Temporal Navigator
Greetings humanoids
I've just finished being teleported back to 2625 (and had a bit of holographic sex with Britney of course, as well as with Zarau Phenord, very popular singer in 2206) and I had another momentary time-shift that has made me even more Chrono than Dave on my return to the 21st century.
Who can forget this chestnut:
"Light speed travel is achieved by a complicated "mixing" of water, hydrogen, francium and lunarium (lunarium hasn't been discovered yet). If one thing goes wrong in the process then the whole ship could be blown to pieces."
Lets just rewind shall we? Light speed travel is MIXED using WATER, HYDROGEN, FRANCIUM and LUNARIUM.
Here's the recipe
1 pint water (filtered if possible)
1 packet powdered hydrogen
1 tub of fresh francium (French calcium or something?)
1 jar pickled lunarium (apparentky found on the moon but also on the Skaaran's home planet? Did they live on a moon? Did we care enough to find out before massacring the lot of them and blowing up the whole planet?? How did that work?? Ah the Skaarans bless their cripsy dead bodies)
In a bowl put the francium and hydrogen, mix well with a sonic screwdriver
Sift in lunarium and finally slowly pour in the water
Light speed should be fluffy and slightly bubbly
Pour into spaceship and fly to alien homeworld with photon bombs to kill the entire race
Incidentally - thanks for a whole 1 reply from everyone in dealing with the Lizard Men problem, come on the whole future earth is swarming in the reptilian bastards! I Need your suggestions to help us free the planet!
I've just finished being teleported back to 2625 (and had a bit of holographic sex with Britney of course, as well as with Zarau Phenord, very popular singer in 2206) and I had another momentary time-shift that has made me even more Chrono than Dave on my return to the 21st century.
Who can forget this chestnut:
"Light speed travel is achieved by a complicated "mixing" of water, hydrogen, francium and lunarium (lunarium hasn't been discovered yet). If one thing goes wrong in the process then the whole ship could be blown to pieces."
Lets just rewind shall we? Light speed travel is MIXED using WATER, HYDROGEN, FRANCIUM and LUNARIUM.
Here's the recipe
1 pint water (filtered if possible)
1 packet powdered hydrogen
1 tub of fresh francium (French calcium or something?)
1 jar pickled lunarium (apparentky found on the moon but also on the Skaaran's home planet? Did they live on a moon? Did we care enough to find out before massacring the lot of them and blowing up the whole planet?? How did that work?? Ah the Skaarans bless their cripsy dead bodies)
In a bowl put the francium and hydrogen, mix well with a sonic screwdriver
Sift in lunarium and finally slowly pour in the water
Light speed should be fluffy and slightly bubbly
Pour into spaceship and fly to alien homeworld with photon bombs to kill the entire race
Incidentally - thanks for a whole 1 reply from everyone in dealing with the Lizard Men problem, come on the whole future earth is swarming in the reptilian bastards! I Need your suggestions to help us free the planet!