Remote Viewing


Temporal Novice
What is all this stuff about remote viewing and scanning I hear about? (I am a new member) Can people in here actually astral project or remote view me and find out stuff about me? If so, I might consider having somebody try this on me. Nobody do it yet, because I am not sure I would want invisible people or something like that looking at me. But even if you could do that, I find it fascinating.

I still haven't found the link to those videos, but the person I was talking about WAS CarlosX.
<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 24-Aug-02 AT 03:17AM (EDT)</font>

I hope you know that by allowing your fascination to take over, you’re opening the door to things that could have consequences to your life.

Other then that, good luck to you in your life’s choice. Just remember voluntarily accepting this, is how you lose that choice.

"Can people in here actually astral project or remote view me and find out stuff about me?"

no, but people will swear that it works and can make excuses not to do it. like t.t.a. is doing now.
<<no, but people will swear that it works and can make excuses not to do it. like t.t.a. is doing now.>>

Yes I acknowledge it works, I never denied it didn’t. And having seen what it can do, my “excuse” to have others not do it is simply for their protection.
