Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me...


Dimensional Traveler
want to tell you a bit about this "thing". This "thing" - the timemachine - isn´t a machine at all. This is how it works:

- You need a person
- You need cable (A) to connect your brainwaves with a computer
- You need to go in trance
- The software "makes" that your body doesn´t work anymore on the ee-cycles it worked all his life before
- The nerves of the brain get "re-synthesized" so they work - on theier lowest level - on "another" frequency
- the atoms and everything that is below on a lower level gets re-created digitally back in a primitive state
- this state was before your "time"

so... that what you all call soul goes with it - back.

This remember me this web site:



"The Mind-Machine Interface
Processor (MMIP)

The Mind-Machine Interface Processor (MMIP), to the right of the monitor, mirrors the operator's mental intent. The MMIP has no physical connections to the body nor does it use physiological sensors. The system allows for hands-free two-axis flight simulator control.

Interchange Laboratories, Inc. has developed a practical mind-machine interface technology that has the advantage of being non-contact and non-invasive without the need for detecting brain waves or nerve signals. The technology is based on interactions at the subatomic level where the distinction between mind and matter disappears and effects become instantaneous over any distance"

Best Regards
Re: Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me.

Tell us more ,Robert

you may find how these entities come here:

Link to TTI

Best Regards
Re: Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me.

You can ask me anything.

You ask how they get here? Astral. Everyone can get anywhere in this universe. Indians and people who do black magic are good in such things. Everything is a bit different than the most of you all think. There is so much fals information on the net. Another thing is, that in the earth, about 5.000 kilometers down under the earth, there is already the next generation of the human race. Please don´t get shocked, but that is true. They look a bit different and are a bit different. Under the earth many different races plan to come up to us and destroy us all so they can take over this planet. They plan it for the next years and NASA has the video on youtube were you see 3 spaceships at jupiter. At the moment. They will come in the next months to us. This are the rest of the races that are already under our earth or IN our earth. 5.000 kilometer down under the earth. This race are giants. About 6 meters large or more. You don´t know whats going on. And all this grey stuff is bullshit. The greys are robots of the reptoids. But there are more different races of reptoids. evil ones, really high evil demonic ones and less evil ones. Than also there are reptoids on another level. They are the most evil thing in the universe. The race that is coming has nothing to do with the greys and the reptoids. Than there are the orions, but they have no bodys. They are like pure mind without body.
Re: Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me.

This is not new or any more interesting information than what sci-fi entertainment has created.

Until proven otherwise, I'm assuming you like to mix and twist things to correlate your own story.

That what was not of sci-fi entertainment is the Easter Island Stone Giants and other monolithic depictions.
Re: Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me.

People like you, are the problem. The bigger problem is that we now have internet and everyone tells you things the television and radio will never talk about. Some is true, same is a lie. But the thing is, there are really creatures on the way to us and they are at the moment by jupiter. I am a bit sad about all this, because I also have videos from mars and there you see a lot bases of humans and aliens. At the same time everyone says on earth that this is bullshit. They laugh about the truth. This is the main problem. I don´t know were to begin. Because everythin is connected. The time travel is connected and has very much to do with what happens. This aliens did million years ago things we find today. They can do everything what we just can imagine. We, don´t even understand the philosophy of Immanuel Kant or Albert Einstein. The most of us don´t learn anything. You all will get soon very big problems on planet earth. They will come and stay here. Maya and every other culture said this, that 2012 or about that time "new reptilians" will com "from the sky". What they all said, fits perfectly in what we all get more and more into. This isn´t something to make fun about. We all need to work together now but everyone goes crazy. This is the time to work together. WE ALL NEED ONE PROJECT. WE ALL TOGETHER. How can we make this? The aliens that are coming aren´t friendly. They are like Hitler. They will destroy everything that has to do with freedom and love.
Re: Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me.

I understand your statement, 'Robert'.

The television industry is a booming mass mahem.

But any responsible person who wants to base things as fact need to back it up with substantial evidence.

Otherwise, it is prone to be taken as a complete unrealistic joke along with todays overrated artificial creations.

I believe it is not the people who are the problem. I believe it is Television and fantasys. I believe it is an irresponsible use of technology.

I believe we as mankind are not spiritually responsible to make or use these creations. Education is rushed and not handled accordingly accurate.

Adults are lazy selfish bastards. Who praise their bank accounts and not focus on teaching there children any better than that of a certified teacher.

