Reality of Time Travel: Costs, Challenges, and Progress


Temporal Novice
I have reviewed most of the postings on the discussion board, and I'm surprised that no one has figured out in the years since I last posted here how simple time travel really is.

Since my last post, we had promised a vessel that we would take passengers willing to travel through time. The real problem is working with the current system and making it legal and orderly and protected (for all travellers).

The vessel is ready for passengers and has been for quite some time. We have a small team of experts who we collaborate with on a periodic basis to make sure it is perfected without any faults. I must state that the people that we have discussions with are in agreement that these discussions are in the strictest of confidentiality.

Then there's the cost overruns--yes I'm sorry, there is no free lunch here it will cost enormous amounts of money to time travel, I have not even begun to estimate the final figure but I can assure everyone that it will be somewhere in the trillions.

As I have said before this is not a hoax, and since I was last on I was almost positve that some one would have beaten me to it, because it really is quite simple.

With this new discussion thread for persons claiming actual time travel, I was surprised that the moderator did not put our posts on from years ago. I hope that the moderator will put our old posts up so that some of the newbies can get up to speed on our claims.

We are still a few years or more away from being actually being ready for a complete go of time traveling, the vessel has been tested, and I can say with complete honesty that it is not a hundred percent reliable, but it does work!

I just want to let some of the persons here know that we have not disappeared or gone off on some wild goose chase to either the past or the future. What we have been doing is quietly working on our project.

In the event that some bright person figures out what I have already done, I say to them good luck and all the success.
im a newbie, hows it work. i took an iq test in orlando at this place and i got 148 so im pretty smart. only 15 though. got any pictures i can see, but i take it, its top secret.

does it just vanish when you go through time?
how big is the ship?
what do you use for fuel?
Thank You for your reply Tom_A. I have not been on the site for quite some time, I thought that we were very close to announcing here that we were ready to take passengers. But unforseen to our team we ran into many legal, moral and ethical questions that must be addressed before we go galavanting through time.

As I have boldly stated the vessel is ready and has been tested! It has not been perfected and is not 100% accurate.

I was almost positive before I returned to the time travel institute discussion site that someone else would have figured it out by now. I was surprised that still no one had figured it out yet.

To answer your questions to the best of my ability without revealing the complete mechanics of the vessel, no it's not top secret, but we prefer to protect our identity and our ideas for putting this into practice. The vessel remains intact through time, rather than vanishing. The vessel can hold hundreds of people and fuel is not a problem, in fact unlike say a rocket, energy consumption is minimal (but don't forget that over time there is a cost especially if you want to travel thousands of years the cost would add up).

Pictures do exist, but until we are ready to reveal the entire project, we can't show you. I am not trying to be enigmatic, but as a progressive thinker, I must protect this idea which has been a lifelong dream.

Are you going to reveal it on the national news? If i spent most of my life doing something as great as time travel, i'd let everyone know then go in the future before the goverment could stop me. but that might not be the best idea. lol.

where would you be "taking off" from?
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif Why don't you release the schematics to rainmantime, as an engineer,he can tell us lay people if it's real or not.....
Hi Tom A:

We would rather not be too public and mainstream with this project, the reason being is that agencies in the world may try and shut us down. Some groups do not take too kindly to the fact that we might be gaining too much power and feel threatened.
Thank you for repling Explorer:

Because this project is so simple, if we released drawings, diagrams, pictures, etc...anyone could and would travel in time. This project has to be run with trust because the persons who will be traveling in time have to be able to completely rely on one another and on the team running the project. There is a lot at stake and we couldn't continue if malicious sabateurs infiltrated (believe me, there are many hatemongers opposed to what we want to do).

If you think I'm paranoid consider how historically large institutions who benefit by keeping the masses oppressed and ignorant have held back scientific and intellectual development. Religious zealots burned ordinary women who tried to live differently (Salem witchhunt), Galileo was persecuted by the church and tortured until he recanted his theories. Darwin was also subject to pressure by the church. We believe that current governments want to limit acces to education and free thought for the same reasons. They create cheap work forces and an ignorant electorate...

