Regret inspired time travel


Temporal Novice
For star crossed lovers like Romeo and Juliet, a suicide following a suicide made sense. Neither one would have to continue on suffering over the loss of the other. For me, its hard to think of suicide as an option, I have family and I would only be transferring over this pain to them. Me and her were like ships passing in the night, always just missing each other.

In our youth I told her of my love for her, all at once and over the phone, she ran away from it. I have grown since then to be a man who knew how to be alone, one who actually preferred to be alone. With mantras like, “Don’t invest in people, they are unknown variables and unpredictable, invest in self, and in your future, a paycheck is always guaranteed.”

We reconnected as adults, she had been hurt by the world deeply, while I was calloused by it. Such a sensitive soul, not meant for this world. We fell in love, but I had failed to let down the walls that I used to keep the outside world at bay. So I pushed her away, I fought with her over stupid ideologies, and I didn’t value what it was that I had found in her. Never the less she had began to feel happiness again, with me.

I don’t want our love story to be one of tragedy, and I am not guaranteed to be with her in death. So I look towards time travel as a possibility, as realistic as it may seem. I can’t bare to let our love story be one of tragedy.

Not necessarily, regret can influence change. Similar to someone who experiences regret and decides to uplift his life and join the marines. To me however traveling to the future is a fallacy. What drives it? Curiosity, ambition, adventure, never love though. You potentially couldn’t even be an inhabitant of the future, what if peoples information like birth certificates, SS numbers, and credit cards were all accessed through bio scanning. You’d be assumed an illegal alien, and you can’t prove being from the past.

food for thought.

Food of this nature for thought could result in intellectual malnutrition, Fallacy implies faulty reasoning regardless the construct of time. to pose, Future trading is a fallacy, future epidemic disease predication with in a certain percentile is a fallacy, Economist productions regarding future interest rates are a fallacy, Insurance actuary computing premiums base on future performance prediction is a fallacy, Sorry my friend there are too many tangible processes in a every day world which are based on the Future, which you would consider a fallacy, I think your food for thought needs more carbs, proteins and minerals so to speak

Right. I based my comment on more of a 1 way ticket rather then a “time machine.” Current studies on photons and other sub atomic particles dictate that the universe is more self correcting. In this sense the time travel you describe can’t really exist.

The way I interpret this information is if we could send a message back in time through the use of sub atomic particles acting as binary, to try and advert a natural disaster. Lets say with a message that read “Earth quake, San Fransisco, 500 will die.” They would receive the message as 200 will die, make attempts to save the people, but find it was to no avail, as 200 still died. When time moved forward the message would actually be sent as 200 will die.

I simply can’t believe that disease prevention, or future-present temporal trading can ever exist. To think it would be initiated from present to future is also some what based in backwards logic. Sending back future technologies gives way to alternate universes or altered time lines. Not sure if this was the point you were making, but still seems like a fallacy to me.

Historical conjecture with alternate Universes is the alteration occurs along the timeline only not to the Universe. the sub-atomic processes does not allow a creation of extra matter for an alteration in the timeline and there are hierarchical predominance to the integrity of the temporal dynamic the would not be less than abelian to all dimension processes and there would be a differences of opinion regarding Epidemic modeling and Options trading in usage of future modeling
