RE:CAT officer takeing report:
Woke up about 1994, with two pronounced bite marks, about two and one half centimeters apart from each other, about seven centimenters from the fibula ankle protuberance, in 1994 approximatly.(I had said before milimenters, as I was tired and read ruler wrong.)
Saw shadow of probable Ong vehicle near my place as of late, this must have generaited a wave, which was on or near same frequency as creatures that had bitten me, in early 90s?
I think Ong pilot had posted here to me, in one of these post??
AS OF LATE:Right puncture wound showed first, was darkened and discolored, then left mark came into view.
Also had tenderness in abdomen.Had gotten over abdominal strep this winter, early spring, maybe the time and space wave triped some kind of para virus effect?
Bite wound is healing again.As I had said before, these are not vampires, however a form of smallish green E.T. that lives off of human blood, without giving transmissable viruses to man.
Woman I had given a lift to, told me of them in exact detail.
When I shook woman's hand to say hello, was like grabbing a'hold of a one ten voltaged wire, only with less amps.
I know that this sounds funny, however it at the time seemed almost like a sexual voltage.
Had never felt anything like this in my life.
I'm sure that this was a energy marker that she had marked me with, for the Greens to get to me.
They phase through walls, so the signature of this Ong prototype might have re'tripped this phasic wave, so reopening up the older phasic wound?
I was on the Ong site about two weeks prior to you giving me the cross-section on the Ong village prototype.
I have an extreamly adept E.M. aspect to my eye, can read E.M. signautes in sky, seeing gravity waves, just by looking at them.
Note when real vamps bite people, it depends on what type of vamp they are, if these genetic effects, are passed down through sucessive generations of people?
There are three known types and this was given by a man who got all three to come for photographs in his London based dentists office.
Depending on the type your relatives were bitten by, this virus marker, then becomes a genetic marker.
>>They took this site down, as Im sure that the content was both two provocative as well as contrversal.I don't think that they had wanted people to know that much about vampires?
This hidden vampire trait is then passed down and either stays hidden, or at certain times on rair moon rises, the effects come to light.
These are, a ten fold increase in strength, increase in hearing to a dogs level.These as well as many traits, however again, the traits are not metamorphic.
In other words, I don't go stalking people, looking for a quick meal.
The only after effect, is wanting my steaks medium rare, sometimes on the bloody side.
These traits fade in about a days time and then the person is back to normal.
Effects the adrenals in some way?
The bite I had recieved from the Greens on my right arm, was the one that got infect for some reason.
I would wake up with these bites, for a period of about a week, as I can remember.
I see interphasically and had noted a vehicle that was buzzing my place as of late.
This was not an oblate like a saucer, but smaller.
Think it might have been Ong vehicle?
I have reported this to you as it has happened, as this was an incident.
You wear the uni, in my mind, so here it is, end of subject, end of report.
Thank you CAT, I think a lot of you!