How does this relate to time travel? Time travel is an opportunity to improve the world for ordinary people, no matter who you are or where you were born. Imagine if you could find a way to ethically gain enough power to no longer be a pawn of corporations or unscrupulous governments. Well-planned time travel could position you.
Hi Timeline79:

Thanks for your reply. It does and doesn't really matter from where we launch. The most important part of the travel will be that we will be secure and intact when make it to the particular time point.
what year do you plan on going to?
What will you do in past/future? Are you going there for a reason, or just to explore.
How will we know when youve left? will you video tape it and make it available on the web or tv?
Hi Tom A:

The vessel is and has been ready for travel for some time now. It has been tested, but that is not the problem that we are and have been facing for the last few or more years. The vessel has to be perfected so say that it travels one hundred years into the future that it will not break down and we are left to vanish.

We will not be able to take videos cameras with us and they would be inpractical anyways.

What are we going to do when we get to the desired time probally live our lives as best as possible. Most likely we will take advantage of the technological breakthroughs that we do not currently have. We will probably have more time to learn and enhance ourselves.
1. As I have boldly stated the vessel is ready will cost enormous amounts of money to time travel, I have not even begun to estimate the final figure but I can assure everyone that it will be somewhere in the trillions.
3. a progressive thinker
4. But unforseen to our team we ran into many legal, moral and ethical questions that must be addressed before we go galavanting through time.

Would you have not considered step 4 prior to steps 1 through 3? I am just curious as to how you would be able to achieve all these goals without having the foresight of the legal, moral, and ethical questions.
And why would you spend trillions of dollars to create this "ready" craft and have it sitting idle somewhere?
If my team put that much time, effort and cash into such a project, the issues holding you back would have been answered long before the project was started.
And once finished, the team would be gone already, with perhaps a parting shot from a laptop just before we hit the "go" button.
Of course we would have a proof system created with Roel (unless Roel was in the craft with us ) and others, to post once we had left.

Certainly there must be some information that can be offered that would indicate your success. A partial formula that would point to your success, yet be incomplete enough to prevent someone else from acheiving their own machine before you leave.

As proof that it works, since you apparently have tested this machine, would it be possible to travel to a point in time in the past and post an ad in a newspaper with coded information as created here on this site. Only we would recognize the ad in the newspaper from the past. Thus, it would not make any sense to people in that era, and wouldnt cause any timeline difficulties.

And even with a posted photo, this wouldnt cause as much of a problem as you may suspect. We do have a tendancy to debate over things long enough as too allow you to leave. You could be long gone and the debates would still be active as too whether or not the photos were real.

A private e-mail to RainamnTime would not be a bad idea. He is a trustworthy man, and one who would be able to understand your developments. Perhaps even discover any possible flaws in the systems design, since that is his area of expertise.
The vessel is ready for passengers and has been for quite some time. <<<-->>> We are still a few years or more away from being actually being ready for a complete go of time traveling,

For clarification, do you mean that it is ready for passengers for short excursions and it will be a few years until you leave completely?
Hello Ovrlrdlegion:

Thank you for your very interesting replies, your questions were quite reasonable. The time traveling part of this project is quite simple and straight forward. The legalites and protection of persons willing to travel in time through their own volition is quite complex.

My partner sugests that we should go within the next few weeks, and announce it here. My partner feels that we are maybe being to evasive. My partner also feels that it isn't fair to keep people in the dark for so long, and maybe we should reveal our project even though it is not 100% fully proven to my liking.

I would like to ask the opinions of the persons on this site would people like to know now, or within the next few weeks, or wait a few more years until the project is fully complete.

I also must add that be careful for what hope for, because this project is very detailed, and risky.
After the J.T. episode, surely you would understand the process of inquiry as to your project's validity?

As far as my opinion is concerned, please share, and as soon as possible would be an excellent time.

