Recent Stuffings Between Sandwich Layers on Theory


Quantum Scribe
I won't get into the fractional calculus or Schroinger's (spelling) partials whatever:

But just a few recent papers (a few of many) on High Energy Physics - Theory and High Energy Physics - Phenomenology for those who wish to view these papers.

High Energy Physics - Theory ( 118 papers)

Quantum corrections to the entropy of
charged rotating black holes

Feb 18 2010

M. Akbara and K. Saifullahb
Centre for Advanced Mathematics and Physics
National University of Sciences and Technology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Department of Mathematics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan

16 pages

Abstract: Hawking radiation from a black hole can be viewed as quantum tunneling
of particles through the event horizon. Using this approach we provide a general
framework for studying corrections to the entropy of black holes beyond semiclassical
approximations. Applying the properties of exact differentials for three variables
to the first law thermodynamics, we study charged rotating black holes and explicitly
work out the corrections to entropy and horizon area for the Kerr-Newman and
charged rotating BTZ black holes. It is shown that the results for other geometries
like the Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstr¨om and anti-de Sitter Schwarzschild spacetimes
follow easily.

2nd paper

Quantum corrections to the entropy of
Einstein-Maxwell dilaton-axion black holes

13 pages

Feb 20 2010

Abstract: We study the corrections to the entropy of Einstein-Maxwell dilatonaxion
black holes beyond semiclassical approximations. We consider the entropy of
the black hole as a state variable and derive these corrections using the exactness
criteria of the first law of thermodynamics. We note that from this general framework
the entropy corrections for “simpler” black holes like Schwarzschild, Reissner-
Nordstr¨om and anti-de Sitter-Schwarzschild black holes follow easily. This procedure
gives us the modified area law as well.
Entropy Corrections for a Charged Black Hole
of String Theory

Alexis Larrañaga
March 12, 2010

Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Observatorio Astronómico Nacional

We study the entropy of the Gibbons-Maeda-Garfinkle-Horowitz-Strominger
(GMGHS) charged black hole, originated from the effective action that
emerges in the low-energy of string theory, beyond semiclassical approxi-
mations. Applying the properties of exact differentials for three variables
to the first law thermodynamics we derive the quantum corrections to
the entropy of the black hole. The leading (logarithmic) and non leading
corrections to the area law are obtained.

7 pages

High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ( 102 papers)

arXiv:1003.1698 [ps, pdf, other]
Title: Introduction to Extra Dimensions
Authors: Thomas G. Rizzo
Comments: 24pages, 12 figs; Introductory Lectures
Subjects: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)

The subject of EDs has become a huge research area over the last dozen years and we
have hardly scratched the surface in the present discussion. As one can see there are at
present an immense number of ideas and models floating around connected to EDs and
we certainly can expect there to be many more in the future. EDs can lead to a wide
range of new phenomena (Dark Matter, collider signatures, BH, etc) that will be sought
over the coming decade. Of course, only experiment can tell us if EDs have anything to
do with reality and, if they do exist, what their nature may be. The discovery of EDs will
certainly radically alter our view of the universe on the very small and very large scales.


In the next decade.............................


An opening song of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics:

Well, one version:

What? Are all of you traveling or seeking another worldline or timeline or.................?

At least in the scientific papers, they explain the terms this time which may be a reason just to browse through those papers??
I was thinking about space-time last name for just a bit and I did not conclude anything, for it was late and I ended up sleeping instead of pondering about it.

When we look into space-time we are looking into the Past, so we don't know what is going on in the Present there say as if even looking at the moon and seeing the light a light-second later, or with the Sun because light takes 8 minutes to get here on Planet Earth so we see the Sun - 8 minutes in the Past.

Then I thought, light is suppose to be the speed limit in the universe, but then - it is only the speed of light which is thought to be massless - but that is debatable whether a photon is actually massless or not. Some think it may have a very very very small mass compared to other particles.

But then I thought, there are really no particles in the way that they are thought of, but just a force that is pinpointed when thinking it is particle but actually it is really just a wave continuing on, just to our perception we are stopping time with a snapshot of it so we claim it is a particle then.

So going on that, then there is gravity in a black hole or another force that alllows not even light or anything to escape the further down the gravitational well one goes. But if climbing up the gravitational well (say if you could) then the by the time you got to the escape horizon if you could escape or say in that area, then you are seeing what does escape and that is the Hawking radiation or another force that is emanating from such a structure.

