"Something big is going to happen very soon"


Temporal Novice
\"Something big is going to happen very soon\"

We all know this, we've all known this for a long time, and we've known it'l be sometime on or around 2011 - 2013

Posts on a local forum (this forum has nothing to do with time travel or predictions, it is a general gay forum etc) about "I feel something big is going to happen" or "I feel like things are going to change" have started appearing, and not just on this forum. they have started appearing everywhere by different people

Are people 'waking up' or something, i've known this for years & years (yes before 2000) but my feelings have increased. Was Timeline_39 right? or can anyone shed some light (or space) on the subject.

Re: \"Something big is going to happen very soon\"

We all know this, we've all known this for a long time, and we've known it'l be sometime on or around 2011 - 2013

Posts on a local forum (this forum has nothing to do with time travel or predictions, it is a general gay forum etc) about "I feel something big is going to happen" or "I feel like things are going to change" have started appearing, and not just on this forum. they have started appearing everywhere by different people

Are people 'waking up' or something, i've known this for years & years (yes before 2000) but my feelings have increased. Was Timeline_39 right? or can anyone shed some light (or space) on the subject.


This has nothing to do with time travel, and you even admitted as much. Hence, I am going to move this to the Off Topic forum. Please try to get your posts in the right forum. Thanks.
Re: \"Something big is going to happen very soon\"

If something big does happen, I predict it will take everyone by surprise. People actually have a low percentage rate in really predicting the future. As a test, and I've tried this, write out in detail all of the events of your day tomorrow and see how accurate it is. We see in a straight line, but time runs on a curve. As some soldiers like to say, you never hear the bullet that is going to hit you, just the ones that miss. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: \"Something big is going to happen very soon\"

Something very big is going to happen...soon...very soon

If something big does happen, I predict it will take everyone by surprise.

OMG! Not the Cubbies? Say it ain't so.
Re: \"Something big is going to happen very soon\"


So Chaos, you actually believe that during a particular 36 month period of time something will happen that some people will believe is "big" and that things will change and not stay the same? And you're going way, way, way out on a limb to make a public prediction of this?

All I can say is "wow". There are risk takers and then there are risk takers.
Re: \"Something big is going to happen very soon\"

We all know this, we've all known this for a long time, and we've known it'l be sometime on or around 2011 - 2013

Posts on a local forum (this forum has nothing to do with time travel or predictions, it is a general gay forum etc) about "I feel something big is going to happen" or "I feel like things are going to change" have started appearing, and not just on this forum. they have started appearing everywhere by different people

Are people 'waking up' or something, i've known this for years & years (yes before 2000) but my feelings have increased. Was Timeline_39 right? or can anyone shed some light (or space) on the subject.


Well chances are your wrong. And, even if you were right it would be just another normal event in the universe. According to our universe man is no more special than any other life or object. Everything lives and everything dies. And, matter is created and destroyed. So what? There is some folks around that predicted the end of man by 2012 or 2013. But, if you studied history there has been hundreds and hundreds of dates predicted in the past when man or earth was suppose to be destroyed. So, what makes your claim any more special? Nothing. Good luck to you though.
Re: \"Something big is going to happen very soon\"

OMG! Not the Cubbies. Say it ain't so!

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Bigger than that!

Bigger than

But even Bigger than that. Bigger than...


Bigger than...


Even Bigger!


That's Not BIG enough...


But Even THAT isn't BIG Enough.

Bigger than:


That starting to get close.. but not quite close enough. I have to spend more time on this to think of something BIG enough!
Re: \"Something big is going to happen very soon\"

I have to spend more time on this to think of something BIG enough!

Oh, no! Oh, dear Gawd, no. The Clippers win the 2010 NBA championship.

Alternate and nearly as BIG: The Clippers win 41 games in 2010.
Re: \"Something big is going to happen very soon\"

Oh, no! Oh, dear Gawd, no. The Clippers win the 2010 NBA championship.

Alternate and nearly as BIG: The Clippers win 41 games in 2010.

Yep. That certainly would be big enough to cause me to believe Rael is Real
and get me to worship that guy! I would have no faith left in mankind if suddenly the Clippers began playing better than college pickup hoops.