Who knows how many other's are moving down the incorrect path of experimentation and will cause untold amounts of damage and loss of life?

As far as any secrecy is concerned, the institutions you are trying to hide this project from probably know more than you would hope.

Even as a regular guy without any resources to track you down, I know that if you have a device that can carry as many passengers as you state, this craft has to be in a large facility that would house the vessel and supporting equipment.

The collecting of the materials for the construction of the vessel also would be a clue as to where you are located, since the amount of cash used would definitly leave a trail. Nobody can spend large amounts of money and not raise an eyebrow here and there.

As a person that knew people involved in manufacture of controlled narcotics, they tried all sorts of tricks to be untraceable. This is on a much smaller scale than what you are engaged, and doesnt involve as many components either, yet they all were tracked down and arrested.

The best way to combat these powers is to make your developments available to the public. This way it isnt in their pockets, but available for everyone to utilize. This is the greatest fear of any power, is that everybody knows.

I am willing to take the risk and review the details of this project. Share away, my friend, Ugly Bob.
Hi Ovrlrdlegion & Tom A:

Sorry it took me so long to get back to both of your replies. I was out of town this last week. After further discussions with my partner, we both came to the conclusion that since no one else has figured it out, and we really do not want to string people along, we are going to reveal our findings to this forum.

The reason why we want to reveal it to this forum is that people on this site share the same passion that we have and that is to travel through time and explore whatever is on the other side.

We will promise to reveal our project (we do have a name for it) by the end of the year if not before.

My partner, in the last few days, was able to come up with an innovation that will make the journey safer and more reliable. We want to research a few more details about this exciting new development.

As for knowing if a person has time travelled, you will know as soon as you arrive in the new time period.

As per Einstein theories and also with our project, people will only be able to time travel to the future, but if we travel far enough into the future, there hopefully should be the technology to enable travel to the past.
Because this project is so simple, if we released drawings, diagrams, pictures, etc...anyone could and would travel in time.

If anyone could and would be able to make a project, why would it cost trillions to be able to use it?

If it's just simple logic, how come no one has figured out how to yet?
Hi Exospire:

Thank you for your reply. As we have stated we will reveal to everyone (on the Time Travel Institute) before the end of the year all the information we have accummulated along with drawings schematics, reliable, and credible third party contacts to confirm that this is no hoax.

As to why no one has been able to solve what we have been able to do. I don't know if I have an answer to that, but I can speculate with a few ideas. Of course these theories may be right or wrong, but mainly they would be open to interpretation.

It could be that in the last thirty five years we have seen so much in the way of progress in science technology, that we know we are only at the very begining, and we look at things in a different way.

The second segestion is that what we have noticed in society, mostly in North America (because that is where we live) is that in most people's day to day work live--and this generally includes all types of career--is that when a problem arises in most fields, the way to fix the problem is to point the finger at whoever we can. For example instead figuring out a solution to any problem we first have to have someone to blame.

The best example of this is in an old movie called Catch 22.
The General wants to know why there is a problem, and forgive me I cannot quite recall the problem, I think that it has to do with a soldier not wearing any cloths. Someone can correct me if I am wrong. The main crux of the situation is that the General calls on the Colonol for an explanation and he calls on the Major or the Captain and it goes all the way down to the lowest ranking person who gets crap landed on him.

This tends to be the problem in our everyday working lives in North America. When a mistake happens, the manager points at the worker, who must desparately try and cover his rear end, will point the finger at the manager for just following his procedures, the manager has to protect his or her rear end from his or her higher-ups ane says that the worker is just incompetent (or whatever). So the cycle of blame-passing goes around and around and the whole time it usually is just a simple case of misunderstanding or miscomunication. We have been conditioned not to look for solutions, but to protect our own collective backsides. That's why no one has figured out what we have.

As to costing trillions of dollars (American dollars) that is the parodox, isn't it? If you figure that out you will have figured out what we have already done.