Then I thought even with stars or any gravitational well, there has to be perhaps some form of radiation or energy escaping from all gravitational wells. It is concluded that time exists of cycling around the Sun and all bodies are in freefall orbits around larger gravitational wells, including the galaxy around the middle of the galaxy and the supposed very large black hole there.

But what of the radiation? They claim now to see back to 600,000 whatever years or seconds before what is termed the big bang. But that is not what is going on in this Universe. What is going on in this Universe, is that your preception or what you see is limited to a form that present time or looking back only to a certain period. What is really going on is not seeing the light as it was from the Andromeda Galaxy - 2.5 million lightyears ago, as it hits your eyeball here when you look at it, but in fact, if you were there, you would be seeing it as it is at that time - 2.5 million lightyears in the future - as you get there at some speed you travel at, the time of 2.5 million lightyears is catching up and going towards zero so when you arrive at whatever speed you are traveling at, you finally get it to a future time that is closer to your inertial frame of reference that you make because of being in that inertial frame of reference you are in - in the Present Time of your inertial frame of reference.

Then there are different layers (say of radiation where you can not be as you are) down to where you can be in this Universe, but not so far down in a layer as to be way inside an extreme gravitational well as a black hole. Perhaps not even so close as to get too close to a Sun, because of gravity.

That is where I think I stopped and have only concluded that if for some reason you had a protective shell say around you, and you could increase your gravitational pull from some mass outside but in your inertial frame of reference, you would pull the Andromeda Galaxy towards you, because of gravity and the inverse law of gravity that states that something like if you have twice the distance then you have only a quarter of the gravity the further away you get from a gravitational well because of what mass the gravitational well has.

And concluded but not realize is that "Time" has something to do (or a something some force) has something to do not with spacetime as distance or time moving always one direction but with all the perception of the escaping radiation from a gravitational well as well as the gravity because of mass in the well as a total inertial frame of reference.

Yes there is the bending of spacetime that has been mentioned, but it is the radiation (or the force you can not see except perhaps as gamma rays and other forms) that equate the entire inertial frame of reference.

We seem to be down here in this layer, but there are other layers in the total design of the scheme of things inherent in this Universe.

So we can look back so to say in time to almost the big bang, but that is not the only layer going on - there is the present time and all the layers of time going on while trying say to travel at some speed say perhaps back to the time or happening of the big bang.
Perhaps then it is not really a time as a term such as mutiple events happening all at once depending on which inertial frame of reference you refer too of where you are at.

Well, I am not sure what that leads to but a different view of what is really called the Universe in the end.
Different forms of energy for sure, but then there is more even if it is compressed into a form of mass we call a planet also or in the gamma rays or whatever even further radiation forms it can also have.

Some kind of travel across the universe must be connected somehow to that perhaps??
So, like our galaxy if there is a black hole at the center of it, then, it is like in a sense - a Tornado! The radiation not really aware of is escaping from our perception and the immense gravity of the bottom of the well we may kind of be aware of, but not really in our inertial frame of reference, but all of it should have to be included for a total inertial frame of reference, so further thinking about any of it, may or may not be needed by me, since I am not a scientist in the first place but just thought about that for a brief period of time as I cycle around the sun and the clock on the wall leaps into Springtime.
1. What constitutes time travel?

My answer is a transfer of (energy, matter, or information) either one of these or all of these between two points in space time outside of the normal time line.

What is the rigorous definition of "the normal time line"?
My answer is a transfer of (energy, matter, or information) either one of these or all of these between two points in space time outside of the normal time line.

I don't think anything will ever be 'transferred'. If time travel occurs ( and it already does.....for astronauts.....whose time slows down a tiny bit ) it will be as a result of relativistic effects.

That means the slowing down of one's time relative to an external observer, an already measured effect of speed, which is effectively 'travel to the future' OR the speeding up of one's time relative to an external observer ( not so easy to achieve as it means everyone else has to move fast while you stay still ).......which would be 'equivalent' to 'travel to the past'.

With the latter would not be so much TRUE travel to the past. You would never travel to a date before your mission started. But what COULD happen is that you would step out of your time machine after 60 years and find that only 1 day had passed for everyone else. It would be like holding time at the present day.

Definition of a time line:
Time itself is defined as the interval between two events. So the time line is a collection of those events.

Darby will tell you that is nowhere near a rigorous definition of a timeline, and he would be right. Because now you must have rigorous defintions for "events".

You will know when you have a rigorous definition when the plain language you use to describe it has very specific mathematical principles that back it up. So far, unfortunately, you are not even close.