I get chills even thinking about it. Yep, THAT could cause a polo shift! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Re: \"Something big is going to happen very soon\"

Posts on a local forum (this forum has nothing to do with time travel or predictions, it is a general gay forum etc) about "I feel something big is going to happen" or "I feel like things are going to change" have started appearing, and not just on this forum. they have started appearing everywhere by different people

Are people 'waking up' or something, i've known this for years & years (yes before 2000) but my feelings have increased. Was Timeline_39 right? or can anyone shed some light (or space) on the subject

The subject, and similar topics, are everywhere you turn. On televison, radio, and of course, is a popular topic around the internet. IF you are someone that likes to stay informed through various media's, you can't help but be exposed to tales of doom.

What kind of pyschological effects this constant barrage may have on people ? I think that it develop's a sense of something "big" is going to happen, on a global scale. It's a sales pitch, nothing more.

On a micro scale, the same thing occurs when you go to the market, why is it said NOT to go to the market to buy food if you're hungry ? And how much food(?)is purchased by millions of people that "don't really need it", but are influenced to buy because of a media blitz ? This includes numerous marketing methods, all created to cause people to react to specific triggers.

Why do you think Coca-Cola has such a large presence in the marketplace ? Do you ever stop to consider the psychological methods used by Coca-Cola has something to do with their sales ?

Same with Budweiser. No matter what sports game you go to, that name and symbol is everywhere. The constant barrage has allowed Bud to become a common name, and if you're not sure what beer you're going to buy when you go shopping, Budweiser will provide you with brand recognition, and the odds are this will be the choice you make.

That both Coca-Cola and Budweiser run aggressive advertising campaigns, that has brought them a high level of success, can't be argued, can it ?

These "Doom-events" aren't new. Humanity has experienced "doom" scenario's since the beginning of time. That we face adversity isn't all that un-common. To "market" the idea that "something big" is going to happen, uses the most basic of psychological triggers known: Fear and Survival.

I'm sure there are many more "triggers" that could be added onto the list.

Now, granted, there "seems" to be some interesting components to this "something big" event around 2012. Many prophecies seem to coincide as far as an "end-of-time" date. Various Native American Prophecies, the "Pope Prophecy", and many others.

The question then become how much validity these Prophecies have ?

If we first look at the Native American Prophecies, an important fact to keep in mind is that the Native American's are hesitant to "share" exactly what their spiritual belief's are in-detail. Also, the Native Amwerican's pass along stories, or an account of "things" verbally. This creates an opportunity to embelish the story and to also alter any story, including "Prohecies" to fit any particular time period.

Written accounts of "all" these stories are rare, and the only one's that really exist are relatively modern versions. This is a result of other's ( Non-Native American's ) recording what is being said.

Are they really accurate ?

We don't know, and it has been a frustration for those who try to record the stories, including the Prophecies, since the the details seem to change. It depends on "who" is doing the telling, and to "whom" they are being told too.

The "something big" is going to happen, or the dynamics of can be illustrated by crossing over a Native American burial ground. This is an extreme violation of what many Native American's hold onto as sacred. Thus, we have "stories" of "bad" things that will happen to anyone who violates this sacred tradition, and walks through and across the burial ground.

I can guarantee that if you listen to the stories of what will happen to you "before" you go, that when it is a dark night, with a full moon, that as you cross the burial gorund, you indeed will feel as though "something big" is about to happen to you.

The story tellers planted a seed, and this seed will blossom once your mind is given the opportunity to nuture these tales of woe as you knowingly violate this sacred tradition.

Even in our modern society, with all the knowledge and technology, almost everybody has the heebie-jeebies going into a graveyard at night. And to even think about crossing an ancient Native American burial ground causes a little bit of a fearful reaction...based on what ?

This Niribu, or most 2012 tales are similar in dynamics.

If we look at the 2012 Calendar, many people are basing the "end-of-times" on the Mayan artifact...yet, if we go to "the source", and ask the Mayan's themselves, whom obviously would understand it far better than a fringe-science author, they themselves are saying that the Calender does not claim in any way that the world is coming to a "physical end" , but merely is a beginning of a new cycle of time. Not as the propaganda would suggest, which sells alot of books, movies, and other incidentals, but is a "symbolic" event, not an actual physical event.

These Mayan people don't have books to sell, and don't have the same exposure as do the doom sayers, so their voices are all but silenced.

I would doubt that Timeline-39 is correct, if you really look at the sources involved. That some sort of unknown planet(oid) is going to sweep past the Earth and cause a pole-shift...who is doing the telling ?

A Time Traveler from the future ?

Ok...as has been suggested elsewhere, the only reason why we can't see this mysterious Niribu, is because it is hidden behind the Sun.

Give this claim some thought...

I don't suppose it has occured to these "doom" people that we have something called " spacecraft" that are fully capable of seeing what's behind the Sun.

Of course, it could be said that "several" governments are keeping this information a "secret", which is hilarious, I have yet to meet "any" politician's that can keep a secret. Even if by some sort of fluke, the government "did" manage to keep the fact that there is a planet hidden behind the Sun, a secret, the protagonist's seem to have forgotten the hundreds of Observatory's that exist all around the globe, who also have the capability to see objects in space. To keep those Astronomers within the circle of secrets, becomes even more unlikely.

THEN, there are thousands of Astronomy buff's around the world, that also are able to accomplish all kinds of astronomical feats, as part of thier hobby...so now we are saying that all these thousands of Astronomy hobbyists are also keeping a secret ?

That they don't see this "hidden" Niribu ? Yeah, sure thing.

To take photographs of celestial objects, one has to work calculations of where to point the camera, which is attached to a telescope. Any large object will exert it's influence on anything else that is even somewhat near...that would mean to set up your equipment, and to photograph an object, would have problems IF there was a Niribu orbiting out there in the Solar System.

I have yet to read of any of these Astronomy folks having problems with the calculations of where to point their equipment, and capture objects within our Solar System on film. And this goes for making sure the telescope tracks an object for various durations of time. IF some sort of Niribu was approaching, or was moving towards Earth, these tracking calculations would also be flawed.

Not only that, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people that are researching various cultural markers that indicate when particular season's are coming...such as when to plant the seeds, or travel elsewhere in preparation for any one of the seasons. I have yet to hear any of those reasearchers claiming that the Astronomical "markers" used by these cultures don't seem to work anymore.

AND in addition to that...how many people still are capable of navigating by the night sky. Most able seamen have that skill, and none of them have really reported any anomalies that would certainly have begun to appear IF a planet(oid) has entered into our Solar System.

Unless, all these thousands, if not millions of people are all in on "the secret".

What is more likely:

1) Timeline-39 is from the future ? With millions of people keeping a secret ?


2) Everything pointed out above ?

Some links to read what you have read about around the web, and the "reality" behind the "stories" being told:

Niribu Collision

Since you asked about Timeline-39, his entire thread is based upon this Nibiru coming...yet, as you can plainly see for yourself, there is NO Nibiru coming. Common Sense even says so, if anyone bothered to "really" look into the sources involved.

Some photos or videos are floating around U-Tube. Wow, like there aren't computer programs available to alter the film, and add objects that aren't really there ? The Haitian UFO U-Tube Video is a prime example of this type of "stunt". So many people believed the film footage to be real, until it was discovered that the creator of the film was a special effects guy for the film industry.

What is there a skilled computer graphic artist "can't" do ?

Most of the other time travelers, here and elsewhere, have not ever said anything new and revolutionary. As I pointed out in my Thoth the Time Traveler Candidate Thread(s), at least Thoth is said to have been the father of numerous sciences.

I have yet seen any so-called time traveler who has said or done anything that even comes close to the mythical Thoth/Hermes.

Everything that these so-called time travelers has said, is stuff that has floated around the harbor for "years". Nothing is really new, although, it may seem to be presented as such.

If you ever do "any" background investigations of psychics, most of them turn out to be just excellent with people reading skills. They don't see into the future, but are able to adeptly gather enough information to create a plausible scenario that is easily bought by the readee.

Houdini spent quite a bit of time looking for a "real" psychic, yet, never seemed to be able to find one.

