So MEM and Hercules....


Super Moderator
If you two are still around here, have you as yet been convinced that Titor was bogus? Not only bogus in his predictions, but bogus as a time traveler? If not, will the occurrence of the Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy give you enough evidence? Or are you going to stick it out to 2008?

Inquiring minds wanna know! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
If one judges if someone claiming to be a tt is real or fake by the accuracy of the tt's predictions then one would have to conclude that jt was not a tt.
I'll say this. He wasn't a time traveler, but he also wasn't stupid, I have respect for someone who can make a bs story about being a time traveler last for 5+ years.
Ya, tell it to the upwards towards 60 Congress whatevers going out the door perhaps!

Titor ain't real until he is made, anyway!

Not in this Worldline!

Reported the other day is a 60,000 year cycle that occurs and is called a "Global Warming"!

Tell it to the farmers who need rain, they ain't getting!

Name three corrupt professions in this Country, at least three, there may be more?

Tell it to the debate going on about the U.S. Constitution!

To it to the Declaration of Independence!

Tell it to the hate mongers!

Who cares anyway?
Re: Alll missing the point of Titor story!

You guys are all missing the point and lesson about Titors story!

Whether he was or wasn’t a time traveler there is a very important lesson to be learned here whether he intended it or not… and that lesson is the choices that we have in creating the future. You see that is the beauty in it all!

The purpose to all prophesy… The prophets… The Bible Code… I don’t know maybe even Moby Dick! They tell us, hey wake up that things aren’t going to go on like this forever… That if we “wake up” and are intently and consciously awake we can “participate” in the change and development of the future. It’s as simple as that!

You will begin to see that when we are in “thought” we are actually creating… Whether it be through writing a book… Making a public speech… Designing an airplane… Artwork… Planning a birthday party… Conversing on the phone… Daydreaming… Participating ones ideas and beliefs on the Internet… This is all part of a creating process connecting us with “source”.

Everything is “probable”! And we are currently creating it as we envision it. And we must all give rise to the “thought” that there is no good or bad or right or wrong, only “thinking” makes its so… Because when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change… and that is actually a scientific principle when you stop to consider some very interesting occurrences involving atoms and quantum physics (particle entanglement), because when we observe these smaller particles the very act of seeing and “observing” them disturbs them to the point that they cannot be properly measured…

They change! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Alll missing the point of Titor story!

If I might add… Whether by prophet, Bible or any other source, it’s clear that any of histories predictions about the “end of days” is of course good news and bad news. Its bad news if it goes wrong, and its good news if it happens right. These end days may be feared by some, discounted by others, but again it is a rising and mysterious “intention” in world “consciousness”.

When I said above that we must realize and “wake up” that the world as it is wont go on as it is forever, and that we have the ability to change it. This is actually a pretty important idea. Because if you think its just going to be like that forever, you’ll actually never try and change it. And never try to transform it. So predicted prophecies are an invitation to participate in shaping the future.

And for a little insight into “source” and the power and potential of intention… if you go back to the time of your absolute beginning of the material world (keeping in mind, when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change) you know there was a microscopic dot, and this microscopic dot included everything you needed for this physical journey and you cant even see it with a microscope, its to mysterious and mystical to even contemplate, that something as tiny as to get 1 million of them on the head of a pin contains everything you needed for this physical journey.

Lets find the origin of the dot that began you… You put it under a microscope and you turn up the magnification and you see molecules, and inside of those molecules are mostly particles and these particles are all flitting about and mostly just empty spaces in there, and you take one of these particles out and you call them atoms… putting it under another atomic microscope and turning up the magnification even stronger and we discover more empty space and more particles with new names… Protons, Electrons, Neutrons, Futons /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. So we take one of these electrons still looking for the source, turning up the magnification on this electron microscope and what do you see, more spaces and particles flitting about, “a huge dance” and you take one of those and you turn up the magnification and what you have is new particles with new names called quarks. We’re now looking at “quantum physics” the study of the behavior of matter at the tiniest levels and we are just looking for our source. So finally we take one of these quarks, and these quarks are really WEIRD! Quantum physics is not only stranger than you think it is, its stranger than you can “think”. Because when you take a tiny sub atomic particle and “observe” it, and the fact is that the nature of your observing changes what you are observing… If you look at it in a certain way, it becomes one thing and if you turn away it becomes something else. So it is truly a scientific fact that when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. So now you take this tiny sub atomic particle and you put it in a particle accelerator and you rev up the speed of these things and collide them at 250 thousand miles per hour opening up the particle accelerator looking for your source, and guess what’s in there?

“Nothing”! The dot that began you originated from a field of energy that has no boundaries, no beginnings, no ends, and its infinite and has an infinite potential.

