Dimensional Traveler
Relocated: Re: I am from the year \"1985\"
I am a time traveler from the year 1985. I worked for a secret branch of the US military and one of their projects was experiments with time travel. I volunteered for one of the tests which was to travel exactly 20 years into the future and then come back to report my findings. There were supposed to be agents ready to meet me at my destination, but they never showed up. Many of my contacts in the military and with the contracting company that I was working for did not know who I was when I went to see them. It appears that I traveled into an alternative future where I was not even born. So approaching some family members that exist in this current time line about my predicament is almost impossible.
It was expected that I would travel into a future which would be derived from the point which I left--where I had actually existed. I felt something went wrong during my moving through time when the LED panel flickered and almost shorted out.
Now, I was never much into reading history books, but to compare the time line where I come from with the current one, there are some differences:
-As far as I can tell the US presidents are the same up to the year 1960
-I think that world history up to that point is roughly about the same (when talking about major events like WW2, etc)
-Nixon won the 1960 US presidential election against Kennedy
-Kennedy won the next election in 1964, reelected in 1968
-The first moon landing took place in 1970, not 1969
-Ronald Reagan was President from 1973-1981
-Jerry Brown was the current President in my timeline from 1981 up until the day that I left
-The Vietnam war ended around the same time, 1975
The fundamental difference with my time line VS yours of course, is that I come from a time where there was much more R&D put into time traveling than yours. The Soviets were heavily invested into alternative sciences, and US intelligence got wind of their successful time travel experiments which prompted the US to get into this as well.
I arrived in your current time line in 2005, and I have not been able to return back to where I came from because my time machine can no longer function. I have some technical manuals and a troubleshooting kit but I haven't been able to get it to work again.
I have since been able to obtain a birth certificate (through somewhat dishonest means), a new identiy, and some forged educational background to get myself a good job. I probably could, as a lark, approach some of my co-workers and show my time machine to see if I could get them to help me to get it to work.
It's understandable if you are skeptical of my story. I will 'upload' photographs of my time machine in the near future.