To put it less harshly, the age of becoming and being an Adult is to young and should be ages 40-50+

IS THE WORDS PROOF AND EVIDENCE TO DIFFICULT TO HANDLE? Think about enforcement and criminals.

For justice to be served and libertys be earned. There has to be proof of authenticity ---

Otherwise, anyone can be a loose brainwashed person believing in whatever he/she wants to believe.
Re: Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me.

Hmmm this remember me this part of the last message of an Alien Boy:
In the next several years, culminating in 2012, there will be a series of cataclysmic events, mostly of a "natural" sort, but some of those not natural but rather designed or intensified by my planet’s people, working with some other races. (I will refer to them as "The Combine.") The horrific agenda is quite full, and starts with a devastating fly-by of a large planetary body which causes severe earthquake and supervolcano eruptions (primary: Yellowstone) as well as two CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections) which fry the respective hemispheres. Let me explain that the sun will then be at solar maximum anyway, and further agitated by the cosmic particles in this space zone. So the sun will be incited into unprecedented solar ejections by the passing of this planet, but the Combine ships plan to engineer the timing of the CMEs to affect, strategically, both hemispheres..

Then, proceeding in an order not entirely clear to me, there will occur a magnetic pole shift and a flood nearly as big as the biblical one, caused by the ice cap sliding into the ocean. At some point during all of this, there will be a large asteroid impact into the sea (this is Toutatis, and it has been “aimed”) which causes a massive tsunami. Oh, and at some point Earth will probably stop spinning for a few days. The end result, in terms of victims, is that all will be killed except around 100 million of you. I’ve heard my father refer to these as the “pesky little rats.”


Under the guise of helping the survivors and removing the dead bodies (which will need to be removed for disease prevention) The Collective will freeze-dry these corpses, along with as much livestock (deadstock) as they can gather up, and sell them as food to certain races with whom they have contracted with. Haven’t you ever wondered why the religions, especially in the West, inveigh against birth control and abortion when that obviously is bad social policy? Or why the insane mass peddling of beef has multiplied exponentially, with the proliferation of cows now totaling in the billions, when that means very poor land usage and unhealthy diet? And most people seemingly competing in a weight-gain contest? Haven’t you ever wondered why it seemed like the sudden "obesity epidemic" resembled the fattening of a herd? Do you understand now the reasons for secrecy? (What part of this could the human Powers-That-Be share with the masses?)

There will be a great deception perpetrated against the elite with whom certain deals were struck. In exchange for their cooperation (their traitorous betrayal of you) many things have been promised to them. They are under the mistaken impression that they will be the rulers of a unified world of 500-600 million surviving humans, and that the planet will be shared (as co-equals) with 250 million or so aliens, mostly Abrans and human/gray hybrids. They have been assured that certain areas will be spared, and that underground enclaves of certain specifications will be immune. But many of these bunkers will become tombs, because the persons my father works for despise this class of humans – so arrogant and obnoxious are they.

" end quoted

Best Regards
Re: Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me.

I see you don´t really understand what is really going on and the truth.

Here you have true facts and you can save them and tell them other people on the net...


1. Greys - are robots - from the most evil reptilian race (4th density) and most advanced mind in universe

2. This reptoid race uses the greys to communicate with humans when they (the humans) sleep so they can control them better when they are awake

3. The more power someone has, the more he is under mindcontrol

4. every alien-race is evil - only the nordic ones are friendly

5. plejadians and cassiopaeans aren´t aliens - they are just "mind" in higher density

6. evil isn´t anything natural and repilians of the higher density created it

7. jesus christ was not a human - he was an alien back then - and now he is mind of the 4th density

8. there are 7 densitys

9. we are the 3th density

10. everyone of us exist more than million times

11. we are more than we think and know

12. hitler and the 3th reich wasn´t a human idea - this idea of racism doesn´t come from human race

13. about the year 2002 there was a second version of planet earth and everyone of us created

14. millions of "Nephilim" are in 3 spaceships at the moment by the planet jupiter

15. the masters of the universe are the orion connection and the reptilians of the 4th density

16. everything under 4th density has a body

17. when we die we go 4th density

18. there are many different reptilian races

19. seth / jane roberts didn´t told the truth - because you can´t create your own reality

20. Time doesn´t exist
Re: Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me.

Response to 1 through 20 'true facts' by Robert:

Who, what, when, where, why, and how did you come about in life to regard this as true truths?

