Search for Evidence of Time Travel in Ancient Text


Temporal Novice
Greetings from Australia

I wish to establish a set of rules for studying Evidence of Time Travel.

This study is not about 'How time travel works' nor 'When was a time machine invented'.
It is not asking for opinions whether time travel is possible or not, but simply…
Is there any evidence documented in ancient texts that relate to visits to the past ?

- To seek out and identify any evidence of Time Travel that may be documented in ancient texts.
- Create a set of rules for this task.
- Scrutinize and examine past information and any new evidence found - using an organized peer process of evaluation.
- Make a Judgement based upon the evidence presented, then state a Conclusion.

I am seeking a ‘Submission of Ideas’ regarding how to go about gathering information and then evaluating it.
STEP 1 . Develop a Search Criterion
STEP 2 . Gather Evidence
STEP 3 . Examine and Evaluate evidence
STEP 4 . Form a Judgement and Conclusion

I am hoping your members will be able to contribute to my project with ideas or comments.
Link to Ideas Submission website

To have your ideas officially acknowledged, please use the submission page on the website cited.

Yours Faithfully,
Eddy Pengelly
On behalf of PPHC Study Group, Australia.
Draft Search Criterion Available

Please be advised that a draft SEARCH CRITERION is now available for viewing along with HOW Texts have been selected for examination.

Your suggested amendments and/or comments are welcomed.

LINK to Search for Evidence of Time Travel website

EXPERIMENTS will soon be conducted to TEST Ronald Pegg’s theory regarding ‘Evidence of Time Travel being documented in Ancient Texts’.
I wish to establish a set of rules for studying Evidence of Time Travel.

This study is not about 'How time travel works' nor 'When was a time machine invented'.
It is not asking for opinions whether time travel is possible or not, but simply…
Is there any evidence documented in ancient texts that relate to visits to the past ?

- To seek out and identify any evidence of Time Travel that may be documented in ancient texts.
- Create a set of rules for this task.
- Scrutinize and examine past information and any new evidence found - using an organized peer process of evaluation.
- Make a Judgement based upon the evidence presented, then state a Conclusion.

If the purpose is not asking for opinions whether time travel is possible then how can a study group possibly end up concluding that there is evidence for, and form an opinion that, time travel is possible? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

In any case I'd suggest some additional criteria for your group.

1. Engage some unbiased linguists who specialize in the language of the original texts in their original language - not their modern English translations. You don't want to know how some unknown person translated the language into English, you want to know what the original author said in his native language and how certain idioms and words are translated. There can be several valid interpretations that depend on the context and which don't transliterate well directly. This is especially important if the modern editor-author has a particular bias, say one which wants to interpret certain references in the text as evidence that "X" (whatever that might be) occured in the past then you can pretty much bet that the bias will show up in the translated text.

2. If you're truly interested in valid outcomes then you should play no part in the research. You've already decided, based on your posts and what is on your websites, that the textx contain the evidence that you seek. You're not an unbiased researcher.

3. Your peer reviewers, likewise, should have played no part in the research nor should they have been exposed to your Pegg site or experssed an opinion about your beliefs in the matter. If you want valid peer review then you want clean reviewers.

4. Absolutely no commerial advertising, no offers to buy books, CD's or any other (especially Pegg) materials, no hot links to the Pegg site and,frankly, no mention of Pegg whatsoever. If this is independent, unbiased and serious research then keep it so.

Good luck.
Re: Draft Search Criterion Available

"- To seek out and identify any evidence of Time Travel that may be documented in ancient texts."

that depends entirely on how you interpret the texts. if i were you, i would get several different experts to interpret it, and then i would come to a rational conclusion based on the evidence.
If the purpose is not asking for opinions whether time travel is possible then how can a study group possibly end up concluding that there is evidence for, and form an opinion that, time travel is possible?
I made the statement “It is not asking for opinions whether time travel is possible or not” because some people had said “Well surely any serious study should at least be based on whether the subject matter is possible or not. There's not much point in theorising something if it is impossible to do in the first place.”

I replied “I disagree. If you assume it is impossible, then a search for evidence of time travel will not be undertaken - therefore, if there IS evidence of time travel, we would not know about it, and inadvertently, seemingly confirm the negative assumption. If we search for time travel and do not find any, then the negative assumption is more firmly asserted.”

In the context of my website’s introduction, it means I am seeking ideas on how to created a Search Criterion, and that I am not necessarily asking people’s opinion whether time travel is possible or not.

