Hi Einstein,
You will have to admit that Shulman does take credit.
Exactly, but in my mind that is actually the problem...not a good thing! He takes credit with:
1) No objective evidence whatsoever (rumor and innuendo rule his proclamations)
2) Inferring he is on the cutting edge by merely referring to other people's research as if it validates what he is claiming.
3) A very high degree of arrogance and rudeness to anyone who points out his basic errors.
4) Hiding behind various "software avatars" that are clearly the same person (with the same rudeness and lack of scientific knowledge) as posts written by Mr. Shulman.
4) And finally a demonstrated lack of knowledge about some very basic concepts of science and engineering. For that matter, has anyone, ever seen documented proof that this guy has a degree in physics, much less a Ph.D? I haven't seen it.
Did you read that entire geocities link I provided wherein the author of that page accurately pointed out Mr. Shulman's errors in very basic scientific concepts? If not, I think you should read through
the whole thing. In my view, when you get that caustic combination of arrogance, extreme rudeness towards people who don't buy his story, and clear mistakes in basic concepts, you have a very high probability of the person being a crank. Here are some examples from that site:
1) "The statement about it requiring an "exciter current of 2.2 vdc" doesn't make any sense because current is not measured in Volts - it's measure in Amps. "
2) "a) electrical current is measured in 'amps' not 'volts' (WRONG, MORON! Electrical current is measured in amps AND volts...)" -
Note the supreme rudeness about something that he is clearly wrong about!
3) If you look towards the end of this page, you will see that the research scientist at Lawrence-Berkely Labs who was doing alkane-silver research was contacted, and he stated he had no knowledge about Mr. Shulman or his claims.
Einstein, I think you and I both agree that Titor was a fake. But he was a fairly "good" fake. This guy Shulman is not only verifiably wrong in so many basics of electrical/electronic theory, but his overt rudeness is a sure tell-tale sign that he has nothing "real" to offer. By the way, the "compamerica.com" site you posted is just another one of the many sites owned by ACC. When you do a "WHOIS" on any of these sites they all point to the same domain owner and the same address in NJ. After all these years of claims, why no verifiable product? In one update the geocities page the author reported that Mr. Shulman was actually making claims of shipping laptops with transcapacitors installed. Where's the evidence? If he did, then anyone should be able to take apart the machine, find his precious part, and verify its operation. Instead, the whole thing has gone silent. Now you could assume it has done so because of "government suppression" but that is jumping to conclusions without evidence.
I am still interested in the potential link between Roswell and the AT&T transistor development, but I must say that nothing about Shulman's wild stories convince me of the link. However, I'll be spending Xmas Eve and Day with my folks, and I plan on grilling my dad a whole lot more about what went on at Bell Labs when he was there!