Said Titor Equation


Super Moderator
Our resident temporal schema investigator, Creedo, stated the following in another thread:
This is times unforlding stance, equal zero parody and means that the equation of John Titor finally floats.
Personally, I just love equations. Especially multi-variable, non-linear ones. Partial derivatives rock my world! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

So I am wondering if Creedo, or anyone else, might be able to quantify said Titor equation. If so, I might be able to use some of my talents in mathematical gymnastics to help in the analysis.

I know it may be hard to believe, but I am really being serious here. If someone can even describe temporal and personality relationships in a semi-quantifiable manner, we might be able to put an equation to it.

Kind Regards,
"Seek and ye shall find":

Those on this board who are serious about scientific quantification of Time, may want to go over to the "New Science and Alternate Energies" board, and read the latest post there entitled "Semi-Linear Time" by Viceroy. Excellent, coherent stuff. Just the kind of prosaic (and I by no means mean "dull") treatment I was asking for above.

Kind Regards,

Technical notes attached as resources to this say;Formulas given where a non-specific location, as a projected shell of two black holes.

So changing the dynamics, as held within the over-laps, then T-mass, is not solid and changes character to a non-specificality.

How this may have been done with reference to projected space time altering architecture, were the devices, of an in-laid series of rare-earth magnets.

This say was included ion one of the more dated post here at TTI.*How would one build the Titormobile, not exact title;.

The reality utility is based within The Industrial Physicist, advertisements, page 12, bottom left hand side, under (magnets), cut, shown, rare earth magnets.

This technology, coupled with a qualified electrical control boss, could have enabled Tripler technology, held within a microstance?Know however this said, is only a simulation, of relative like similar actions, to any proposed full Kerr shell, held within an active state?

So the geneses of the outer shells, must only be an approximate derivative, with the center of the shell, being held as a crew compartment.

This said, within an adjunct to this string, means that the formations of the exterior Kerrs horizons, in non-specificalty, is therefore only an approximate action.

Thank you for letting me insert this adviso, within content to this fruitful work, on a'linnears and components therein.


This equation may be a bit difficult to quantify, but it can be visually observed so I assume there must be appropriate symbols to represent it. But, first, I must tell you a story.

Back in my early days of college life, I had access to what was considered cutting edge technology. We were conncected to the web using Apple IIe's. Friendliness was not one of its best qualities. However, they had the unique little quality of being able to manipulate pixels and creating complex images. I created a simple, one line program to simulate the creation of the universe. I commanded the computer to take a single point, rotate it one degree, and increase its size by a factor of one--maintaining its previous image as it progressed. I placed it in the center of the screen. What resulted was a pretty moire pattern that possessed little information and limited visualization so I moved it to the top left hand pixel and started the program there.

What happened next mystified and astounded me. Simultaneously, from each corner of the screen, a spontaneous eruption of a simple moire pattern turned toward each other and merged into a three-dimensional, curved, closed loop system of pure symmetry into a chaotic fractal torn to bits by the awesome force of the strange attractor--only to resolve itself again into perfect symmetry until I stopped the program to stare at the screen at a hauntingly familiar picture of what appeared to be slice of the nightime sky. From a simple program came a complex structure--replete with a vortice structure connecting each part of itself by way of wormholes that reached every other part of itself. Speed up the picture exponentially, and what you get is: in an infinite moment, an infinitely dense object spinning at an infinite speed, traveling at an infinite velocity, came into being. Along with it came infinite time, infinite knowledge--the eternal now that Transient so elequently calls the Prime Temporal Point. The ancients were aware of it and had convenient six-letter words such as MnzPok that mapped out the temporal pathways following the curvature connecting various constellations. The clusters that appeared on my screen became insignificant in the total scheme of things. They were carried along by the awesomely thinned out structure of space-time itself presenting itself as an infinitesimal nudge in the shape of a vortice that nudges equally in all directions in an inverse-square relationship with matter. Of course, we can't leave out the last part of the equation--sound. It, also, was infinite in duration. The entire universe reverberated throughout the entire chromatic scale. Superstrings appeared encompassing entire galactic structures, further adding to the dance of fractal geometry. The vortices can be visualized as in the shape of tornadoes pressing upon the earth, capturing for a brief moment in time--under perfect conditions--the interaction of space-time on this planet; just as vapor chambers deep within the earth capture the interactions of exotic particles. It is evident throught all of nature--micro and macro.

Another very important aspect to consider is duality. Light is infinitely timeless yet contains discrete units of time--depending on observation. "The wisdom of the Lord is double to that which is." The physical and the spiritual--but that is a subject for another time. What does it matter if we know of the structure of space-time if we do not have the vehicle to manipulate it to our purposes. The vehicle, ironically, connects the dualities. Ironically, but not surprisingly, the method used to enter space is the same for entering temporality. The concept of entering the concentric circles of a system linearly just doesn't follow the laws. Enough for now.
A Clear Voice in the Wilderness you are Zerubbabel: First of all, thank you for your always-lucid contributions.
The vortices can be visualized as in the shape of tornadoes pressing upon the earth, capturing for a brief moment in time--under perfect conditions--the interaction of space-time on this planet
Ahh yes, and in the synchronistic moment, CAT sent me this figure reference that always inspires me. Is this the sort of vortex you mean? When I see this figure, I always immediately see the vision of the human body axis aligned with the central spiral. To me, this overlay of body to spiral exhibits how we interact with spacetime, as a physical body. We are the whirling vortex. The singularity at its center represents the singularity of our body, our mind, our soul, and our spirit....all as One.

