SciFi's UFO Invasion at Rendlesham w/Briant Gumbl


Temporal Novice
SciFi\'s UFO Invasion at Rendlesham w/Briant Gumbl

This was a documentary type show on Sci-Fi hosted by Bryant Gumbel. It was, as the title suggests, in reference to the UFO incident at Rendlesham that is said to be one of the most convincing incidents in UFO sighting history. Anyway a unexpected twist of the show was that the UFO’s aren’t aliens but ourselves from the future. Perhaps that’s why the government is not releasing information regarding UFO’s.

Things that make you go hmmmmmmm.
Re: SciFi\'s UFO Invasion at Rendlesham w/Briant Gumbl

I've always had that belief myself. The way humans have been doing things that have a global impact without much concern over the future makes time travel into our era very probable. It is a surprise that terrorists have not detonated a nuclear device and that nuclear war has been averted, or at least chemical warfare has not been panademic. I believe that what most people would refer to as "gardian angels" are merely people from the future that are trying to prevent a catastrophy by helping those who end up helping humanity.

I have a lot of faith that our entertainment industry, primarily film and music industries, are being influenced by either aliens or people from the future. Of course films like the Matrix are fictional but the level of truth in the film is uncanny from my Thosophical perspective. The film K-PAX was expertly done and does much to explain why we have not identified any aliens as of yet. They could take on the form of a human much easier than transporting their bodies 1000 light years. The subject of time travel is hard enough to swallow for most people but I would just like to add one more thing to push my credability to the limit. Is anyone aware of anyone "time-sharing" their bodies with an alien? Like, I live in an alien's body on his planet while he lives in my body on my planet for a given period of time? Any thoughts on the plausability of THAT? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: SciFi\'s UFO Invasion at Rendlesham w/Briant Gumbl

Actually I would think that persons from the future would try to prevent any prevention of the inevitable….after all, and visa vi John Titor, you would think one from the future would encourage the destruction since their future exists because of it. I can see how we Humans cannot move onto a new level of awareness, society and government…one that actually cares for our brethren and one were the power truly resides with the people without an apocalypse. It is the unfortunate and inevitable truth of our existence. One man should never represent a populace….it’s common sense.

The strange thing, and absolutely true, is that the UFO/Time travelers disabled the nuclear weapons at Rendlesham that evening. I think the purpose was to even out the playing field for mutual destruction to occur.

As far as Aliens are concerned, I find it hard to believe that they would commit to any social or political impact while visiting. I think it would be more like checking up on the apes and how their evolving while obeying non-interference rule. But, if there are time travelers, would they not know of any aliens if they were present?

Unlike Aliens I do believe the time travelers have a political agenda, and this is why the government chooses to keep it secret. Because it seems to me that if Aliens were landing the study of them would benefit from public scrutiny wherein if time travelers were coming with a political agenda then it would be national security and would warrant secrecy and there would be little reason to tell anyone..., well, because it never happened /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: SciFi\'s UFO Invasion at Rendlesham w/Briant Gumbl

There is much more to this story.

"Left at East Gate," a highly praised and (European) bestselling book, by Peter Robbins and Larry Warren is well worth reading.
Re: SciFi\'s UFO Invasion at Rendlesham w/Briant Gumbl

Actually I would think that persons from the future would try to prevent any prevention of the inevitable….after all, and visa vi John Titor, you would think one from the future would encourage the destruction since their future exists because of it.

Unless of course they come from a alternate reality in which time travel exists and their time line only exists because someone from their time returns to our time to set about a chain of actions which lead to the creation of their universe.
What makes a universe real? What if this alternate future is created by the mere dreaming of it...?

Re: SciFi\'s UFO Invasion at Rendlesham w/Briant Gumbl

I agree. It seems only logical to me that an alien's only incentive would be observation since they would need to be more highly evolved in order to do such a thing. Being more evolved, in my opinion, implies more virtuous. Having their own existance somewhere else would eliminate any political agenda unless they wish for us to be able to benefit other planets in our sector of the galaxy sooner.

I believe that the government would want to keep time travel a secret but only because they would want to monopolize its use.