Reverse Time Travel Claim from KeelyNet


Temporal Novice
I came across this story on Keelynet about a guy who built a short-wave radio which sent him back in time Some of the claims seem outrageous and unlikely, but I think there might be some truth to the story.

The radio device seems to work by creating a vortex of electromagnetic radio (like a magnetron) perhaps tapping into the zero point energy. The zero point energ is a vast resevoir of untapped quantum/vacuum energy that could cause interesting temporal effects (see scientific articles on the Casimir effect, Wheeler's theories, and articles by Harold ('Hal') Puthoff for more info).

the link doesnt work backto92 , i'm guessing some sort of timeline paradox has caused this particular link to be a dead end or mabie its a typo error.... :D
This is the story about the unnamed guy submitted by an anonymous source who turned on his SW radio, did some voltage checks, got zapped, the clocks said 10 PM instead of 3 something AM. Then he got drunk and went to bed.

This urban legend has been around for at least 4 years.