?
ddsilver is in the air force, and eyecare74 is in the navy

Not exactly, I work for the Department of Defense under the Department of the Navy. I was however enlisted in the Marine Corps when I was on active duty. What I do however in the DoD is not something I regularly discuss.
Not exactly, I work for the Department of Defense under the Department of the Navy. I was however enlisted in the Marine Corps when I was on active duty. What I do however in the DoD is not something I regularly discuss.
Since this is not a regular site, would you like to discuss it? Is it time travel?
Since this is not a regular site, would you like to discuss it? Is it time travel?

Nahh, I rather like my job and would prefer not to lose it. When people ask what I do for a living I just simply tell them it is medical research. This statement is a fact. Or I just say I'm a DoD official, which is also a fact.

lol, but no it is not time travel :D

And also I prefer the lovely bloomin onion and some of that pumpernickel bread with soft butter
Hi eyecare74 and ddsilver,

Feel free to monitor or just have a chat for fun stuffs here.

No timeline terrorist in this board.

Sorry to hear that a US ally polish president with all his top government officials including the military chief of Poland all died together in a Russian plane crash.

Some news said the black boxes are recovered and the crash was caused by "human error"... Pilot ignore warnings from airport traffic control centre and crash the plane onto the ground.

Detail news link is posted to the "Conspiracy board" in this forum.

History will tell what was going on.

May they rest in peace.
Ok soooo...what is this coming event you refer to?

Is it possible that the very concept of an "event," as we commonly refer to it, is incapable of describing what Eliakim is getting at? For example, do quantum "events" follow a linear (and therefore predictable) pattern? Is it even a requirement that this "event" would appear to everyone the same way?

Perhaps one might think "Tower of Babel" but for our "modern age?" (How did I do, Eliakim?) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
The Tower of Babel analogy would fit quite well. There is definitely a polarization going on--on a multitude of levels. It is especially observable in large organizations such as the electorate, for example. Elections in today's world often involves a difference of just a few percentage points in almost every single election event--and in most cases, there are a variety of single-issue criteria that determines on which side of the divide that is usually artificially created by the well-defined methods based on long experience as to how people think and act. Organizational behavior is well-documented and outlined. Just looking at the "community organizing" skills developed by Obama via radical "left-wing" media experience shows just how effective this can be. It catapulted him right to the presidency on nothing but "promises and words" and "doublespeak" right out of Orwell's book 1984.

The "event" is very specific in my view, but very difficult to define. It's almost like the statement made by a physicist about the standard model that I've mentioned here before. What bothers scientists the most about the standard model is that there is a "flaw" that keeps the model from being "beautiful". He went on to say that it was an "aesthetic flaw" and that we don't really know if there is truly an answer or that we are even intelligent enough to figure it out--BUT, if we don't have "faith" that there is an answer and that we are smart enough to discover it, it will never happen. It is at that magnitude. Immovable objects are facing irresistable forces with the problems we face today. Status quo only works for so long. Nature abhors a vacuum I once read. Nature is leading us down this road to an "event" of Biblical proportions. The world war we are fighting right now is like no war ever waged and we are virtually defenseless against its relentless guerilla tactics. Entire armies and weapon systems go literally unused because of this strange war we are fighting. Anarchy and chaos are the result--and the aim.

It really all boils down to hope. There is very little of it left. Surprisingly, there is a simple explanation, but few would believe it. We have been hypnotized, in the most subtle of ways to take leave of our senses. I see it all the time in the media, in the movies and on tv. Our morals are slowly being degraded until we do not even notice or feel that what we are observing is not "normal" in any sense of the word. "By beholding, we become changed." I once beheld the "method" used by pedophiles to lower the abhorence of "straights". It usually started with one guy, one girl. Then it stared getting kinky with a third of either gender and eventually several--with some of the participants getting younger and younger. At some point, a child would be introduced after the "biases" were removed. This is rampant in our society and it is just one aspect of the changing "mores" of society. Fifty years ago, you would be prosecuted and jailed for aborting your child. Today, it is legal to abort a child just before it is born and if it survives the prcedure, it is legal to just let it die alone like an animal. This did not come about overnight. It took concerted effort with a definite agenda. Again, this is just one small part of the "agenda" we are facing today.

Regardless of whether we are "aware" of what is going on around us, we automatically record every single event. This has an effect on our bodies and minds. Our bodies are "wonderfully made" and designed with very specific "receptors" in the brain and in our bodies cells that "remembers" everything but it gets filtered out of our conscious simply because the vast amount of information bombarding us. I was just reading recently how just our eyes alone take about 2000 snapshots every second and filter that down to 40 or 50 so that we can identify our environment at a variety of wavelenghts. The rest of the snapshots are recorded and stored. All of this information affects us--even when we are not conscious of it. Just as the planet has tectonic plates grinding against each other, we have our own version of tectonic plates that can produce the same kinds of effects that the OP was talking about. There is nothing supernatural about it. To me, it is SUPER natural. All truly important things usually are. The "event" thus, will be SUPER natural. It may even have something to do with the weak magnetic shield, an increasing build-up of gamma rays getting through to us as a result of the interaction we are experiencing with an anomolous interstellar cloud we are passing through with a "ribbon" of electromagnetism that is baffling scientists right now, and the prediction by some scientists that we are "at risk" of evolving becasue of these gamma ray bursts which are known to cause genetic mutation. These are all unprecedented things to us in this particular period of space/time. (hey, I mentioned time) It really is exciting to watch and participate in these epochal events. No one in history has seen the severe changes we are going through right now. We are in severe futureshock. If you get the chance, read Future Shock by Alvin Toffler. It is a literal condition, AND, it is NOT totally stupid.
Maybe me need to look and think about more beautiful things. When the tv has something bad on turn it off.

People in other societies and times would definetly judge us by their own societies standards. I wonder how our society would look today by washington or abraham lincoln..or even moses. ?