Response to El Lead Better

John Thomas

Temporal Navigator
Thank you for your comments. I have chosen to respond to you publicly so that this can be preserved for other readers and will serve as a bread crumb.


First, Interactive Reality has not been invented yet.
The Star Trek fiction Holodeck has not been invented yet either.
True holograms are not even affordable yet.

I realize there is more than one way and more than one device for time travel.
I also realize and am comfortable with uncertainty whereas Einstein was not.

I understand the basic principles and mechanics of only one device.
The device, which is no longer in my possession, is the size of an HD Recorder.
I press a button that creates two bubbles.
In bubble_1 is Me_1 and Universe_1.
In bubble_2 is Me_2 and Universe_2.
I use this Psychometric History Interactive Reality function to rewind bubble_2.
When a suitable time and place is selected,
I superimpose bubble_1 inside of bubble_2.
I monitor all this as the "cinematographer and film editor". I am me_0.
This is called a Trism camera.
It is based on the technology of the Psychometric device that exists now.

I am not a mechanical engineer. I have no idea how to build one of these.
Your best bet is to talk to as many people at CERN as you can and share your ideas. They are the only ones who could get the funding for such a thing. You being the originator of the ideas will then have certain privileges.
Thomas I would love to follow the response but I am kind of lost. Who is Lead Better (Which sounds remarkably familiar to Col. Leadbeater of the Theosophical Movement). Will you please explain it to me better?
Thomas I would love to follow the response but I am kind of lost. Who is Lead Better (Which sounds remarkably familiar to Col. Leadbeater of the Theosophical Movement). Will you please explain it to me better?

This is a guy who sent me 12 private Twitter length messages. He was being cryptic and I assume that he wants to maintain his privacy. He said two things to me that made it worth my time to respond. I can probably share more with you on this but it will also be cryptic as all of our correspondence on this public and open forum have been.
Of course, I am fluent in over seven million forms of cryptic communication. (Just a funny reference to star wars not to be taken as a fact)
What's up? Don't you have an essay to write me John? I want to know more about your life, the universe and everything in it. You know none of this could have been done without Mythology and if you notice anything at all and behind everything; it's all Pagan. Just research it. Stop thinking about time travel and be here now!
What's up? Don't you have an essay to write me John? I want to know more about your life, the universe and everything in it. You know none of this could have been done without Mythology and if you notice anything at all and behind everything; it's all Pagan. Just research it. Stop thinking about time travel and be here now!

That has already happened on Paranormalis, Skarpz. If you want to read my fan fiction there, then have a look. I want to read your essay. Remember that I come from a Gnostic Christian Pagan world. A world where Saint Paul united the Roman empire under one religion and ended animal sacrifice. Paul who was a scientist and doctor brought reason to the world. The Pagan part comes from Paul's sun worship which we link with First American belief in The Great Spirit. North Americans all start to look native American over time. In the far future, our skin will evolve a more red tone.
I'm sorry my essay doesn't come out until 2021 and by that time it will be a free book. actually it can't be free. It has to be $0.99 at the least because of how things are.