Hi, I forget how I came across this idea however it has potential, that is why I am posting it in this forum, perhaps someone here can expand on it. This idea is difficult to explain, but I shall try my best, feel free to email me if you have questions. The basic idea is, if you were to promise yourself that you would come back in time, to a specific point (e.g. right now) wouldn't the future you walk in the door? If I were to document the exact time I was writing this post, and pass it down to all my descendents (assuming time travel is realized in the distant future) and one of my descendents receives it and uses the technology to come back in time to the precise time I had written, wouldn't he appear right now?? Shouldn't we have time travel right now? I can't think of any better way to write the idea down it word, please email me to discuss! (or just reply... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif )