Some Basic Machines & Their Mechanics


Chrono Cadet
I'd let others know first that these are not the only ways of traveling, and I will refrain from posting the more serious mechanics--while at the same time trying to simplify "What makes this all work?".

For the most common types of travel detailed basically all comes down to ripping a hole through your universe & controlling which one you come out of on the other side. For the more exotic forms of travel it comes down to manipulating the intrices of higher dimensional space to "fold potentials". I cannot detail more on these types of devices--only that they exist, and are superior to all other methods of travel.

Microsingularity Engine - this is what all civilizations tend to develop first. It requires generating a controlled singularity & then controlling its geodesics. They make highly destructive weapons, are incredibly risky, and therefore are not the preferred modality for the more experienced traveler. Because they're their destructive potential is high & because they're easiest to produce..they become like arsenals held by some nations. These can even be planted in advance, and detonated like time-logic bombs.

Antimatter Engine - requires generating antimatter in large quantities, and manipulating a controlled collision with matter. The destructive potential is higher than a microsingularity engine, but the risk is generally lower due to the increased technological requirements to maintain a controlled matter / antimatter collision. Time faring nations employ these most often as the standard squad vehicle.

Pure Mass Engine - requires converting 100% of a matter's substance into energy in a plank second. Once the technology has reached this state the machines can be produced in bulk--but typically this is the very last of the standard forms of travel devices that a civilization develops. These machines are so rare and highly regarded that wars have been fought over them and entire universes destroyed (or spawned) as byproducts. I can say with safety and security that these machines are not seen in this corner of the multiverse, and will never--if I have anything to do with it. One small part of my job is to prevent these types of devices from being developed.

I'm hoping most realize that these common forms are not engineerable with 2020 technology with anything but an entire nation's government's backing.

Any person claiming to be a traveler and uses one of these forms of travel can only be a liar or a government spook. The likelihood of spooks telling you their spooks is astronomically low, because it would kill their spookyness. It's best to assume they're liars.


I'd let others know first that these are not the only ways of traveling, and I will refrain from posting the more serious mechanics--while at the same time trying to simplify "What makes this all work?".
For the most common types of travel detailed basically all comes down to ripping a hole through your universe & controlling which one you come out of on the other side. For the more exotic forms of travel it comes down to manipulating the intrices of higher dimensional space to "fold potentials". I cannot detail more on these types of devices--only that they exist, and are superior to all other methods of travel.
Hello _Oz, I am pleased to meet you here, at this spatio-temporal nexus of the imagination. I will tentatively accept that your claims have veracity, and they are interesting. I believe that if there are more people claiming to be time travelers on the internet, then a few of them may be actual chrononauts. These visitors would have their own reasons, and missions, for time traveling into the past. I suspect that for the most part they would not want to draw too much attention to themselves – so – the claims of the many, will provide a blanket of protection for the few.

We are all time travelling into the future as we speak and write. But, time traveling into the past or leaping far into the future via a "time jump" entails keeping up with the celestial movements of the planets, stars, and galaxies that are all in motion.

One way to resolve this problem for time travel into the past is to chronologically reverse the temporal sequence of events for the entire universe. This would be a shift in perspective. One would need a type of protective memory shield in order to keep memories of their future self intact and to prevent their body from becoming younger and younger as it shrinks, until it is an embryo only to then disappear. It might be necessary for gravitational syncing with the time machine and the geolocation of the intended destination.

