RMT, since you like mystical things...


Chrono Cadet
It's story time! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Feel free to recategorize this if appropriate.

Long ago in a far away land, there lived a simple but curious people who enjoyed life's pleasures and especially to sing. Often during choir, while belting out loud their deepest notes, the men would experience a strange sensation in their body. So they inquired to one another if the experience was mutual. It seemed that singing for a long time like one really meant it would provoke strange physical feelings. So in a circle they sat, singing in unison. They tried different tones in turn, noting those which produced the strongest feeling. They touched lightly parts of their bodies, finding that certain parts vibrated more than others. There were certain places which did not seem to vibrate at all. Now these people did not have advanced technology or scientific terminology, and their best comparison to this was a wheel. At the center of a wheel, we find that nothing is moving, yet as we look further from the center, things move faster and faster. Yet it was not a tangible wheel, for it was only an analogy, so they called them wheels of light, as light was also perceived to be intangible. Pythagoras had not yet arrived on the world scene, but music was still commonplace, and they found that certain harmonics of some fundamental tone would produce more or fewer "wheels". They theorized that there was some tone, very low, where all the wheels unraveled to produce a single straight flow of light. This, they said, would be a magical point at which the entire being is united. Knowing that the frequency of this sound would be too low for the voice, they practiced controlled breathing, since it would cause a subsonic vibration of the structure. Today we know that these wheels are more properly called nodes and antinodes in a standing wave of a structure (namely, the human body). But all the time that they explored these effects, they were sitting down. Thus, the tailbone became the lowest node, and the legs were scarcely vibrated at all. This was a problem, for how could the body be made whole without the limbs? Then came along a man who showed everyone the way. He said that by making the hands, feet, and head - all the extremities of the body - into nodes, the entire body could be united as one. So they nailed his hands and feet and placed a crown upon his head. He cried, the earth shook, and the work was complete.