I do not intend my posts to be of an offensive manner but a rather defensive one because, thanks to the dopes

who spread lies and deceit created that cause - just as unnatural as evil. I want to know more of what you have to say now that you are here.

You may or may not expand upon it but I advise you expand it,

Thank you and welcome to TTI; new or not.

***Edited for SP/G check***
Re: Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me.

Ok... I tell you the story. I know creatures that look like humans. They have houses and live normal lives. Everyone thinks they are friendly humans with love in their hearts. But they can transform or switch between 2 modes, the reptilian and the human DNS mode, because they have double or multiple DNS. This reptilian race lived on earth before the humans.

This are evil ones and because they are so long on earth they control everything. They have the right. They were the first one on earth.

Then there are more evil races connected with them.

At the end everything is abou the evil and against us.

There can´t be freedom between us and them. No way.

You don´t know them, but I had them near me. You don´t feel save at all near them. They are good connected with the higher more evil reptilian races of higher densitys and this is not good. Everything can happen in just one second. You have a mind near you that is million times more complex an clever than Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking "together". This is to much, because they are evil and they can turn into a shadow and everything. They can do everything with you and everyone else. They can kill you just with watching at you for a few seconds and this ones even aren´t the real evil and advanced ones of the higher densitys.
Re: Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me.

50 % of the human race aren´t real humans. They are in every town. In germany. In africa. In spain. In england. Everywhere. They can be white, black, big, small. They can be stupid and funny. They can be full of love and cool. But thats just "show". They need to do this. As long they are human, they are ok. But as reptilians they get really like they are or better - should be. And this they try to cover so no problems happen. I know a girl, she is about 17 or 18 years old. She looks sweet a bit like the singer of Avril Lavigne, but she turned 3 times near me her head so he was on her back! She also turned 2 times in an reptilian demonic creature, then she watched me with evil eyes and I thought "What the [censored] is going on?!", but they do what they want and the best is to get out of their way. I say you something, this girl I talk about - could kill 400 strong guys just with watching at them for a few seconds. I was in the hospital and the doctor had to give me Lithium. I never needed before anything. They didn´t found anything, they just told me I had some kind of shock, so hard that I couldn´t stand on my two legs, and then I got very weak for months. They had to give me the food. I could even hold the toast and caffee with two hands! I just tell you, so you can imagine a bit what they can do.
Re: Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me.

As you say, evil is unnatural.

Therefore, good is natural - would that be unconditional or holy?

These nothing-but evil beings must have a weakness so finally spirits can be free.

There must also be superior beings with the cause to do good and spread freedom.

Do these good intellects harm, offend or set-aside these evil ones?

How do you know the Nephilums are by Jupitor?

Any pictures or material not yet released?

Where are these Videos you speak of?

Why are you allowed here

to spread so-called,


Thought of consequences?

Perhaps, as much as you may offer positive value there comes the opposite.

So how do I know your daemons aren't doing this to their benefit and not yours?

These particular questions do not need to be answered.
Re: Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me.

No. You didn´t understand!

1. LOVE doesn´t exist

thats why - jesus needed to come to earth because he knew back than what was going on with reptilians

2. These evil minds created the human race. WE ARE THEIR FOOD. THEY NEED OUR SOUL-ENERGYS, and thats why they create suffering - they control your dns and everything else.

But they can´t have complete control because they are on 4th density. thats why they have the 3th density reptilians created - so THEY can control us over the 3th density reptilians! They are very smart!
Re: Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me.

I don´t like emails. Always logging in and out... Why you can´t say it here?
Re: Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me.

Robert, do you have any thing else to add to this like references? I'll try to be polite and open as safely possible.
Re: Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me.

there is noting wrong Robert so tell me more about Jesus Christ as alien?? is he coming back with the Alien? write back.
Re: Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me.

oh be quiet Cubikdice......let see we can get more informtion from Robert.
write more robert..
Re: Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me.

4. every alien-race is evil - only the nordic ones are friendly

Part of the Descendents of the UNITERRESTRIALS, Seven races that start the civilization here...

They find the ancient ship the tech and the data, before the greys...takeover!

Uniterrestrial Ship

The Nibiru Orbit and Ephemeris
Two critical phases are scheduled for september 2012 and April 2013 for

The Saturn V
CCCP/USAF version

Best Regards :D
Re: Relocated: This reptoid creature expalined me.

My ten beats your twenty, Robert.

A bit later than the usual 2 week timeline. But still close to being on-schedule in the mean.
