Temporal Novice
In the easiest english ever for a layman, can anyone give me an update on how close to achieving time travel we are? I have read some things about sending molecules through a fiber optic cable and the idea of using space as a means of time travel, but in general, how close are we? I'm no psysics (sp?) major, and not a student of mathmatical equations, but I would really like to hear any theories of how we could possibly create temporal travel as well. Thanks for your time.
-Gibsonchet /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
PS. I am new to the boards, so I'm just trying to do some homework and catch up.
-Gibsonchet /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
PS. I am new to the boards, so I'm just trying to do some homework and catch up.