This might be infection prose, of cyphered machines, talking to another cypher machine.
Intel machines, that are own self sentient have their own multi-phase-multi-scalier abilites.
They can time travel all on their own.
So depending upon as to whether someone else's mainframe, had disscussed an issue with this server mainframe, then there would be this realtion factor?(Question mark,at the end of last sentance).
Newer modern self-intel machines, are, may not be and more often than not,, are chersihed as pets, companions, or assoicates, of modern man, as we know him in the 75 to 204 time frame of reference.
This post is not labeling and only indicates that any machine, must have the correct parent, who is somehow connected in verse, with their machine.
Of course this would being the prose which fills the value of n?(Question mark).