IMHO, you banned the wrong person.
Who first threatened assassination? Not Seigmund.
Who has infiltrated threads first that had nothing to do with him? Not Seigmund.
Who has called the entire board of posters dope addicts, alcoholics, retards, and stupid? Not Seigmund.
Who calls someone stupid and avoids answering when someone asks a serious TT'er question (like mine when I asked about the hologram picture of his family). Not Seigmund.
Perhaps you need to take another look at the threads...or ban those of us who have struggled to stay on topic and ignore the the blathering of chrono. Or perhaps the board (once again I stress) should be renamed "Chrono's" board and make Chrono the mod. It seems like he's been the mod for a while, because every thread he posts on, he takes over.
While Chrono claims to be a TT'er and this is the TTI, he has become a troll that cannot be ignored. I have tried, honestly. But he won't answer questions, he criticises longtime board members and makes us sound ignorant and himself superior. He has an ego that just doesn't quit.
Yeah, I have the freedom to leave. But I enjoy the almost all of the people on this board.
I believe what Seigmund was trying to do was say "hey, who's more Troll TT'er...or several frustrated longterm board members.
Just to prove a point, look at the next post after me. 70% chance it will be Chrono. Then again, he probably won't because I issued a challenge.