

Temporal Novice
Hello citizens of the community Time Travel Institute! Your site is fasinating with ideas and claims of Time Travel. I am in fact from a year in the "not so" distant future, but I will not go about on causing an uprise or a giant story, without request.

I am here to give faith to all who want to be Time Travelers, it is very interesting and yet dangerous hobbie. Keep sharing ideas and theorys for that is how Time Travel is born. I will be here for 3 days after I make this post.

-MechaRaum of Project: Simplicity-
Simplicity is best expressed in terms of scientific "Conservation Laws".

There is the simple law of Conservation of Momentum (m*v) which applies to Newtonian Forces and Moments.

There is the simple law of Conservation of Energy (m*c^2) which applies to Einsteinian Energy.

This is also a simple law of Conservation of Information (m*s^3) which holds sway over Energy.

I wonder if the Information you offer obeys the Law of Conservation of Information? Did you ever bother to check?

Can you explain the root of the misspelling epidemic of your "not so distant" future? Is it a side effect of time travel? It seems like most time travellers that post here suffer from it.
Honestly I see no harm in Time Traveling and don't see why some of the people here claim they are suffering. The only side effect I have experienced is just the confusion/dizzy ness, a few minutes after you go through the process. I really guess it is how they time travel.

As for epidemics in the middle years, really nothing to worry about. Alot of the slightest life threatening sicknesses are involved in the middle east, and usually are contained and controlled immediately, so don't go living in a panic. There is a scare in the year 2013, about an asteroid coming close to Earth, but I assure you it is all just a big hype and it doesn't even come close.

I really have to prepare for my departure, really wish I could of enjoyed it more. Maybe I will be back, but that will only be a case of GI.
First of all my apologies for the way I conveyed my question earlier in my post. It came off as sarcasm, and that was not my intent. I've been analyzing side effects of time travel including my own experience and others. I've noticed incoherent thoughts and occasional fragments in proper grammar.

Honestly I see no harm in Time Traveling and don't see why some of the people here claim they are suffering. The only side effect I have experienced is just the confusion/dizzy ness, a few minutes after you go through the process. I really guess it is how they time travel.

Well met. I find the unethical bantering of doom and destruction unnerving sometimes, however I believe many of these to be false claims rather than real psychological effects. It's hard to tell sometimes. I agree,confusion and dizziness is common.

There is a scare in the year 2013, about an asteroid coming close to Earth, but I assure you it is all just a big hype and it doesn't even come close.

My father said it was a tough year. In 29 there was a spectacular view of 2004 MN4 from Tuscany

Thanks and good luck on your departure
Mecha Raum, what is meant by the time traveler statement, "Don't go more than a mile near a hungry man"?

If war ensues in the future, does this mean either cannibalism, or zombieism?