Rumor says recent Tsunami NOT a NATURAL Disaster!?


Temporal Navigator
Before the week of the Tsunami disaster, the Indian Navy reported a foreign Battleship sailing on the Indian Ocean near the Sumatra Islands. The ship escaped quickly before it could be contacted.

Now you can guess the rumor- Is Tsunami a man made disaster? Some one triggered this eruption of the volcano under the sea which took more than 150,000 lives? If so, then who is it?

Who else would like to get a good name among the Muslim Community for the upcoming Iraqi elections? Who else wants an Air-Base in Sri Lanka?

If this rumor is proved to be right, then the rest of the World is just going to sit quietly allowing the butchering?
Re: Rumor says recent Tsunami NOT a NATURAL Disast

I doubt someone triggered this, or made this happen, this Tsunami was a natural disaster. Apparently the force of 1 million A bombs like were dropped on Hiroshima was how powerful the initial 5 minutes of the 9.0 earthquake were. It would be almost impossible for man to cause a shift in a tectonic plate. Even if someone stuck an H bomb in the crack along the San Andreas fault it might do little more than cause a big explosion and a 3.0 earthquake that barely registers. Let alone trying to do it underwater. Also I believe the fault line that shifted was something like 6 miles deep, as far as I understand Submarines cannot even get that far.

so in order for this to be a man made disaster someone would have to create a series of bombs that can withstand the pressure of Billions of gallons of water 6 miles above them, be placed at certain locations along a fault line that has already built up tension/stress, and then detonate them in perfect order causing a slippage of the plates and then you've got your Earthquake.

Basically this would be impossible with current technology, Maybe it was the UFO's!