Should Rainma be spanked for his actions at TTI


Epochal Historian
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RMT should he be spanked?

At times Rainman seems wonderful. However' Raiman is mysterious and also a man of mystery.

He seems to know Varth Daders body odor.

At times, he also seems to be a toy poodle attacker.

I would like to know, since Rainman is one of the most important people of this and the last century, how do you feel about this entity and should he be spanked?
For my own personal reasons - i think that maybe this particular issue should be dropped.

I don't think that this is productive anymore.
Then you tell Rainman to quit picking on me.
Huh? And YOU were the one most recently accusing me of a crime? And perhaps we should review the number of completely Off-Topic posts you have made poking fun at me (this one being a prime example!)... ones that I have just "let go" with no response. Data, Creeds, it's all about data. And if you want me to collect data on your harassments against me, I think you might be surprised by what the data tells us.
He started all this and I simply want it to stop.
It is certainly not going to stop by you creating entirely new, and completely OT threads, just to make fun of me (and yes, offend me).

As TTA has said: Report me to Mop if you don't like it. But I think if you do, Mop might point out your own transgressions, Dan.

(Insert silly, Creedo-like insult here)
No one does understand him. I know plenty of people that used to come here but don't anymore because, frankly, they can't stand him.
Hey! Before ya start on me Creedster, don't shoot the messenger!