secession from RMT's logic in tt dimesnion:


Epochal Historian
secession from RMT\'s logic in tt dimesnion:

Without malice I must temporarily secede from RMTs logic, utilizing tensor values, to his construction values, to time and space.

For the logic of this board, this is not a true way of looking at the anomalies of time and space.

Time phase wave happenings, at certain points in time, cannot be called or known as vectors.

The new values, or a more pliable form of trigonometry, however the physics inserts to this new trigonometry, are yet to be realized.
Re: Suceed from RMT\'s logic in tt dimesnion:

Unwillingly to utter astonishment, time overlaps distinct reality. Under direct assertion, no man (or woman being for that matter at hand) can instigate temporal flux. After this distinction is made, no one under direct knowledge will filter the energy (or energies) necessary for a last attempt. Vectors (or vector science) can intersect any direct notion of trigonometry realities. But as mentioned, the realization of a new trigonometry has yet to be encountered.
Re: Suceed from RMT\'s logic in tt dimesnion:

Just checkin...

Do you possible mean "secede", Creed? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Time phase wave happenings, at certain points in time, cannot be called or known as vectors.
Really? I don't agree.
Re: Suceed from RMT\'s logic in tt dimesnion:

secede'. succession, thank you.

No' what your trying to do, is the same thing Greek philosophers did, with the dividing calipers, which is to base geographical logic, onto time and space, which you cant.

Extradimenional waves, are not always tailored to what happens after the wave comes in.

Your trying to construct a neat little universe, which suits your limited view, of what should be beyond your own capabilities and its not going to work.

An example is a well known photograph, of a movie set, where a warp in time and space opened up right in-back of the horse mounted actors.

The horses spooked and they had to quit filming, right then and there.

Sometimes these waves of altered time and space come in, envelope a person and when the wave redeposit them, they are not either the same personality, nor are they even sometimes the same person.

Time travel, to the person or entity that would try this venture, is inherently dangerous.

You got me on the secede.I should have looked it up in the dictionary, I wont do that again.
Frequency Response & Complex Dynamics

No' what your trying to do, is the same thing Greek philosophers did, with the dividing calipers, which is to base geographical logic, onto time and space, which you cant.
The problem here, with these assumptions you have arrived at in your analysis, stems from your lack of consideration of the mathematics of frequency response. Piecewise linear responses are only part of the story, and it seems you have stopped with these. That is why you cannot see beyond your current stance. You just don't know how to analyze non-linear dynamics, otherwise you would understand the implication of resonance and damping coefficients. You need to learn frequency response analysis techniques before you will be able to advance to analysis of singularities, and how they relate to the natural frequency of any system that exists in Massive SpaceTime.

I don't really expect you to know these things, as they can only come about through the kinds of intensive studies of time/frequency relationships that only a controls expert has undergone. You can predict an awful lot about any discrete and/or continuous time system just by looking at its Bode plot response. Using phase lag to our benefit is key to modifying spacetime stiffness.

Your trying to construct a neat little universe, which suits your limited view, of what should be beyond your own capabilities and its not going to work.
Clearly you don't understand the issues at hand here. The universe is quite "neat" all on its own. This is evident through the fractally self-similar nature of our physical laws, and conservation equations.

Creeds, do you understand why a wavelet transform succeeds where a Fourier transform fails? It's related to the difference between piecewise linear functions and non-linear singularities that appear in closed-loop systems which contain feedback.

Get back to me when you can analyze the poles and zeros of a spring-mass-damper system. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Re: Suceed from RMT\'s logic in tt dimesnion:

<<Extradimenional waves, are not always tailored to what happens after the wave comes in.>>

Point well taken. The event vector's main focus is under main direction of components that which make it describe fundamental flow. Otherwise neither here nor there can crippling phenomenom partake directly in all perceived reality. The universal direction (not all of which can make the foundation) will, it time, quantify known and understood dimensional changes.