Something interesting to think about...


Temporal Novice
Hi, I forget how I came across this idea however it has potential, that is why I am posting it in this forum, perhaps someone here can expand on it. This idea is difficult to explain, but I shall try my best, feel free to email me if you have questions. The basic idea is, if you were to promise yourself that you would come back in time, to a specific point (e.g. right now) wouldn't the future you walk in the door? If I were to document the exact time I was writing this post, and pass it down to all my descendents (assuming time travel is realized in the distant future) and one of my descendents receives it and uses the technology to come back in time to the precise time I had written, wouldn't he appear right now?? Shouldn't we have time travel right now? I can't think of any better way to write the idea down it word, please email me to discuss! (or just reply... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif )

Hello Saylor,

Well, I can think of lot's of reasons why it might not work that way. Maybe, in the future, when time travel is possible (?) there is some law that one can not confirm this fact for the people in the past because it might alter the future. Or maybe, there is only one future in which time travel is possible, say that the possible inventor on one time line dies a strange death of influenza because he didn't get a flue shot, so time travel is not invented, for that time line. If time has infinite or near infinite possibilities, different outcomes from the future could unduly influence different presents.

The fun about such an idea is the paradox of it. I enjoy taking my mind through such journeys of the "Possible" like science fiction!

I try to read whatever I can get my hands on about time and physics and the like. It feeds that curiousity!!

The appropriateness of chance is astounding.
Re: Subjective Present Time

Friend Saylor

Although it does sounds pretty interesting it will not take place, at least not like that. In order for it to work you must establish a subjective present, that is the moment that you yourself travelled in time for the first time. With such Subjective present established then you can move back and visit your pastself,this will introduce the event paradox that will then perpetuate the promise made. Then the ever expanding paradox that this will create will be outstanding.

Until later becomes now.
Hello Saylor, try not to imagine "time" as a something that moves or that you move through. Time is interwoven into space, as you know, and the two must be thought of together. Furthermore, to "time-travel" is to "space-travel". Imagine a "cloud" of possibilities all occupying your current "now-location". You may only operate in one possibility (potentiality) even though there is an infinite superposition of all other possibities. In the quantum world, the other "nows" that coexist with your current now may not necessarily correspond to the "now" that you familiar with although it it a perfectly valid "now" wherever it exists. Additionally, the other "wheres" may not correspond to any known "where" that you are familiar with.

"Time-travel" entails shifting (don't ask) to a facet of the multiverse that roughly corresponds to your universe but at a "later" or "earlier" "now".

This solves the "grandfather paradox" in the sense that you can "go back" to prevent your grandparents from meeting and still not negate your existense because, in the universe from which you began, your grandparents actually DID meet, just not in the one to which you traveled.
Hello Robin,

For some reason while reading your response to Saylorcb's post, I got an image in my mind of a multifaceted gem or crystal. (I am trying not to make this sound flakey), but for some reason, the image of light entering a crystal and being bent through the prism, and then exiting at a different vector came to mind. Kind of in an abstract way, trying to visualize how one might "shift" or one's stationary path might be bent, so to speak.

Very intriguing!

The appropriateness of chance is astounding.
Intriguing indeed! Actually, a "cloud" or "crystal" is probably not very accurate. If you imagine universes side by side, a single particle would look sort of like a string extending through each universe. Now, collapse all of the side-by-side universes into one "locale" and you have a super-position of unverses with our trans-universal particle also collapsed into one "locale". Now here is the truly beatiful thing: vibrate this particle/string and you get -- that's right -- a wave! Each trough and crest of the wave represents sympathetic energy fluctuations -- much like like sympathetic harmonics on a violin or guitar string. This is a simple picture of why sub-atomic particles behave like particles and waves dependending on how they are measured. Beauty!
Man, my typing sucks in the above post! My apologies. Here is the "clean" post.

Intriguing indeed! Actually, a "cloud" or "crystal" is probably not very accurate. If you imagine universes side by side, a single particle would look sort of like a string extending through each universe. Now, collapse all of the side-by-side universes into one "locale" and you have a super-position of universes with our trans-universal particle/string also collapsed into one "locale". Now here is the truly beatiful thing: vibrate this particle/string and you get -- that's right -- a wave! Each trough and crest of the wave represents sympathetic energy fluctuations -- much like the sympathetic harmonics on a violin or guitar string. This is a simple picture of why sub-atomic particles behave like particles and waves depending on how they are measured. Beauty!

There! I feel better.
Saylor, Robin and Persephone,

What you are seeing is known as Continuous Creation: A Fruit Tree Yielding Fruit whose Seed is In Itself Genesis 1.11

Look here, If you cant access this web site that I supplied go in under scroll down and click into Torus knot.

If you look furture into it and search the rest of the web site I supplied you will find that this very image of thought in its mathematical whole is non other than the MERKABA...THE VERY GATE OF TIME TRAVEL ITSELF...
