Well, I do not know if some of the people that post here are familar with the siencetific theorys that involve "time travel". The special theory of realitivity is one of the major ones. Time travel is possible only in the sence that as a object moves very very fast the time frame for that object kind of slows in respect to the time frame on earth. Now the ultamit speed any thing can travil is the speed of light and any thing with mass can not travil that fast. The closer a object comes to that speed the more the diferance in the time frames. So in theory if we could travil close to the speed of light we could take a trip and then return and we would have perceved that say 5 years had pased but on earth it would have seemed like 25-100 years. So very simply put that is the possibility of time trave. Time traves into the past is considered imposible by almost evey sientist but there are a very few who have come up with some realy far out ideas that would make it possible, but for the most part their are not taken very seiously. The theorys that govern realitivity get very tricky to understand and hard to understand but if anyone wants some more explanation look up the relativity on the net and there are some good sites, but they are not easy to understand, I have spent 8 years in the the sientific field and much of I still do not have a good feel for. (ie. everyone knows that the shortest distance from one point to antother is a strait line but time moves slower on a curved path) so anyway time travil like it is described in much of the post here is not posible and has no sientific basis. sorry guys.