Temporal Novice
A.K.A Saint Nicholas was born in the Middle East about 350 miles northwest of Bethlehem in the fourth century. Saint Nicholas (270-310) was at one time bishop of Myra, a town in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). He is "supposed" to have died on December 6 which is why his feast is celebrated on that date. Recognized for his great generosity, he is the patron saint of little children and school children. He is also known as the friend and protector of all those in trouble. As we know Myra was loaded with Masons @ that point in time ergo his Intimate association with them, But the story gets even stranger after that..
His reputation for gift giving comes partly from a story of three young women who were too poor to afford a dowry for their marriages: as each reached a marriageable age, Nicholas surreptitiously threw a bag of gold into the house at night. Some versions of the legend say that the girls' father, trying to discover their benefactor, kept watch on the third occasion, but Nicholas dropped the third bag down the chimney instead. When the father found out the truth, Nicholas begged him to keep the secret, but, of course, the news got out. After he died, people in the region continued to give to the poor anonymously, and such gifts were still often attributed to St. Nicholas.
Why was Mr Nicholas so terrified of being caught Because He knew what they would do to him if his embezzlement of the Masons treasury were discovered and so it came to pass as they assuredly snuffed him out. But now this tale takes a dark turn...
His Next appearance came in the Guise of Father Christmas in the 17th century When the Masons were establishing themselves through out Northern Europe Namely Britain. Coincidence, I say not as that was the stepping stone for the Masons to the West all of a sudden out of the willy nilly here comes a character fitting the exact same M.O. As poor Nicholas I say he was not meant to die that day in 310
But rather Mason sorcerers using dark alchemy and ritual brought Nicholas back from the dead to do their bidding for all time. But wait it gets much deeper than this. After the Masons established their foothold in the New World guess who shows up thats right SinterKlass faired over by Dutch also known for Masonic activity.
I ask you this try translating SinterKlass from Dutch to English using Google. It gives you no answer, thats right no answer @ all. I have over seas sources that clearly state that it loosely translated, it means "Sinister Claws" but I have yet to confirm this.
Now that Mr Sinister has a toe hold in the New world he changes guise again from the typical gaunt Zombie like figure in robes. To a Jolly more Likable Image that we are familiar with today Getting fed milk and cookies because they are easy to digest and the calcium postpones the advanced osteoporosis. Someone must surely face after centuries of much Maligned activity and disinformation.
But here the real agenda he along with the Masons are in control of the global Market every year billions get spent in the name of this sinister being. But do you think it's sheer coincidence he resides @ the North Pole "No it's not" Have you not heard of the Magnetic anomalies that occur from that general area lately. Here it is, the Masons along with Mr Sinister Claws are trying to use the revenue generated from the holidays to flip the Earths axis, and plunge the world into A new dark age ripe for the picking.
Heres a quote from one of these So called Santa songs Santa Claus lane and quote "Hang your stockings and say your prayers
'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight!..
In My world "say your prayers" has a far darker meaning. If I don't disappear over this have an excellent holiday..

His reputation for gift giving comes partly from a story of three young women who were too poor to afford a dowry for their marriages: as each reached a marriageable age, Nicholas surreptitiously threw a bag of gold into the house at night. Some versions of the legend say that the girls' father, trying to discover their benefactor, kept watch on the third occasion, but Nicholas dropped the third bag down the chimney instead. When the father found out the truth, Nicholas begged him to keep the secret, but, of course, the news got out. After he died, people in the region continued to give to the poor anonymously, and such gifts were still often attributed to St. Nicholas.
Why was Mr Nicholas so terrified of being caught Because He knew what they would do to him if his embezzlement of the Masons treasury were discovered and so it came to pass as they assuredly snuffed him out. But now this tale takes a dark turn...
His Next appearance came in the Guise of Father Christmas in the 17th century When the Masons were establishing themselves through out Northern Europe Namely Britain. Coincidence, I say not as that was the stepping stone for the Masons to the West all of a sudden out of the willy nilly here comes a character fitting the exact same M.O. As poor Nicholas I say he was not meant to die that day in 310
But rather Mason sorcerers using dark alchemy and ritual brought Nicholas back from the dead to do their bidding for all time. But wait it gets much deeper than this. After the Masons established their foothold in the New World guess who shows up thats right SinterKlass faired over by Dutch also known for Masonic activity.
I ask you this try translating SinterKlass from Dutch to English using Google. It gives you no answer, thats right no answer @ all. I have over seas sources that clearly state that it loosely translated, it means "Sinister Claws" but I have yet to confirm this.
Now that Mr Sinister has a toe hold in the New world he changes guise again from the typical gaunt Zombie like figure in robes. To a Jolly more Likable Image that we are familiar with today Getting fed milk and cookies because they are easy to digest and the calcium postpones the advanced osteoporosis. Someone must surely face after centuries of much Maligned activity and disinformation.
But here the real agenda he along with the Masons are in control of the global Market every year billions get spent in the name of this sinister being. But do you think it's sheer coincidence he resides @ the North Pole "No it's not" Have you not heard of the Magnetic anomalies that occur from that general area lately. Here it is, the Masons along with Mr Sinister Claws are trying to use the revenue generated from the holidays to flip the Earths axis, and plunge the world into A new dark age ripe for the picking.
Heres a quote from one of these So called Santa songs Santa Claus lane and quote "Hang your stockings and say your prayers
'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight!..
In My world "say your prayers" has a far darker meaning. If I don't disappear over this have an excellent holiday..