So, analogy… We did not begin with that particle, because particles themselves do not create more particles. St Paul in the New Testament said: That which is seen hath not come from that which does appear. What that means is that everything we see in the material world “doesn’t” originate in the material world. It’s the “spirit” that gives life… The flesh counts for nothing!

Now here’s the kicker… If the shape of your eye can be in an energy field that has no boundaries, no form, no materialness to it, then why not the shape of your life? Why not everything you are destined to become? Why can’t that be a part of this energy field as well, that we showed up from a field of intention?

Resting conclusion… Our “source” is spiritual, its is something other than the material.
Re: Alll missing the point of Titor story!

Glad you are back and contributing, CAT:

Why can’t that be a part of this energy field as well, that we showed up from a field of intention?

Resting conclusion… Our “source” is spiritual, its is something other than the material.
IMO, you are setting the stage for the next fractal layer of my "Information Subsumes Physical Energy" schtick! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As you know, I always align my theories with the structure of the Tree Of Life, and this is no different. So if you take the elements of my theory from my other thread and align them with the TOL, you end up with (going from the bottom of the TOL upward):

FORCE - The physical, 3-D world of Malkuth (#10) - Also known as Assiah (World of Action)
ENERGY - The metaphysical world of Netzach, Hod, & Yesod (#7,8,9) - Also known as Yetzirah (World of Formation)
INFORMATION - The seminal world of Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth (#4,5,) - Also known as Beriah (World of Creation)
INTENTION - The emanative world of Kether, Chokmah, Binah (#1,2,3) - Also known as Aziluth (World of Emanation)

So there you go... my secret's out!
You've helped put the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle into place! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: Alll missing the point of Titor story!

Well, thanks for the welcome back. But I don’t deserve all the credit.

Strangely enough people have not taken to this notion of thought – and that being that the journey into the upper world is accompanied by and even dependant on the everyday experiences of the “material” realm but does not regard the “spiritual” as divorced from the material, but sees the material as a way to attain the spiritual. And that spiritual being the quantum world where things are not things and that the objects that we portray are in our world are not determined things, instead they are possibilities of consciousness to choose from. In other words, the uncountable atoms that group together to create our universe appear as they do only because we choose to see them that way.

It’s all conscious choice… Consciousness choosing out of its own possibilities. The ideas that the universe around us appears as it does only because non-local consciousness chooses it to. Where distinctions between physical and non-physical entity becomes irrelevant. All energy and information extends into space and it travels and it travels more or less the speed of light and so consequently the notion of things happening over distances that none in which we call quote “non local” which is really more extended. The fact that these kinds of extended interactions can take place, that’s the rule and not the exception. That’s why cell phones work, that’s why satellite technology works, so when we understand that this is biophysically possible and than we understand that consciousness is part of this, it becomes completely plausible that the constraints of distance are no longer what we think they were.

So what the history of science has taught us is that things that we once thought were impossible, could ultimately still be investigated and we could change our mind or change our paragons as a function of what the data revealed. (i.e. the earth was once thought to be flat).

Is there anything I’m leaving out? I think that at this point I have contributed all there is to contribute.

I think it was best said by a Nobel Prize winner in physics for his work on the atom – along with Einstein is considered to be one of the greatest scientific minds on the planet. These are the people that need hard-core data – something they can measure and see. These are the people we call operating out of the left-brain…

As he excepted the Nobel prize these were his words: As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as the result of my research about atoms this much: “There is no matter as such”.

All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force, which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.

Max Planck.
Re: Alll missing the point of Titor story!

CAT- Who is the quote from regarding matter? The one from the Nobel winner?

Also, regarding this:
All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force, which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.

If you look at the very begining of the book of Genesis. You will note that, according to Judeo-Christian faith, the physical world and all in it was "spoken" into existence by God. Interesting that you elude to "vibration that holds this most minute solar system of the atom together." Could it be the "voice of God"?

There is more to this, but that is all I say now.
Re: Alll missing the point of Titor story!

Where is fancy bread, in the heart or in the head? Well of course it’s the voice of G-d silly! Who else would it be? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Yes, this speech was made by Nobel Prize winner Max Planck when he said “all matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force”.

It’s d shiznit isn’t it? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Alll missing the point of Titor story!


Just looking into him a bit...found this interesting quote:

"A new scientific truth does not establish itself by its enemies being convinced and expressing their change of opinion, but rather by its enemies gradually dying out and the younger generation being taught the truth from the beginning".
Re: Alll missing the point of Titor story!

Yes, this rings true! Ironically you may have heard all the controversy of teaching “intelligent design” in schools. They are still ruling it out; reason being is because once again it goes against the atheist view of being subjected to religion.

However, I find it hilarious that the logarithmic spiral or Golden Mean spiral that occurs in nature helps create structures that are incredibly strong… It’s like a model of Darwin’s theory at work, where only the strongest species and structures survive.

Go figure?