seing in the past


Temporal Novice
according to our brains processing time i think its possible to see into the past. if you are looking at an event happening that is 10 Meters away that event would be 10/300,000,000ths of a second old by the time we see it so you dont need time travel to see the past
true, but the event happened. like darby said looking in a mirror is looking into the past, you see yourself as you would a fraction of a second ago, if someone were granted sight of something of unfathomable distance perhaps they could see into the past of whatever they were seeing, like the other post, the curve of the universe.

i dont really understand it that well, i just cant help but that that time happened already, you cant see it after the moment.
maybe someone can help us both out?
so then by this theory if we use an ultra powerful telescope to look into space at a far far off planet then the events taking place must actually be from some time back in the past.
Interesting, but how does the fact that something is far away while we are looking at it mean that we are actually looking at the past?
because it takes light many years to travel to us from another star. So even with the most powerful telescopes your looking at events that happened in the past. the best example is our sun, it takes 8-1/2 minutes for its light to reach earth so if you ever stare at our sun (not advised) your looking at light from the sun 8-1/2 minutes ago. yup yup!
i believe if you used an ultra powerful telescope you can still only see a certain distance your just looking through a magnification that brings something far away closer but the distance you can physically see is the sameso you still looking a fraction of a second in the past
ah yes but doent the telascope work by magnifing the image or light refraked in its the light still had to be sent this far.
this is correct, no amount of magnification is going to allow this, light still must travel from wherever, to earth. The closest star outside of our sun is about 4 light years away.

300,000 km/s
60 seconds
60 minutes
24 hours
~365.24 days
4 years

it travels a long long way, and takes 4 years to reach us so we are always looking at that star system 4 years in the past. Hell the stars could have exploded and we wouldn't know it for 4 years.
Yes, I can understand that the light from stars is old. But is it the same with regular objects? Such as a rock, dog, person, or tree sitting 10 feet in front of me? Are you saying I am seeing that particular object, but a fraction of a second in the past? Light travels, we all know that, but does the image of a rock we are looking at actually travel to us? Or do we just see it in real time.
the image of the rock 10 feet in front of you is visible to you for a few reasons. first of all it is reflecting light, secondly there is a light source. and third you got a pair of eyes and a brain that can interpret that data.

you are always seeing the image after it has reflected (or emmitted) light which is picked up by your eyes, converted into an electrical signal and interpretted by your brain. Keep in mind, we're not actually talkin about the rock here, we're talking about the light which allows you to see the rock.

Now lets say your in a dark room with no windows and there's a rock 10 feet in front of you that you can't see. you shine a flashlight on it, the photons from the flashlight impact the rock, and some of them bounce back to your eyes which makes this object now visible. as light travels 300,000 km/s you would hardly notice the delay unless we're talking about objects more than 300,000 kilometers away (such as the moon).

interesting enuf, they put a honeycomb reflector on the surface of the moon, Nasa can shoot a laser at it and determine how far away the moon is from earth by how long it takes the light to be reflected back.
Ok, so then by your reasoning if we somehow had an ultra powerful telescope and could look far into space at some alien planet we wouldn't actually be seeing the aliens walking around in real time, but rather we would see the delayed image as it takes time for the image to reach our eyes. Time itself is not traveling, but the image we see is. Time is relative. So time would stay the same for the aliens on their planet as well as on our planet. Does time travel? Or does it just merely exist?
What if, we could launch a satellite into space and view our earth from the satellite, or maybe even from some the far off alien planet, if we could do that then we can watch our own history happening. Interesting. Of course, we would only be able to see as far back in time as when we first launched the satellite, assuming our satellite is traveling at light speed. If our telescope we launched into space could somehow go faster than the speed of light then I guess that would mean that we might be able to see time from before we launched the satellite. And of course this is assuming that the satellite is capable of instantaneously transmitting the image of our earth back to us, which is impossible as far as I know. Does anybody know of any theory that suggest that it may be possible to travel faster that the speed of light. Light speed could theoretically be possible someday, so why not faster?
It is an interesting concept. I never thought of it in this way before. The mountains in the distance are viewed as they where a fraction of a second before I see them. I always pondered perceptions of a reflection on a pond or lake. Imagine a tall building at the side of the lake. I will see its reflection from one point of viewing, and you will see its reflection from a different point of viewing.

Doesnt this mean that the reflection actually exists at all points of time and space?
Is this a key to time, that all events occur at the same time, yet is it our perceptions that manipulate how it is perceived?

If time travel actually occurs, this sets up an interesting situation. If I travel back to the old west and have a chat with Wyatt Earp for a moment and then return to my time period, from each of our perspectives a paradox occurs. To me, Wyatt is now dead. To Wyatt, I havent been born yet. We are both existing, from different points of view. This means we are both existing at the same time, it is just our perceptions that have been altered, as well as location in space. The frequency of energy has also changed by position of Earth in relation to everything else in the Universe.
"Doesnt this mean that the reflection actually exists at all points of time and space?"
Very interesting question. Two people can be looking at the same object from 2 different places and see 2 different things. I would conclude that it does exist at all places in space and time whether somebody is there to see it or not.
It isn't that it exists in all points but that the time it takes the light to reach our eyes. What would be a more truthful statemtn is that Light exists in all points of time and space. The object is irrelevant.
The object was merely used as for demonstration purposes. I would agree that the refraction of the light is continuous around the object for anyone to be able to receive the image. The differences in the image would be caused by any number of factors effecting the refraction of the light, as well as the abilities of the receiver.
How would the recievers abilities change what is actually happening?
It happens all the time, and it is the nature of LOCAL time at a given point of observation.

Looking deep into the universe and understanding that when we do we are seeing light (events) that represent a past that is different from our local past, we are exhibiting the multi dimensional nature of Time. When you look at light from a far away galaxy, what you are observing is a DIFFERENT past from your own. You are observing someone else's past.

This realization should make it clear that Time is NOT 1-dimensional, as we like to think of it in our self-centered view of the universe. Rather, Time is actually 3 dimensional: Past, Present, and Future. And these 3 dimensions of Time intermesh with the 3 dimensions of Space and the 3 dimensions of Mass associated with our physical bodies. My past, present, and future is a very different dimension of Time than someone else's past, present, and future. This is evident from how we observe someone else's past when we view light that comes from many light years away. The (past, present, future) of a person in that distant galaxy is a different "point in the 3-d grid of Time" from my own (past, present, future).

Time is a vector, just like Space, and it should be mathematically treated as such.
How would the recievers abilities change what is actually happening?

Very good question. This concept is where problems arise with many issues. If we both are viewing the image of the building next to the lake, I will see it differently than you would. Your " perceptions " are different than my " perceptions " of the reflection.

I may be slightly color blind, and totally unaware of my condition. So as we describe what we are seeing, we both will be describing the image with different definitions ( or words ).

And you are absolutely correct... nothing regarding the image itself has changed ... from one viewer to the next. The building is the building. No matter how we each "perceive" it to be, changes nothing OF the building, itself.

So here we are regarding the truth of the Universe and all that it contains. The truth is the truth, and however we view the truth regarding the Universe, changes nothing OF the truth, itself.

The "perceptions" are the only things that change between the viewers. The next question would be ... " How to find a balance between everyones different views without becoming distracted with insults and conflict?"

Actually, the issue that becomes important is finding a method of mutual agreement. Even though we both may view the building differently (because of certain inherent physical variations), we should not get caught up in the semantics of what we are viewing.

As an example, instead of telling someone " I think you dont know what you are talking about!" ...a more appropriate question could be asked that allows progress on whatever subject is under discussion.
If we both are viewing the image of the building next to the lake, I will see it differently than you would. Your " perceptions " are different than my " perceptions " of the reflection.

An interesting quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer, which speaks to the power of intention as the ultimate force in our personal acts of Creation:

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change."

This is another clue to the 3-dimensionality of Time, and how local Time is ultimately connected to the point of perception, or the individual Point Of View (POV). Each POV has 3 axes of Time that it is attached to: Past, Present, and Future.

My local Time is different from all other times in all other POVs. It is only by agreement with other people and other POVs that we define a common, perceived version of "reality".

Thanks for clearing it up guys
and I like the quote RMT.