Scan me, go ahead scan me!


Temporal Novice
all those of you who practice R.V., why don't you check me out and tell me a little about myself and my surroundings. since creedo is the most heralded one for this skill, i expect to hear from him soon. i'm not a sceptic, i've done R.V.myself with limited success, i'm not trying to disprove it, i just thought it would be cool if someone R.V.ed me and got a few "hits".
I wouldn't mind seeing osmeone R.V. me either, I'd like to see what people can find out about me without them asking or me telling them. I've got an interesting life, even though I'm still in H.S. I'd like someone to do it, and tell me what they got from it, if you don't mind. I've been trying R.V. but I can't do it yet. I've been able to do some telepathy, and I have precognition dreams. I can't speak with telepathy to others but I can pick up people's thoughts, or I will know what they are about to say. I see parts of my own future in dreams, but forget them instantly after I wake up, and a few weeks or months later I end up having a dejavu and remembering the dream right before it happsns.<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">I'm Skye, a girl with a dream, a quest and a nightmare.
I have a very good question that I have been pondering for a long time. Is deja vu a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb. I can't justify putting it in any of those categories.
Well its a French adjective
and its function is a noun because it shows both state,action and concept:

1 a : the illusion of remembering scenes and events when experienced for the first time b : a feeling that one has seen or heard something before.
2 : something overly or unpleasantly familiar
Very extraordinary abilities you claim to possess Skye, I can definitely relate to many of what you just described.

However, something bothers me about your R.V. proposal. Let me see if I understand you correctly, you have no reservations to having strangers, people who you don’t know, to R.V. on your personal life?

I have to ask, have you not paid any attention to the crimes Creedo has committed with many of the members here and my explanations how it’s wrong?

I know your young, so let me try and put it in a way you can understand. You say you are still in high school right? Okay now how would you like it if some of your male classmates walked in on you in the locker room after gym class right when your changing?

Would that not be an embarrassing situation for you to be in?

Would you not feel that your privacy is being invaded?

It’s the same with remote viewing. Your only inviting other forces and people to be peeping toms of your life, are you sure you want them to invade it for all to see?

Will you not feel shame for what they may see and disclose about you on these posts?

I hope this helps you see the moral dilemma of this practice now, and that it has changed your opinion about having others invade and exploit your life.

If you have any further questions or comments, please e-mail my inbox or bring them to my attention.


Well put, then I take back what I said, put in those words i see what you mean. I should have obviously studied R.V. before replying so quickly to this, and I should have read a bit more about Creedo, because honestly I have not read much here on him. Thanks for the advice. My abilities to tell you, have been getting stronger lately as well. It might be a lucky guess, but out of five drawn cards from a shuffled deck, I have determined, in a row the color and the suit, meaning both the color and the suit are correct. My telepathy, picking up/giving thoughts is VERY spontaneous, not only have I picked up htoughts, I have turned on the radio, right before a specific song I was thinking about plays. Such as on the station I listen to all the time, I have turned it on three tiems to hear Points of Authority by Linkin Park play a few moments later. Sometimes I will hum a song and turn on the radio, there it will be. Also, today my friend while at home, me at school, listened to the same song, the same time, unknowing til an hour later, I heard him singing the song somehow, I thought my mind was tricking me, but it was no doubt him, it was very interesting. If you wanna know anything esle on what I can do, just ask. I know this sounds very corny, but I am working to try and learn the art of Shapeshifting, I beleive it's possible, but it's going to take time. A friend of mine is learning teleportation, and has been halfway successful so far, teleportation without a device, merely himself. Thanks again TTA.

OH and to those of you who have read my post "A Friend from the Future" It has come to my attention, some things were stretched by my friend, yet my story sticks, though he is not a time traveller, all else of what I have said has been truth, please forgive my gulibleness and my ignorance in not listening to you, I regret my quick judgements, but even though that is true, without knowing what he's told me, I would not have the abilI have now. Thank you.

<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">I'm Skye, a girl with a dream, a quest and a nightmare.
Your very welcome Skye
, it’s my pleasure to help out people when possible.

Even though I may not go easy on them at times (since they are already adult who should know better), I try to be more understanding with younger people. I can’t really expect them to have all the knowledge and wisdom that comes with old age and experience, now can I

<<If you wanna know anything esle on what I can do, just ask. I know this sounds very corny, but I am working to try and learn the art of Shapeshifting, I beleive it's possible>>

Sure, you sparked my curiosity, how are you going to start shape shifting? I don’t think this topic has ever been brought up around here before. What exactly does it entitle?