You don't want to know how some unknown person translated the language into English, you want to know what the original author said in his native language and how certain idioms and words are translated
You are exactly right.
This is why, in the case of the Bible and the Book of Mormon, I consult the Hebrew and Greek Lexicons in Strong’s Concordance to seek out the original Hebrew and Greek meanings of the words instead of their modern English translations. It is then the descriptions in the original context that will be compared to the imagery from the cd-roms.

If you're truly interested in valid outcomes then you should play no part in the research. You've already decided, based on your posts and what is on your websites, that the textx contain the evidence that you seek. You're not an unbiased researcher.
My earlier conclusion(s) is based upon a similar search criterion to that being compiled and put forward on the current PPHC-SG website.

But the purpose of this current exercise - and what I am seeking - is to create an official set of criterion that I have to comply with (including my previous works), as will everyone else.
Whether it is myself, you, or other peers, then if the same set of rules are being followed, then the results can be compared and evaluated objectively.
Remember, it is the conclusion whether the observations from the reality checks conform to Pegg’s theory that either confirms or refutes his theory, and not just what you or I say (biased or other wise).

Your peer reviewers, likewise, should have played no part in the research nor should they have been exposed to your Pegg site or experssed an opinion about your beliefs in the matter. If you want valid peer review then you want clean reviewers
Point taken. I have temporarily closing the WBD website during this process.

Absolutely no commerial advertising, no offers to buy books, CD's or any other (especially Pegg) materials, no hot links to the Pegg site and,frankly, no mention of Pegg whatsoever. If this is independent, unbiased and serious research then keep it so.
Most of Pegg’s research documentation is free, and has always been free. It has been available so people can conduct their own investigations into his claims.
I can not see your point of not making the work under scrutiny available to the people I am asking to scrutinize Pegg’s claims. What are they going to read if they do not read about what he says he discovered ?

The “books” of which you speak are my reports regarding earlier studies of Pegg’s work, plus my own discoveries. Again, how are people going to read my work (and scrutinize it) if they are not allowed to have access to my research reports ?

You may have overlooked the fact that on the current PPHC Study Group ‘Time Travel’ website there are no links to Pegg’s work, nor are any books offered.
VIEW preliminary results

Please be advised that 8 preliminary results are now available for viewing.

The Study Criterion was completed and initial examination of selected texts undertaken.

Pegg's 'Descriptive' Theory
"The documented accounts in certain ancient texts known as prophetic "dreams" or "visions" are about the contents of the 1995 produced Ancient Civilizations of the Mediterranean multi-media cd-rom."

To test Pegg's theory we need to conduct a REALITY-CHECK to see if it is true for all, many, some, or no ancient texts.

To do this we need to use 'If-Then' logic, and PREDICT what will happen when Pegg's theory is applied to other ancient texts. We then need to conduct EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVE what happens.

If-Then Prediction
In relation to the cited texts, IF the theory is correct, THEN we will observe that pictures from the Ancients cd-rom match to the descriptions in the cited ancient texts.

If Pegg's theory fails our reality check because its predictions do not match observations, then it can be rejected as false.

You now have the opportunity to examine 8 sets of observations to decide for yourself whether Pegg’s theory has merit or not.

LINK to ‘Examine Ancient Texts for Evidence of Time Travel’ website

These include
(NT Revelation 4:6-7)
OT Ezekiel 1:5,10
OT Daniel 7:3-8
Qur’an 42:32
(Nostradamus Century 1 Quatrain 81)
Akkadian, Babylonian, Mesopotamian Creation Stories
The Great Ennead of Heliopolis (Egyptian Gods)
Plato's Critias Dialogue – City Beneath the Sea (Atlantis)
The Egg of Brahma (Hindu Understanding)
OT Genesis Chapter 1
(Accounts by Endubsar from Sumerian Clay Tablets)
2008 Major Report Available

PPHC-SG presents a new report regarding the Old Testament Book of Ezekiel chapters 1-4, 8, 9, 40, & 41.

From 8 Chapters (involving 104 verses), 198 descriptions by Ezekiel have been found to match the imagery from the Ancients cd-rom.

LINK to ‘Examine Ancient Texts for Evidence of Time Travel’ website

Three more major reports will be made available from mid June 2008:
- Egyptian texts, hieroglyphs, and stories about their Gods.
- Plato's Critias and Timaeus dialogues: The legend of Atlantis.
- Sumerian Clay Tablet stories by the scribe Endubsar.