So, what about the John Titor of this timeline?


Quantum Scribe
I don't know if I know enough, but isn't there something about the John Titor of this timeline? That one John traveled to Florida to visit his younger self or something like that? Just trying to figure something out. Please excuse me if I missed something. I don't know if I've done enough research.
The reason I'm doing this is because I'm a sci/fi fantasy writer and I'm writing a story on the whole John Titor thing. But I'm not asking you to buy my book. You have all the information here. I'm just going to create some fan fiction with it. I don't know all the information on the Group John Titor but now Darby has put it all together for me. So, I feel like writing about it.
It just seems way too fictional for me. So, I'm acting as if it's real to ask questions towards the true story that they might not be revealing.

The problem is that should you write and publish a book/movie script about John Titor you need to think it through. What if you decided to write a book about Superman. Would you have second thoughts because someone else just might own the idea (not ot mention the word) about "Superman"? That's the problem. The John Titor Foundation has already copyrighted "John Titor" in 2003. John Titor is a fictional character owned by Boomer, the person(s) behind John Titor. Under most circumstances you cannot write and publish a book about John Titor without the permission of the JTF
even though Boomer didn't write but a scant minimum of the story. People like me wrote the majority of the John Titor Saga through our posts. Hell, about 1/3 of "Titor's posts" were made by Pamela, not Titor.

If you don't believe me then go ahead and do it. The JTF didn't hire an attorney who specializes in movie making and copytight on a whim. Good luck with your endeavor but do be careful. There's already an attorney lurking in the halllways.
Yeah. I've only written one time travel story and it's on this forum under the fan fiction time travel section with the name cpguy "what time is it?" I don't think I'm going to write more time travel fiction. I wrote more to that story but the notebook got lost and I can't find it at all. Thank you Darby.