My inbox is always open to anyone who wants to drop me a line.

Well Tracker I haven't found any videos on how to do it, only a website, which is kinda vauge, but it describes it pretty easy, it's mainly a page that tells you how to get any kind of ability you want. Mostly through LONG periods of meditation and concentration, I think the time needed is about 5hrs 45mins 16 secons or something like thta, anything close to six hours is what it says. That means six full hours of meditation, thinking of nothing, only visualizing yourself in a sphere of light <your nner light is what it said> and just focus on the ability you want. So far, I've only been able to go an hour before I fall asleep, focus isn't hard, just keeping my body from going to sleep like that. I've been on the very edge of sleep, I guess on the edge of conciousness and unconciousness, and felt my whole body feel like it was tingling, like, every nerve was trembling I guess. It's kinda hard to describe. There have been plenty of times when I was on the edge like that, but the slightest sound or distraction makes my entire body jerk me awake, like being dropped form a great height or, like someone just shocked me.
Hope that answers both your q Tracker and yours too TTA.


I'll try and get ahold of the website, I don't have it on me at the moment<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">I'm Skye, a girl with a dream, a quest and a nightmare.
Hours of meditation, now that that takes me back.

I remember back when I was 15-17 years old, I would meditate for hours a day. I was on a disciplined self-schedule of 3 times of week, trying eagerly and impetuously to acquire a higher sense of being and awareness.

That's how I acquired most of my abilities. Being able to sense things by placing my self outside of my self. And placing my self in others, and sensing through them, transcending time it's self, I could experience the past and future through them.

Consequently that is how all of this temporal manipulation started. Leading my life to a lot more then I bargained for.

By refining my natural inborn talents brought me to discovering new worlds of reality. Breaking through the barrier of this corporeal world, I experienced it all. I opened up a can of worms, consisting of temporal distortions, fazed reality, vertigo, Deja vu and numerical coincidences that would show them selves in front of my path through every action and decision I made or didn't. Which equated that it was out of my hands.

Somehow I realized something I was not meant to realize. Which in turn they realized I noticed them, and that I was defecting and about to speak out against them (The New Age future).

They know I know who they are. And that I wouldn't allow them to go unanswered for their crimes.

They can try to stop the TTA daily, holding me back until I cross the finish line say in 20 years or so.

For they fear what I am capable of doing if left to my own device. And what I could do to the universal consciousness, and their future.

But they cannot stop me from trying and giving it everything I have. Despite their well calculated efforts, I will still continue to see through them, and do everything in my power to ensure that I counter-act their sabotage, and make it difficult for them to manipulate my life.

Not many of my friends understand me and what i can do, two of them do, my boyfriend and my best friend. Each can do some of what i told you about, like my abilities, one though is telekinetic and can manipulate computers, such as mess with the programming, turning thme off and on, resetting them, or kicking off the internet cnnection. It only happens when he gets emotional, though it's still cool. I'm glad you can relate to me TTA, I can't tell my parents about my abilities, they woudn't understand, no way to show them proof either, not yet anyway.

Most of the human race is too close minded to understand alot of this, or they block it and try and disprove it's truth, outcasting those who can do stuff like this. I'd love to share with my parents what i can do and show them a few things, how to do them too, but they are like the majority of humans, close minded, unbelievers. I want to use what i can do to help others, and bring happiness to the world, I know it sounds like a tall order, but hey It's what my goal in life is.

In my opinion, natural human ability is related to religion in a way, have you ever thought of what the bible means by "Man was created in God's image" ? It doesn't just mean we look like God, but I believe we can do things like God, become minigods if you will. Humans have the potential to be great, and powerful, for good causes, its just that none has come close to unlocking our full potential, because it's nearly limitless and takes our entire life to even begin to try. What do you think? This is what I think, just want some feedback.

~Skye<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">I'm Skye, a girl with a dream, a quest and a nightmare.
Just wonderin? Has anyone noticed any major aberrations in the continuum over the past weekend, that might indicate the intersection or overlapping of more than one time line we are insteracting with?

I had numerous Deja Vu expereinces during the mid afternoon hours this past Saturday.
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">Mr. Daniel E. Lauirer

aka: Commander Zxavier
<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 20-Aug-02 AT 10:57PM (EDT)</font>

<<Not many of my friends understand me and what i can do, two of them do, my boyfriend and my best friend. Each can do some of what i told you about, like my abilities, one though is telekinetic and can manipulate computers, such as mess with the programming, turning thme off and on, resetting them, or kicking off the internet cnnection>>

It is rare when one can find someone who can understand them, whether different or not.

Where are you and your friends from? It seems odd that you would all be capable of something like this, and be from the same area.

Did you all read up on this as a group growing up or something?

The messing with the computers, programming and booting people off the Internet is something I’d like to see how it’s done. Can you please elaborate more on this? I’d like to see how besides someone’s static electricity can do what you say it can

<<It only happens when he gets emotional, though it's still cool.>>

Emotions huh?

Well I have been known to be quite emotional sometimes too (Latin temper
) and I don’t seem to blow up any computer screens or mess up people’s television reception, or anything like that.

<<I can't tell my parents about my abilities, they woudn't understand, no way to show them proof either, not yet anyway.>>

Do you find it difficult to be accepted by your parents for the sake of having these abilities? Can’t you not practice them, instead of feeling that it’s making a wedge between you and them? Or will that make a wedge between you and your peers, and that is why you do not wish to tell them?

Friends will come and go, but family is forever. They will always be there for you, to help you through your hard times, and get you out of a tight squeeze. Not that I’d know, but that’s what seems to be the consensus view of families

<<Most of the human race is too close minded to understand alot of this, or they block it and try and disprove it's truth, outcasting those who can do stuff like this. I'd love to share with my parents what i can do and show them a few things, how to do them too, but they are like the majority of humans, close minded, unbelievers.>>

Well maybe you can try communicating to them in a way they can understand. Talk to them seriously, if you want them to understand and take you serious they have to see that your not just being immature and pulling their leg, nor that your caught up in something without seeing the rational thought of it.

Labeling the human race closed minded because it does not conveniently allow or accept your ideals, is labeling your self that too. They can say that you are closed minded for not seeing common sense, and seeing how these things you propose can be wrong or unethical.

After all, you have shown that you have not yet considered all the possibilities of that either

I think if people want to be considered opened minded, that they should be the kind of people that can see both sides to an issue, not just when they are gullible to believe anything you put in front of them, and expect everyone else to follow along.

That’s hypocrisy.

There needs to be an understanding of mankind that not everyone will see and understand what you’re saying to them. And seeing through their eyes with compassion and tolerance can one say that they are opened minded and understand that -that they do not know. And being able to work with them, to help them see and get the point, is that not what you would want in return?

<<I want to use what i can do to help others, and bring happiness to the world, I know it sounds like a tall order, but hey It's what my goal in life is.>>

Well that's great Skye
, it sounds like you feel in your heart what needs to be done. If that is any reflection to your parent's upbringing, I don't see how it can be so difficult to talk to them about your feelings and ambition.

<<my opinion, natural human ability is related to religion in a way, have you ever thought of what the bible means by "Man was created in God's image" ? It doesn't just mean we look like God, but I believe we can do things like God, become minigods if you will.>>

Yeah I know, but ya know what? That's where I draw the line. I don't follow into New Age philosophy. Let's just say that that is where we lost in the future, ideals like this led to Time Travel in the first place. And I am not about to allow that mistake to happen again.

Man being "minigods" is being disrespectful to the race that gave it life. It was founded on principles of truth and freedom, not lies and deception. That is where humanity loses its humanity and where it creates a hypocrisy of it's sad existence.

<<Humans have the potential to be great, and powerful, for good causes, its just that none has come close to unlocking our full potential, because it's nearly limitless and takes our entire life to even begin to try. What do you think?>>

Yes, but the problem with that, as how you said, you become minigods. Set on dominating those below you. Making the forces that man believes to be divine and are governing their lives, to merely being lies. There is no choice, no freedom, no independence. For it’s not God we are serving, but man.

Are the great and powerful potentials, we as mankind think we can someday posses justified to playing God and treating our selves with little regard to who our former selves were?

Is it moral?

Are we in our all-powerful roles of minigods creating a world where we would forget our past, and strive to only unite the universe to work for them selves (human descendents)? And as such, how can one truly ever know freedom and independence, when it's never been our choice to choose? It's the minigods of the future who have already decided for you, and set it all in motion. That force that we sense in the past to reach (God), is merely a ploy set in motion long ago by man in the future, to create unification with everything. All through manipulation.

Now I ask again, is that moral?

Conveniently in the future they found a twisted way of making it moral, if it's necessary for the future's end result and that is how it needs to be, then it's definitely the right thing to do.

But is it moral for us, HELL NO!

It infringes on hundreds of human principles, and I am not prepared to abandon this race. It has given me life and reason to exist, I think it's only fair that I give mine back to it.

You said that you have a friend who is telekinetic?
<<one though is telekinetic and can manipulate computers, such as mess with the programming, turning thme off and on, resetting them, or kicking off the internet cnnection>>
Telekinesis would allow him to turnthe computer on and off, but not mess up the programs. Hard drives are magnetic storage, and cannot be manipulated easily from the outside without magnetic forces. The internet connection is hardwired into the system and cannot be changed without removing it from the LAN/PCI/ISA etc. slot. It goes from there directly into the CPU, which, if he could manipulate, would break the CPU permanately. Telekinesis is not enough to mess with electronic data, I'm sorry.
Wow, Great post, TTA, I agree with everything you said, I've always felt that New Age was dumb because it says that humans can become God or God-like, that's Satan's deception right there. Ironically Jesus was against religion (Christian Fundamentalists are dead wrong in some assumptions)
in other words Jesus thought that the priests of his day, shouldn't push the Old Testament so completely, if TT's are really doing this in the future, someone will stop them.

Weirdest thing happened to me today, I was outside playing with my dog, and I walked in the grass and got some dew from the grass on my slippers and walked out on to the concrete and it made some minor footprints and my dog moved over and he was sniffing around, and I looked back and low and behold the footprints were gone, that wouldn't of been very weird, unless it wasn't for the fact that it was cool and it was overcast at the time.

BTW, TTA according to the "SF (Sci-Fi) Chronophysics Guide (

You believe that we are living in a Type 3 universe (overwriting) correct?

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"- Jesus Christ

"Those who forget history, are doomed to repeat it"-Forgot who said this one.

P.S Atheists regardless of whether they think there is no God, All you have to do is switch "highly spirtual beings" with "highly evolved beings" and atheists will listen after a while because they have no moral guidance.

P.P.S, Aw,you've got that hyper-sensitivity to changes in the time line and Skye's got the ESP/Telepathy thing going.

Aw, why can't I have cool abilties?


Don't worry. Do you practice meditation and try telekinesis through the day? If you are just waiting for the abbilities to come, they will not. You have to really practice them.

My friends and I just met up about this year, one lives near me the other in Iowa. We're in Fl now, just happened to find each other one day. Some of us have been doing it longer, Josh, my BF has been alot longer than me or my friend odwn here. I've been doing it shorter than any of them, but seem to be catching up fast. OH one of my OTHER friends whom I only talk to nline is from FL too, I just found him and Josh online chatsites and stuff.

I didn't really read up on stuff, just mainly self experimenting and trial adn error, some stuff I did, mostly online stuff, since I can't get a job to Buy books and videos.

Now, about the computer thing, I really don't know HOW it happens, it just does, it's kinda controlled but most o what we do is spontaneous. The energy concentration isn't but most everything else is, and I'm trying to get over that too.

I can't practice my skills openly, I haven't told them what i can do but I've done some stuff infront of em. If I told them all that's happened they wont' believe me,t hey are very skeptic.

My parents taught me alot, kept me on the right track, just alot of stuff they don't understand about the 'strange' I don't want to 'make a wedge' as you put it between myself and them, we disagree on some stuff, and this might be one of them. If I told them EVERYTHING that has happened then they wouldnt believe me period. I mean, I deal with beings that I can't see, but only feel, evil ones, I guess they are demons, they try to take me over and stop me some days. It feels like they are draining me too. If anyone can explain what else might cause this please tell me.

Good point about my opinion there, your right, we should look at both sides, though my opinions change as my life changes nearly weekly. so who knows how itll change again. I build off of experience, though little. And I admit I assume too much...I'm working on that. I used to be nosey too, and gossipy, not anymore luckily. I still have a 'big mouth' though and like to blurt things I shouldn't, and things others shouldn't know. I judge too harsh sometimes too, but hey I'm not perfect, and after a few things I've been through, it's kinda turned me slightly cold, not really but internally to some it has.

~Skye<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">I'm Skye, a girl with a dream, a quest and a nightmare.
you have fricken got to be kidding me!
no takers? not one single try? just a bunch of subject changing and that's it, not one single attempt.
Ahh what a nap… Okay Boot, if you can tell me what I dreamt of today, you got my attention. Only what I dreamt of okay

It may very well be impossible to R.V. the TTA, since Daniel couldn’t, and he’s the best

what type of distraction is this? this is my thread and it was my initial request for someone to rv my surroundings and now you want me to rv you? what is up with that? i asked first, someone rv me first.