Self-consistent systems.


Temporal Novice
The multiverse, pregnant with all possibilities and potentialities, allows for all times and spaces to be present simultaneously and interacting with one another at the quantum level. An interesting question, however, might be: Are all potentialities theortically accessible or are some potentialities "closer" than others as in the mathematical concept of "levels" of infinity. Could it be that "systems" of potentialities, when in tandem, serve as some sort of quantum check on other systems?

It could be that in order for any one system to remain consistent unto itself, with or without an observer effect, potentialities must be limited to some finite number that roughly corresponds to the current state of interacting systems (or macro-system).

For example, if, at one hundred yards, an arrow is shot at you, the quantum potentialities at the sub-atomic level of the arrow may be infinite allowing for the particles of said arrow to co-exist in any potential universe (and not necessarily as part of an arrow), yet, within the macro-system containing the archer, the arrow, the flight path, and you, there are a finite number of potentialities (and growing smaller by the second). Those finite potentialities are all intimately associated with the energies involved in 1) moving from the arrow's path, 2) getting shot by the arrow. For you, as a system, the potentialities grow once you survive the arrow.

It could also be that finite is not the right word...rather a "lower level" of infinite may be the correct expression.

Just a "thought".
Dear Robin,

Excellent mathematical observation/s upon the factoring of realities.

Yes, in fact, like quantum, nitty gritty, mechanical nuts and bolts of the universe, there are PROBABILITIES of outcomes. Which is what I believe your posting was discussing.

The key to understanding two (or multiple, two is easier as an example) different realities or universes is to understand game theory and the butterfly effect. Minute, itsy bitsy differences in one "universe" from another, can have minute or devastating effects with the same probabilities.

(The butterfly effect states that a butterfly in the amazon fluxes it's wings, and a hurricane occurs in the Pacific from that small beginning. Or something to that effect.)

For example. One tiny pebble is stuck down deep in a fault crevice, the plates of the earth build up pressure and exert that pressure upon the tiny pebble. In one location at one time, the exertion of force merely crumbles the pebble, and no sizeable earth quake occurs. On another day at the same location, that tiny pebble starts an avalanche of forces that rumbles through the plates, and a 6.5 earth quake is registered 60 miles away. It is the same tiny pebble and the same force, but there are entirely different outcomes. We can suggest probabilities, a PROBABILTY SPREAD for the outcome, but we can not predict from the initial force what the outcome will be.

(My ideas on this comes from the book "Ubiquity" published in 2002.)

Alternate universes or planes of existence are like that.

Beyond that exercise of conception, I believe it is possible to "shift" through multi-connecting planes of existence, and to perceive and cognicize alternate states of being. I believe this type of "phasing" has been within mankind's grasp for a very, very long time.

With the onset of "modern" ways of thought, and our "homogenuity" we have set these beliefs or abilities aside as superstitious. But, people are out there everywhere, saying "what about this, I have a feeling there is more to it"? So, no fear, it is merely a transition of awareness and understanding that we will all go through. If we survive, which I have faith we will, then both the right side and the left side of our brains will equalize, and the future will be one we can be proud of.

The appropriateness of chance is astounding.
I found an interesting article that touches on this very topic -- and by a pioneer in the field of quantum computing -- David Deutsch.

Here is a quote:

"Everything in our universe — including you and me, every atom and every galaxy — has counterparts in these other universes. Some counterparts are in the same places as they are in our universe, while others are in different places. Some have different shapes, or are arranged in different ways; some are so different that they are not worth calling counterparts. There are even universes in which a given object in our universe has no counterpart — including universes in which I was never born and you wrote this article instead.

On large scales, universes obey the laws of classical physics, and so each behaves as though the others were not there. But on microscopic scales, quantum mechanics becomes dominant and the universes are far from independent. Universes that are very alike are close together in the multiverse and affect each other strongly, though only in subtle, indirect ways — a phenomenon known as quantum interference.

Without quantum interference, electrons would spiral into atomic nuclei, destroying every atom literally in a flash. Solid matter would be unstable, and the phenomena of biological evolution and human thought would be impossible. And as I shall explain, it is quantum interference that provides our evidence for the existence of the multiverse.

Through interference, each particle in our universe can be affected by its counterparts in other universes. What we see as a single subatomic particle is really a sprawling trans-universe structure, spanning a large region of the multiverse. Although we cannot see the parts of this structure that are outside our universe, we can infer their presence from the results of experiments. Perhaps the most striking involve quantum computers — devices that collaborate with nearby universes to perform useful computations."
Right On Robin!

This is so very on track with my impressions and ideas from reading about quantum mechanics and temporal physics, yet I have never heard it put so succinctly.

Maybe the multiverse can be described in the same terms that Werner Heisenberg used for the spectra of elements, namely matrices, or arrays of numbers, suggesting a distribution of universes in relation to our own. Of course, being of the quantum level, probabilities would most likely play a part in trying to determine the natures of these "universes" or the multiverse.

This is so true blue physics, and seems to account for so mcuh, that it seems intuitively correct to me.

I welcome other viewpoints though, maybe I am over-looking something important here!

The appropriateness of chance is astounding.