<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 20-Aug-02 AT 10:57PM (EDT)</font>
<<Not many of my friends understand me and what i can do, two of them do, my boyfriend and my best friend. Each can do some of what i told you about, like my abilities, one though is telekinetic and can manipulate computers, such as mess with the programming, turning thme off and on, resetting them, or kicking off the internet cnnection>>
It is rare when one can find someone who can understand them, whether different or not.
Where are you and your friends from? It seems odd that you would all be capable of something like this, and be from the same area.
Did you all read up on this as a group growing up or something?
The messing with the computers, programming and booting people off the Internet is something I’d like to see how it’s done. Can you please elaborate more on this? I’d like to see how besides someone’s static electricity can do what you say it can
<<It only happens when he gets emotional, though it's still cool.>>
Emotions huh?
Well I have been known to be quite emotional sometimes too (Latin temper
) and I don’t seem to blow up any computer screens or mess up people’s television reception, or anything like that.
<<I can't tell my parents about my abilities, they woudn't understand, no way to show them proof either, not yet anyway.>>
Do you find it difficult to be accepted by your parents for the sake of having these abilities? Can’t you not practice them, instead of feeling that it’s making a wedge between you and them? Or will that make a wedge between you and your peers, and that is why you do not wish to tell them?
Friends will come and go, but family is forever. They will always be there for you, to help you through your hard times, and get you out of a tight squeeze. Not that I’d know, but that’s what seems to be the consensus view of families
<<Most of the human race is too close minded to understand alot of this, or they block it and try and disprove it's truth, outcasting those who can do stuff like this. I'd love to share with my parents what i can do and show them a few things, how to do them too, but they are like the majority of humans, close minded, unbelievers.>>
Well maybe you can try communicating to them in a way they can understand. Talk to them seriously, if you want them to understand and take you serious they have to see that your not just being immature and pulling their leg, nor that your caught up in something without seeing the rational thought of it.
Labeling the human race closed minded because it does not conveniently allow or accept your ideals, is labeling your self that too. They can say that you are closed minded for not seeing common sense, and seeing how these things you propose can be wrong or unethical.
After all, you have shown that you have not yet considered all the possibilities of that either
I think if people want to be considered opened minded, that they should be the kind of people that can see both sides to an issue, not just when they are gullible to believe anything you put in front of them, and expect everyone else to follow along.
That’s hypocrisy.
There needs to be an understanding of mankind that not everyone will see and understand what you’re saying to them. And seeing through their eyes with compassion and tolerance can one say that they are opened minded and understand that -that they do not know. And being able to work with them, to help them see and get the point, is that not what you would want in return?
<<I want to use what i can do to help others, and bring happiness to the world, I know it sounds like a tall order, but hey It's what my goal in life is.>>
Well that's great Skye
, it sounds like you feel in your heart what needs to be done. If that is any reflection to your parent's upbringing, I don't see how it can be so difficult to talk to them about your feelings and ambition.
<<my opinion, natural human ability is related to religion in a way, have you ever thought of what the bible means by "Man was created in God's image" ? It doesn't just mean we look like God, but I believe we can do things like God, become minigods if you will.>>
Yeah I know, but ya know what? That's where I draw the line. I don't follow into New Age philosophy. Let's just say that that is where we lost in the future, ideals like this led to Time Travel in the first place. And I am not about to allow that mistake to happen again.
Man being "minigods" is being disrespectful to the race that gave it life. It was founded on principles of truth and freedom, not lies and deception. That is where humanity loses its humanity and where it creates a hypocrisy of it's sad existence.
<<Humans have the potential to be great, and powerful, for good causes, its just that none has come close to unlocking our full potential, because it's nearly limitless and takes our entire life to even begin to try. What do you think?>>
Yes, but the problem with that, as how you said, you become minigods. Set on dominating those below you. Making the forces that man believes to be divine and are governing their lives, to merely being lies. There is no choice, no freedom, no independence. For it’s not God we are serving, but man.
Are the great and powerful potentials, we as mankind think we can someday posses justified to playing God and treating our selves with little regard to who our former selves were?
Is it moral?
Are we in our all-powerful roles of minigods creating a world where we would forget our past, and strive to only unite the universe to work for them selves (human descendents)? And as such, how can one truly ever know freedom and independence, when it's never been our choice to choose? It's the minigods of the future who have already decided for you, and set it all in motion. That force that we sense in the past to reach (God), is merely a ploy set in motion long ago by man in the future, to create unification with everything. All through manipulation.
Now I ask again, is that moral?
Conveniently in the future they found a twisted way of making it moral, if it's necessary for the future's end result and that is how it needs to be, then it's definitely the right thing to do.
But is it moral for us, HELL NO!
It infringes on hundreds of human principles, and I am not prepared to abandon this race. It has given me life and reason to exist, I think it's only fair that I give mine back to it.