Then we have the folks willing to pay a million dollars to anyone that could prove they were psychic, yet, for "years" no one has received the million dollars, no one as of yet, able to prove they are psychic.

Granted, that maybe there are psychic's that are "real", and will not flaunt their abilities just to earn some cash. However, to think that "all" of them would hold to that ideal, is foolish. People like Sylvia Brown, already makes a ton of money from her "abilities", so why would she want to be put through any tests that would end her career ?

I don't remember the name, but I'm sure some people can remember the late night commercials for a psychic reading. That lady raked in thousands, if not millions, of dollars before people found out she was a fake.

The other favorite doom scenario is some sort of virus.

This also has been discussed through the ages. There always seems to be some sort of "bug" floating around. The swine flu has the stage at the moment, but I remember when the West Nile Virus had center stage for quite awhile, as did "Mad-Cow" disease.

Many others have had their moment's in the spotlight, and many more will take a place on center stage in the future.

To claim that a virus is coming, is a given. They have come before, and probably will come again, but nobody really knows "when". Any dates given, are merely guesses.

Surely you can see that anybody could provide a "prediction", especially if the range of the event is rather vague. For me to make a prediction that an asteriod will strike the Earth between 2000 - 2020 is just as much a prediction as seen here so far. Good luck proving me wrong, and I don't "really" know anything anybody else doesn't know. With a 20 year window, I might get lucky...would you then believe me to be from the future ?

However, if I said that an Asteriod would strike the Earth, May 15th, on the East Coast of Africa, at 12:15 A.M., and provided Latitude and Longitude of the strike point before it happened, then I would expect homage as a "real" time traveler, and you should give it.

This is why I have asked all so-called time travelers to post the AMS Report one month before being released by the AMS.

Any time traveler who is able to read this site in the future, assuming that it is still readable, will have read my challenge. They also would know that certain people here are going to post certain things, and be ready to counter any post they should know about in advance.

To determine that any poster is going to give them hell, seems kind of hereish and nowish, when a real time traveler would have known this years before arriving here.

Any time traveler that ends up here randomly, and posts before reading what else has been posted already seems a bit off, don't ya think ? I dislike the notion that the caliber of time traveler is as presented here on TTI. Even if "I" believed there was time travelers in our time period, and are members of TTI, I would think that they would NEVER admit it, and blend in as a regular member, never claiming anything that would bring them undue attention.

If I was from the future, on assignment to change something, like a government plan to throw all of it's citizens into a concentration type camp;'s, yeah, I would register on Time Travel Institute or similar site's, and believe that by posting "here" and "there" that the government would realize that their plans have been foiled by those darn posters on TTI ( and similar sites ) again !!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


So, there you have it, my perspective on "something big" is going to happen and why I, for one, don't believe it as marketed.
Re: \"Something big is going to happen very soon\"

"Something big is going to happen very soon"

C'mon Darby you're slipping (or not caring)

"Something big" will always happen. It will be whatever events happen during your time on Earth that hold the most dramatic significance to you and those you interact with.
Now just how "big" is relative to the frequency of "small" or lack thereof of events around you in "modern" history (that word can be quite vague as well unless used in an exact comparison).
There is no "big" without "small" so therefore pinnacles and frequencies of each are only relative in comparison, so now we've returned to the original point.

I think if nothing more, this original post itself was a great attempt at dramatic vagueness.

Now the general "gay" comment was relatively ignored, I'll address it for fun

I see with the adoption towards "lack of conformity" in your profile picture - aka "anarchist", to do so in "modern" age is actually a great leap of "conformity" to an already well established pop culture group of individuals.
It's quite obvious when one thinks about how much an "anarchist" truely depends and relies upon the same systems that a self stated blatant conformist would attest to.
It's only really the social subtleties that change drastically, as do in most groups trying to make "statements".

Quite an amusing post.

Oh ya, one largely hypocritcal statement, not sure if anyone addressed it yet;

this forum has nothing to do with time travel or predictions


i've known this for years & years (yes before 2000) but my feelings have increased

If this forum has nothing to do with time travel or predictions, then why is the poster referring specifically to the Incan prophecy, which is just a very well known prediction - on this forum?

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif :oops: