Chrono Cadet
I believe people would be amazed at the advanced aircraft that are owned by the American government. To a point it is understandable due to the world we live in that most of these advanced craft are shrouded in secrecy. Many of these craft have been revealed and of course many like the TR3B and others will never be revealed. It does however give us a pretty good idea where tax dollars are being spent.
TR-3A Black Manta
is the name of a reconnaissance airplane of the United States Air Force speculated to be developed under a black project. The only real “evidence” for such an aircraft is based on speculations about several “Reported” sightings of mysterious flying wing aircraft in a track of the California desert known as Antelope Valley. This stretch of desert draws black project fanatics because it is close to several known military research and testing areas, such as Edwards AFB in California, United States Air Force Plant 42, and Groom Lake inNevada”.
Lockheed Martin SR-72
the proposed successor to the SR-71 Blackbird retired in 1998, is expected to fill what is considered a coverage gap between surveillance satellites, manned aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) and strike missions.
Do these Planes exist............ Continually growing evidence suggests that the answer to this question is yes. Perhaps the most well known event which provides evidence of such a craft's existence is the sighting of a triangular plane over the North Sea in August 1989 by oil-exploration engineer Chris Gibson. As well as the famous "skyquakes" heard over Los Angeles since the early 1990s, found to be heading for the secret Groom Lake installation in the Nevada desert, numerous other facts provide an understanding of how the aircraft's technology works. Rumored to exist but routinely denied by U.S. officials, the name of this aircraft is Aurora.
The outside world uses the name Aurora because a censor's slip let it appear below the SR-71 Blackbird and U-2 in the 1985 Pentagon budget request. Even if this was the actual name of the project, it would have by now been changed after being compromised in such a manner. The plane's real name has been kept a secret along with its existence. This is not unfamiliar though, the F-117a stealth fighter was kept a secret for over ten years after its first pre-production test flight. The project is what is technically known as a Special Access Program (SAP).
The reason why the Pentagon has eventually decided to fly them in daylight (hence exposing them to observers) is still unknown: maybe to distract from something else, or simply to flex muscles with Russia amid growing tensions.
I have never seen or heard any of these planes, nor have I seen a UFO.
Maybe you guys know different?