The problem is that TIME cannot be separated from SPACE. This is the scientific crux of it, but people still insist on trying to keep them separate and that leads to erroneous defintions such as you have attempted above. What is even more frustrating is that MASS, SPACE, and TIME are merely linear approximations for a highly non-linear, 3-way mixture we call Energy. I use the pop-sci term "Massive SpaceTime", but in reality it is the integrated nature of Energy and the mathematical explanation of Noether's Theorem that lays the scientific groundwork for Conservation of Energy via symmetry.

i believe differently. i believe time is the decay of energy. it is universal decay for that matter.

thats just my personal opinion though. i have no facts to base it on.
When I said transfer we would debit the past and credit the future or debit the future and credit the past.

Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. A major problem with time travel has always can something 'arrive' in the past that wasn't there when the past actually happened. It's an issue far more complex than all the 'timelines' nonsense can solve.

Let's say I travel back in time 5 years and meet myself. The 'me' that I meet is wearing the same watch that I travel back with 5 years later. Same watch..same atoms. How can this be ?
i believe differently. i believe time is the decay of energy. it is universal decay for that matter.

thats just my personal opinion though. i have no facts to base it on.

Understood it is your personal opinion. But in actuality, what you are describing here is a lot closer to Entropy rather than time. And entropy does, indeed, play a big part in the phenomena we like to call time. Entropy is the arbiter for what we call "the arrow of time"... it determines to what extent any process is reversible (and no physical process is 100% reversible).

One could say that entropy poses the single biggest barrier to traveling backwards in time. Each real process that converts energy from one form to another loses part of the total energy in that conversion to heat, which is disorganized, "unuseful" energy.

Entropy is a larger scale phenomenon.......which is one reason why at the smaller quantum scale events ARE time-reversible.

I'm not sure about the universe as a whole, as entropy is a property of closed systems.....and nobody knows if the universe is a closed system. There used to be speculation, back in the days when scientists thought the universe might stop expanding and collapse again, that entropy would reverse ( or even time run backwards ) in the collapse phase.
The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of any system cannot decrease other than by increasing the entropy of some other system. Hence, in a system isolated from its environment, the entropy of that system cannot decrease. It follows that heat cannot flow from a colder body to a hotter body without the application of work (the imposition of order) to the colder body. Secondly, it is impossible for any device operating on a cycle to produce net work from a single temperature reservoir; the production of net work requires flow of heat from a hotter reservoir to a colder reservoir. As a result, there is no possibility of a "perpetual motion" system. Finally, it follows that a reduction in the increase of entropy in a specified process, such as a chemical reaction, means that it is energetically more efficient.

quoted from wikipedia.

interesting, ya learn something new everyday.

a riverbank erodes over time. what is the only way to reverse this? by putting more "riverbank" there.

so it is my opinion that the only way to reverse time is to add energy to the system. i have been told this is overunity, and is impossible to accomplish.

if im right, that means time travel is not possible, until people can create energy to add to the universe. if i understand correctly, that is a feat only god can accomplish.

if im wrong, none of it matters. if the world is a model of the universe though, i am probably right.
Well, I started reading a bit of another thread, but we as humans are in our own events and comfort zone. Like the movie Blade Runner, they create a lifeform like us that lives so long but can go to places humans can not without special gear and equipment. So although to an extent we can measure the surroundings and environment of the comfort zone more readily than say the extent of energy of gamma rays because we can not be in that zone of events, we just seem to be equating back to our familiar comfort zone, while entire other zones like that (in the gravitational deep well) where processes are going on that we may never know. We see the end result such as Hawkings Radiation and imply that is an event to us (but it is only with our lacking definition of events anyway) so if that can only happen, we will never be able to really leave our so-called comfort zone to the degree that may be necessary to really know the extremes of zones that make up all of existence.

Perhaps time travel does not take creating energy since we have not worked out or can use the energy that is totally there to begin with and only a fraction of any such energy to such a degree. Blasting off in a rocket and going to the Moon then is nothing compared to the total energy that someday may be tapped into, but then we have to extend our tools and equipment to help us keep a certain level of a comfort zone just like the comfort zone of this planet that cycles around the Sun. We never could get close enough to the Sun right now with what we know because it would not be possible, so it would not be possible to travel to stars or even divide up space and time as we now understand it, so we base ourselves more on ideas that eventually will change in the future since we assume that as humans and as a species we will learn more and come up with solutions for some of those problems except perhaps for the really extremes that exist where we may never be able to go.