Schrodinger's Wave Equation and Jackson Pollack


Chrono Cadet
Schrodinger\'s Wave Equation and Jackson Pollack

When I visit the museum of art, I often think about physics. Especially the moderns, the abstractionists.

To me, Jackson Pollack was inventing a new universe each time he splattered a wall-size painting. It was like he was inventing a new "equation" that some sorry physicist would pour over for decades, in that created universe, trying to figure the meaning to.

The joy, I think, having been a painter, is to know that Jackson Pollack's paintings were about the joy of living and creating, they were about Jazz and electron orbits and prisms of light, dancing in skilled randomness from the flick of his wrist to the deft drips sprayed from his paint brush.

When we can one day delve into that realm of life and science, as Pollack did with his brush, time travel will most certainly be our option to take.

Tha appropriateness of chance is astounding.
Re: Schrodinger\'s Wave Equation and Jackson Pollack

I posted this (above) quite awhile ago and no one has been inspired to follow up. Maybe on such a science oriented forum people aren't familiar with the abstracions of Jackson Pollock. But since then, I was over-joyed to see an article in Scientific American (December 2002 page 116) entitled "Order In Pollock's Chaos" in which Richard P. Taylor did a thorough computor analysis of Pollock's paint-splattered masterpieces and discovered fractal geometry at work!

"Computer-assisted analysis of Pollock's paintings reveals that the artist built up layers of paint in a carefully developed technique that created a dense web of fractals".

In the article, Taylor compares Pollock's works to other "splatter technique" paintings and finds a discerning difference. His works reflect a basic natural pattern, found in the natural world like in trees. His works portray a statistical self-similarity, not unlike the beautiful fractal images ever-increasingly smaller and intricate designs of mathematics and probablities that have been computor generated since the discovery of the pattern in the chaos of fractals. Fractal understanding has lead to better predictions of weather patterns, better understanding of the universe in general. And to think, an artist, splattering paint upon huge canvases tuned into this in a most natural and elemental way. People for decades have been trying to explain why Pollock's works struck such a true chord, and now we have scientific evidence to know why. They evoke the pattern of life all around us.

Re: Schrodinger\'s Wave Equation and Jackson Pollack

If I may, I would like to bring this old post up again and ask if anyone wants to talk to me about it. To anyone who might like art and science?

Does anyone like art or paintings? Does anyone see connections of present breakthroughs of ideas to the artwork that is created in that time?

Some people arrive at the same answers to their questions in differeing ways.

I showed one example here.

I may be able to understand the theories behind Schrodiinger's equation of wave function. And I may instinctively grasp something special from a painting that has broadened my perspetive.

But, alas, it would take some re-learnind and effort to look at his equation in it's mathmatical terms, as I am now, looking at it in a book, to have my eyes opened and a light bulb magically appear above my brow.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong one ever commented on this post that I made. Is anyone now?