RFC: Time Travel Ethics


Chrono Cadet
First, do no harm.
Second, Balance must be maintained.
Third, Be honest.
Fourth, you are an observer.
Fifth, Do not interfere where choice is involved.
Sixth, There is no rule 6.
Seventh, Protect the stability of the timeline you are involved with.
Eighth, To listen, to learn, to teach.
Nineth, Shine.
Tenth, Be as precise as much as possible.
Eleventh, Love everything.
Twelfth, Respect your fellow travellers.

Here are some of my ideas for you to read and add to if you like or remove.

Team 1: Time Travel Talent scouts.
Team 2: Time Travel Inventions scouts.
Team 3: Time Travel Save a life team.
Team 4: Time Travel Dream Team.
Team 5: Time Travel Medical team.
Team 6: Time Travel Protection unit.
Team 7: Time Travel Disco night club unit.(disco cop)
Team 8: Time Travel Family protection team.
Team 9: Time Travel Earth Team.
Team 10: Time Travel Wildlife Team.