Science & "Logic"...On The Brink


Temporal Novice
Science & \"Logic\"...On The Brink


During a meeting of the SPR on 24 April 04 that discussed the relevance
of physics to the paranormal opinions were asked regarding my theory now
called "Survival Physics". The opinions were not very complementary. It was
said it had good points and bad ones. Will anyone please tell me what the
bad points are so that these can be addressed?

The theory was published in the Spring/Summer 1997 edition of "Frontier
Perspectives" pp 70-78 without the maths entitled "Consciousness as a
Sub-Quantum Phenomenon". (Note that this was somehow missed from the
contents list) It can also be found on the Tom M. Jones website;

Good science demands the publication of all theories that fit
experimental facts and for which no flawed logic or internal contradiction
can be identified -regardless of any lack of prestigious address or lack of
status. Opinions are usually negative, as history shows, and should
therefore not be regarded as valid criteria.

The approach was regarded at the SPR meeting as being no better than
others and most people seem to have rejected the idea that an intelligent
background medium could exist. It seems to me that several matters of
considerable importance have not been appreciated and so I will briefly
summarise these in the hope that a better appreciation of them will be

1 A real background medium had to exist to create the organised waves
needed at the quantum level.
2 This ultimate level could not depend on wave-mechanics like the quantum
level otherwise an even deeper level would be needed to make its waves.
3 All four forces of nature are dependent on wave-mechanics arising at
the quantum level and so could not exist at the ultimate level, now to be
called the "i-ther".
4 Therefore a dynamics of energy had to be formulated for use at the
i-ther level and it was decided to asume a similar dynamics would apply at
the macroscopic level.
5 General relativity is such an energy dynamics but was inapplicable
since its assumptions make it incompatible with any king of background
6 An alternative to relativity had to be devised, as a dynamics of
energy, that matched all observation equally well. This was achieved but it
was necessay to go to Russia to obtain peer-reviewed publication (1991). How
many critics have taken this difficult task into consideration? The main
features are: that all objects are made from the arithmetic sum of rest
energy and kinetic energy with a corresponding inertial mass as the sum of
the rest mass and kinetic mass (not possible in relativity). Also light
moves more slowly in vacuum in high gravity, associated with a non-uniform
i-theric density.
7 This should not be discounted owing to the publication of Hal Putthof's
theory that makes gravity a residual of electromagnetism and also yields
Newton's second law. This can represent the way the dynamics of energy was
provided and indeed the two theories are mutually compatible and mutually
8 Next it was necessary to solve the problem of the "Cosmological
Constant": Theorists can find no way of adequately switching off the
"inflation" assumed to create all the matter and energy of the universe in a
single explosive burst of creation -effectively violating the conservation
of energy for a split second and then obeying it precisely ever-afterwards.
Even today cosmologists have no solution to offer yet it totally invalidates
all the subsequent histories of the universe they explore. A solution was
provided in the next Russian publication of 1993 and is incorporated in the
1997 publication. This demanded the application of the energy dynamics to an
opposite kind of energy-negative energy as well as to positive energy for
use only at the i-theric level. This is termed "opposed energy dynamics" and
is based on the application of the conservation of energy simultaneously
with the conservation of momentum.
9 These two laws, applied to the collision of "primaries" the i-theric
particles and the only true particles that really exist, showed that when
opposites collided both gained energy of their own kind in equal and
opposite amounts. It meant spontaneous creation from the void of nothing
could happen. This replaced the flawed inflation theory.
It is impossible to find a way of creating a flaw-free theory that allows
the universe to arise from nothing without accepting the possibility of
primaries made as a mix of positive and negative energies!
10 Next comes the jewel in the crown: a solution for the cosmological
constant! The initial creative explosion shuts down spontaneously to yield a
slowly yet ever-accelerating expansion of the i-ther. This happens because a
myriad of minute flow cells becomes possible in which primaries all converge
from all directions to common lines at the centres of cells. The net
momentum in each low cell is zero before collision, the same value as for
the zero energy state. This means annihilation is favoured and so the
violent explosion shuts down to a gentle growth in which it is predicted
that distant points move away from one another at speeds proportional to the
"Hubble Constant" with accelerations equal to the square of the Hubble
Constant times distance. This prediction was confirmed by astronomical
observation in 1998.
11 Filaments of annihilation could form up into a structure and this
seemed to have the potentiol of evolving a conscious intelligence. If this
can be confirmed by computer studies then we have a very plausible
explanation of the creation of the universe. The structure is only able to
produce waves and some form of machine intelligence would be required for
their organisation to build repeated transient structures that appear to us
as sub-atomic particles.
12 Hence a new and very appealing interpretation for the unresolved
enigma called "wave-particle duality" has emerged. Furthermore if the
sub-conscious mind is assumed to be part of the i-theric structure then
almost the entire spectrum of paranormal phenomena is readily provided with
explanations as potentially real effects-inclusive of OBE's NDE's and the
survival of death.
13 It also follows that space and matter could not have arisen together
15 billion years ago as it does according to big bang theorists. The i-ther
had to appear first, at least 100 billion years ago, and then matter could
be created as a deliberate act, possibly 15 billion years ago. I am aware of
the "tired light" theories of people such as Aspden, who show electrons and
ions of intergalactic space could produce the red shift. This is then
assumed to eliminate expansion giving a return to a steady state universe.
The tired light ideas can be incorporated so that the expansion is slowed
but not stopped, yielding a mix of two approaches.

In my opinion this derivation makes the idea of an intelligent
background a very plausible and attractive hypothesis, considering the large
number of problems for which the theory offers solutions. To answer
Professor Josephson's request for the way physics is affected and how
experimental verification could be attempted I make further comment.
Quantum theory is not changed, neither is electrodymnamics. Only the
theory of gravity is affected and eight new experiments spin-off, most of
which would distinguish my "Exact Classical Mechanics" from special and
general relativity. The paranormal can also be regarded as giving
experimental support.

I feel people should weigh all these factors before coming to the
conclusion that this theory is no better than any others. How many of these
others provide as many solutions to vexed quaetions?