Another very important aspect to consider is duality. (snip) The physical and the spiritual--but that is a subject for another time.
Perhaps this time is as good as any? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif The power of the duality is inherently obvious in all. And by that I mean all things physical and all things non-physical.....spiritual, if you so choose. It is interesting because your comments come at a time when I am teaching people at my work the technical importance of both the PHYSICAL and the APHYSICAL aspects of structured, complex system design. Or in systems engineering, we call it the focus on PHYSICAL and FUNCTIONAL architectures, and how they interact with one another. These two considerations are at the heart of any design....any creation, as it were. What the creation DOES (function) and what it IS (physical makeup). From this simple dichotomy, we then get into the topics of networked topologies, semi-linear logic, and fractal/chaos closed-loop feedback systems.

The vehicle, ironically, connects the dualities. Ironically, but not surprisingly, the method used to enter space is the same for entering temporality. The concept of entering the concentric circles of a system linearly just doesn't follow the laws.
VERY intriguing, indeed. I'd like to know more if you wish to share, publicly or privately. My own career has been all about realtime-domain based control systems. Meaning, I have done my design work in the time (and frequency) domains in order to make vehicle of some mass M move thru a given space S. And what you say is what I have intuitively always known must be true: Just as I can design closed-loop Mass->Space control systems (in the form of airplane autopilots in my specific application), it must also be true that one could design closed-loop Mass->Time control systems. But where in one you engineer time(frequency) response of a system, in this new application you engineer space(specific volume) response.

At least this is where my thoughts have lead me..... Kind Regards,

Ironically, the blueprint for orbital insertion in temporal streams has been around for millenia, waiting for its discovery at the appropriate time. It was during my study of the merkaba--more specifically the structure of the High Priest's garments that gave me some insight into how to penetrate the concentric shells surrounding any closed loop system such as the atmospheric layers surrounding planets. The physical descriptions of these garments represents differents aspects of how to penetrete or "interplait" the interstices that exist between things. There is definite indication that this is accomplished with the use of sound represented by the ten shira(the lord he is great, for his mercy endureth forever). Sound breaks the impasse and lowers into a different orbit without having to travel the intervening distance. However, there is another concept that is introduced that changes the direction of travel.

This concept is discussed in the context of prophecy. An angel was seen standing on both the earth and the water--signifying worldwide understanding of the concept. This angel had two objects--a line of flax and a measuring rod. Breaking down the physical meaning of flax, it is reduced to "comminuting linen". Deeper study shows that whatever the angel was trying to show, it was "comminuting linen" or reducing to the size of atoms and using the measuring rod to map out the distances involved. This angel is the 7th angel of Revelation and after giving his message, time is "no more". Further details can be gleaned from the study of the 10th, llth and 12th chapters of Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation. This angel appears in all three narratives and discusses the end of our space-time continuum; and how it will come about. What it seems to suggest to me is the old Zen expression of "the universe is as close as the blood in your neck." In other words, instead of traveling outward, we must be traveling inward. With the current discoveries in quantum mechanics, a quantum computer is much closer to realization and with VR will give us the opportunity to "travel upon a quanta of light" using non-local vortices to traverse time.

Although this is just a brief explanation of the method involved, there is a mountain of information explaining every tiny detail--even to the explanation of the vortice itself in the symbols explaining the "whirlwind" that had a "fire infolding itself" within it that was bisected to show the prophets what went on inside. It had the color of amber which is a transluscent metal that diffuses light as well as all other forms of electromagnetism. A careful study shows all of the chemicals necessary in maintaining life--right to the element beryl (berylium) which has the symbol of a "wheel within a wheel" or the nuclear symbol. The "sapphire" throne was the final step in the process of the creation of life because sapphire contains the ability within itself to be "univalent"--the bridge between animate and inanimate. Any questions?

The physical descriptions of these garments represents differents aspects of how to penetrete or "interplait" the interstices that exist between things. There is definite indication that this is accomplished with the use of sound represented by the ten shira(the lord he is great, for his mercy endureth forever). Sound breaks the impasse and lowers into a different orbit without having to travel the intervening distance.
Bingo! I can totally resonate with what you are saying here....and of course, the pun is intended! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif The documentation of the use of sound as a physical utility stretch from "God Said..." as being the first phases of Creation right up to ultrasound and its use in visualizing a fetus in the mother's womb. In fact, I just PM'ed CAT with regard to a spotty "RV" scene that I once saw. The vision showed me Edward Leedskalnin at work building his Coral Castle. I "saw" a pyramid-shaped truss (tripod) with a frequency generator at its apex. The generator had the effect of creating a "neutral buoyancy" between the target coral stone and the air around it. With the stone neutrally buoyant, he could then easily maneuver the stone, directionally, into the place he desired.

"Sound" familiar? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Kind Regards,