Result of a Paradox


Chrono Cadet
Paradoxes are the most feared element of time travel. This because they violate physical laws and we don't know what the result of such violations would be. The most commonly used scenario is that of a man killing his grandpa before he had kids. This would have destroyed the cause of the time traveler making him an effect without a cause, and a thought physical impossibility. So what happens to him, perhaps then he would be wiped out of existence as if he were never born. In this case he never made the voyage through time, that being the case his grandfather lives out his life as before and our time traveler is born to make the same mistake. This could continue in an endless loop, or perhaps an alternat reality is created and the time traveler only prevented the birth of an alternate self. But there is a simpler solution which in all my readings on time travel I have not seen. What if the man lives through the loop over and over, each time going slightly faster, just as a web page loads faster on a repeat visit, until finaly he is simply inscinerated at the moment his time travel was meant to occure, thus preventing the paradox and providing a reasonable excuse for his death, that can be used by the living.
There's no such thing as a paradox. When something like that happens, it creates an alternate timeline, one in which the grandfather lived, and one in which he died. But you are alive in both(but you have no knowledge of your other self.
"When something like that happens, it creates an alternate timeline, one in which the grandfather lived, and one in which he died," Tempus
I believe I covered your oppinion in my post...
"or perhaps an alternat reality is created and the time traveler only prevented the birth of an alternate self. " John
Ofcourse, I did include other oppions and that is just wrong isn't it. Then again since we have no knowledge of a timetraveler to this point and everything about time travel is stricktly theoretical, it can't really be wrong can it.
Well, heres my thoughts on it...

First, I believe time travel to the past is impossible.

Paradoxes (besides grandfather) -
You cannot alter the past in any way ( all you can do is change the past into what has already happened, since you are a direct product of what has happened in the past)

example - you go back in time to accomplish a mission. However, you will fail, since what you needed to accomplish has not been accomplished already, that means that you didn't change the past from that horrible fate (lets say the holocaust) so that means you fail. 12 monkeys is a good example.

Alternate realities - by time travelling you 'create' an entirely alternate reality, thereby giving you the godlike power to go back in time and change anything you want and not have to worry about your memories or very existence. However, this is probably not possible. You wouldn't be able to create an alternate reality just based on time travel alone. Where would it be? Would it have to be created in an alternate universe?

This is why I believe time travel to the past is impossible. If you want a story that involves no paradoxes, I would look into Bill and Teds excellent adventure.

Dear John,

There are two theories in my day. The popular theory is the multiple reality theory.

However, honest facts do not support this theory. We can only travel through the 4th dimension, what we recognize as time. However, there are 2 more time dimension, the 5th and the 6th. While I can jump from time to time as we see it, I still have my own time restrictions in the 5th and 6th dimensions. I have gone home before and my father did no exist. It required an additional mission to re-create my father. It appears the time traveler lives outside of the influence of his/her own actions in the past, though.

I believe the top decisions makers in the government secretly agree with the second theory, otherwise my missions would be pointless to them.

CDR Mark
Dear John,

There are two theories in my day. The popular theory is the multiple reality theory.

However, honest facts do not support this theory. We can only travel through the 4th dimension, what we recognize as time. However, there are 2 more time dimension, the 5th and the 6th. While I can jump from time to time as we see it, I still have my own time restrictions in the 5th and 6th dimensions. I have gone home before and my father did no exist. It required an additional mission to re-create my father. It appears the time traveler lives outside of the influence of his/her own actions in the past, though.

I believe the top decisions makers in the government secretly agree with the second theory, otherwise my missions would be pointless to them.

CDR Mark

well you never answer my question have you heard of a Secret Goverment Programs like Area 51 and there also a Montauk Project so do you know those story and I think you are afraid to speak to me about that so Navy Man Welcome Back!!

so Tell me who will and next Antichrist name is?? will there be a one world goverment?? write back. :D
Re: Here is a thought

Friends of EarthTR125.0121

There seems to be a great deal of confusion regarding the topic of paradoxes. Well, to be polite, there is plenty you still need to consider before procuring yet another statement regarding this field of temporal mechanics. First you must have an understanding, a basic one on the least, of the dynamics of time/space in relation to every temporal reality. Second you all must consider the various alternative timelines and how these ones correlate to every other one in their respective time frame.

I assure you my friends that once these two areas have been clearly understood then you will all come up, at least,of the true nature of a paradox.

In my opinion paradoxes can be observed in two different ways. The first method is to observe the structure of a particular timeline outside time/space. In this realm the observer will see all of the events that took place , are taking place and will take place as a fixed multilayered structure. Everything will be there, including the paradoxes that took place, are taking place and will take place eventually in that particular temporal reality. By adopting this concept the timephaser will unavoidably come to the conclusion that all paradoxes, whether past, present or future events are permanent events that occurr within a given TR.
The second method, and the one more accessible to Non-Timephasers, is to experience the paradox as they take place. The problem with this method is that it gives the observer the false notion that he is travelling to the past and making the actual changes for the first time, when in fact it was already done by the observer itself in the observer's past.
I sure hope this could be useful,

Until later becomes now.
will there be a one world goverment??
There will be, and after it is put in place it will never be removed, and knowlege will be more abundantly shared.