Remzey up close


Epochal Historian
From the Frien Meldon Show:

Host:Thank you for being here, was the flight to the eastcoast done well?

Remzey:If you can call it that.The best thing about it, I guess was the movie.

Host:You said, and this seems funny, about the structure of the old Legacy computer held languages and the later, after Windows, is that there was a connect writing code?

Remzey:Yes, on record I did say this. But we did not in our time, ever structure a lab, to where we could demonstrate that an older Legacy system, could talk to what is projected, to be down the line.

Host:This, these statements of communications between two differing systems, is not a euphemism, for how people, beings also talk, is it?

Re: Darby up close

Using a 1975 "state of the art" program to fix a 'time out' problem in 2038 always made me laugh seeings how they already had a Unix / Linux patch/fix for the time out problem in 2005 or so...
(of course when the titor was invented, those folks didn't go too far down that ligic pathway)
What do you think Darby?
Look at the Montauk series of books.

On the cover of one of these books, you will see what looks like a wizard, dressed in a black cloak.

Although the book might not say it, I think that this is their representation of one of the original wizards of Tor.

These wizards are not the half human wizards, that you get when you enter the search words, wizards of Tor.What you get is a web site, selling porcelain representations of half human wizards, that were sired, by the original full wizards of Tor.

The founding wizards of Tor, were seven foot in height, could generate tremendous force, from a specialized organ in their abdomens, and were kept segregated from humans.

Part of their deal in being here, was to produce a beneficial aether for Earth and to breed into human wimen.

All the Pleiasdeans did, was peel back that gene, so this pure wizards gene could be exposed.

They left, thousands of years ago, through a star gate at Stone Henge.

I've heard of Michael Horn, but do not correspond with him.

The next move, is for Horation Hornblower, to appeal before the ancient wizards council.

They will want to speak to him.
My last contact with the wizards council, was about two weeks ago.

It wasn't pleasant.

Since that gene is in utilization, I had to report to them, as that intonation was in my name.

They will want to speak to Quazgo next.

I tried to contact Quazgo by astral hooking him up to the old wizards council.

He did not like this and rapidly called me on the phone, to show his upset.

Didn't say anything, but I know he was upset.
Re: Darby up close

My last contact with the wizards council, was about two weeks ago.

It wasn't pleasant.

Since that gene is in utilization, I had to report to them, as that intonation was in my name.

They will want to speak to Gary next.

I tried to contact Gary by astral hooking him up to the old wizards council.

He did not like this and rapidly called me on the phone, to show his upset.

Didn't say anything, but I know he was upset.

You as a Wizard Creedo299?? I would not get involed with that black magic or white magic but I want to know where in the world make you become a Wizard Creedo299?? and I just wonder I thought you were a very in Church stuff but I did not know about the Wizard stuff...and why are you deeping involed in a Wizard type stuff..

??? and I been trying to do astral Projection to contact Jesus Christ but I guess that I never able to do astral projection only one time in my entire life that is alll....anyway I feel that I need to pray for you Creedo299?? Wizard or socercy is kind of evil.. write back. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Re: Darby up close

It was written as Grant, I have read this.

ok I still don't understand about what you just said about written as Grant I think you mean that that what you just said it..anyway I will pray for you I don't want to see you get hurt or put down of that Wizard stuff I don't know. I not into any black magic or white magic or Socerces(Warlock) or any type of magic power because they come from the leader of Satan and his Demons force....and that I hate the evil spirits!!! or any type of evil because it make me feel like depression and sad that I read this book about people going to hell and that I dont' want a single soul go to hell for using any form of sin....this world is full of sin and people need to Repent and opey the Gospel of Jesus Christ. that all anyway write back.
Re: Darby up close

The next chapter, will be as on the books from the Montauk series, if decided this way.

The Black Sun, was one of the next titles.

And it goes this way.

Intonation by the elders, at Tor, was recorded as an etheria, as contributed.

There was no indication, that supernic or otherwise intonation, of intended human sacrifice would ever be allowed.

This was Quackenbush and his particulars thinking.

If the decedents are touched, then your central sun, will have lost its reporter to it, hence, the Montauk title, The Black Sun.

The condition of a black sun, or nonproduceing sun, is decided by both offworld placed gods and if there is an infraction, grievous enough.

Read the book, Psychic Warriors, about pentagon in the military era.

The viewer said, that he went to a place in space, where there were Greek looking gods, all standing around a central viewing screen.

He said one of the gods looked at this screen and a star exploded, right before his eyes.

The welfare of you world, is not decided here on Earth.

There is a hierarchy of things, events set up.

If someone grossly infracts against this, then the right to have a normal solar system, is taken away.

I am no longer the source, of your problems.

The fate of Earth, is probably being decided offworld by now?