Reaching The Speed Of Light.


Temporal Novice
It's been a long time since i have posted or aven visited this site. if you have read any of my other post you will notice that most of my ideas are about the speed of light. we have not had the energy to do so in the past. but know it seems the past is- well the past. man kind now has an almost unlimited power source now. Antimatter, the oposite of matter, 1 gram of antimatter is the iquivalent of a 20 kilo-ton nuclear bomb. just one tiny drop could touch any object made of mater and take out an intire city. one drop could power NewYork city for 2 weeks. im trying to do more study on it now. and will be leaving more post. as soon as i can.
we have not had the energy to do so in the past. but know it seems the past is- well the past. man kind now has an almost unlimited power source now. Antimatter, the oposite of matter

now correct me if I am wrong, but to have an unlimited power source of Antimatter, would mean, we would have to HAVE Antimatter. Not sure if you are aware of this. but nobody on the planet has Antimatter, you can't just walk into a local drug store and buy some off the shelf, Nasa isn't mining for the stuff on huge asteroids. Walmart doesn't have a convenience section for everybodies favorite "Flavor" of antimatter, some people like their antimatter to Glow, and others like it to give off a pleasant odor similar to a rose.

so, I ask you, if this is an unlimited power source, where are ya gunna get it from?
im corecting the above as i was told to do. we do have antimatter CERN found that you could create it by partical acceleration. 2 particles colide at 180,000 mile per second creat antimater.
althow it is a very slow process it can me done molicule at a time. if you need more understanding of the method serch the net for it. now the main problume is storing it. like i said it can't touch matter. so i mean what can it be stored in.? the answers magnetic fild it tries to pull to both and that can't hapen to is stay in the middle. but it's still early in development.
and these pieces of antimatter are usually destroyed as soon as they are created. Even if they could be stored, at the rate they could be produced it would take hundreds of years to get a couple ounces of the stuff. If we are going to have warp engines and transporters and all that kewl shyte we need a lot more antimatter if that is our power source.

I tend to believe advances will be made in the area of fusion and then cold fusion allowing us to power everything with deuterium/tritium (heavy water).
My opinion on storing anti-matter would be to put it in a vacuum, because there is nothing but empty space in there. Not only would a vacuum provide storage, but it would also provide a way of transportation for the particle of anti-matter.
ok a vacuum, thats great. here's the problem, something has to Contain the vacuum, unless we are talking in out space here. Regardless, antimatter just like anything is going to want to transfer its energy in the form of movement.

Magnetic containment has come a long way, they can suspend a living frog in magnetic fields. No way that anything But magnetic fields could be used for anti-matter storage.

Magnetic containment has come a long way, they can suspend a living frog in magnetic fields. No way that anything But magnetic fields could be used for anti-matter storage.

Actually my experiments suggest I might be able to produse an antigravity field. An antigravity field would work very well for containing antimatter. Antigravity repels all matter and antimatter. So placing some antimatter in the center of an evacuated hollow ball and subjected to antigravity fields would keep the antimatter in the center.

Also I have a very interesting idea on where all the antimatter went after the big bang. It didn't go anywhere. It's still here. Something caused time to flow in just one direction making all the mass in antiprotons unstable. That would cause the energy tied up in that mass to release. The antiprotons mass would then drop down to something that was stable in the existing time field. The new mass state would be that which is exhibited by the electron. So all the antiprotns became electrons. The only way for a matter-antimatter annihilation to take place now would be to raise the mass of the electron to that of the proton. An energy state not easily obtained. So annihilation is forever being staved off due to a lack of sufficient mass energy to initiate annihilation. The only hole I see in the idea is that antimatter we create seems to be stable. But then we are creating it in a time field which may not have existed at the point of creation. So in order to make my idea work, I have to conclude that shortly after creation something then caused time to start flowing in it's present direction.
Actually my experiments suggest I might be able to produse an antigravity field. An antigravity field would work very well for containing antimatter. Antigravity repels all matter and antimatter. So placing some antimatter in the center of an evacuated hollow ball and subjected to antigravity fields would keep the antimatter in the center.

Ha, ok yah you're going to create antigravity fields. If you do either 1 of 2 things will happen. 1 you will be the first person to accomplish such a feat and you will immediately be the target of every government on the planet.

or 2

You're not the first person and every government on the planet will target you to keep it secret.

Anti-gravity is a force not to be taken lightly. Not to be accepted highly. And never to be fully understood, as Gravity itself is still not fully understood.

Ha, ok yah you're going to create antigravity fields. If you do either 1 of 2 things will happen. 1 you will be the first person to accomplish such a feat and you will immediately be the target of every government on the planet.

or 2

You're not the first person and every government on the planet will target you to keep it secret.

Anti-gravity is a force not to be taken lightly. Not to be accepted highly. And never to be fully understood, as Gravity itself is still not fully understood.

Actually I like to tie together loose ends in my research. For instance you have seen my gravity field demonstration with my tesla coil experiment. I pretty much have a working theory of how and why it works that way. To date I am the only one that I know of to have created gravity fields in the laboratory. Yet no one is breaking down my door for finding that out. Now there is a widely publicized experiment in the news that would fit the bill for being caused by antigravity. Have you seen the lifter videos? It's a lightweight aluminum foil device connected to high voltage. It repels from the ground and lifts off. They have to keep it tethered. Both the lifter experiment and my gravity experiment use high voltage. I've heard explanations of ion propulsion to account for the observed behavior. But where is the real scientific investigation to actually uncover the cause of the observable lift? I will be doing a real scientific investigation. I know exactly what to look for.

Also I might point out that this is fringe area science. The scientific community wont touch it. Almost as if there was some covert conspiracy to prevent the proliferation of new science from being developed. But thats the beauty of posting on a time travel forum. Word will eventually get to the conspirators ears, but by then it will be too late. Millions of readers will know the truth. Strength in numbers. We will have our Jetson cars.

1 gram of antimatter is the iquivalent of a 20 kilo-ton nuclear bomb.

That's correct. It's also correct for matter. Converting a gram of matter or anti-matter to energy is equivalent to the energy released from detonating 20,000 tons of TNT...with one big exception. TNT has a burn rate of 1-2 kilometers per second. It would take a few seconds for the entire 20,000 tons to explode and it would reach a temperature of about 10,000 degrees. A nuclear explosion or a matter/anti-matter explosion would have a "burn rate" of several tens of thousands of kilometers per second. It would explode in an instant...and reach a temperature of about 10 to 20 million degrees. So this is powerful "stuff" indeed. BTW: Double the yield for the anti-matter/matter reaction. If you convert 1 gm of anti-matter you also convert 1 gm of matter...40 kt yield.

Ren was essentially correct about anti-matter. We don't have any to speak of. All the world's reactors and accelerators have, together, produced about 2 micrograms of anti-matter during the 60 years that we have had them. The best current source for producing anti-protons is Fermilab's Main Inujector. It can produce...stand bye!...14 nanograms per year. By next year they hope to be able to produce 140 nanograms per year. At the latter rate it would take about 7 million years to produce a gram. Obviously, if we are going to use it as fuel we'll have to do a bit better than that.

Positrons (anti-electrons) are much easier to produce than anti-protons, but if we want to power some reaction then anti-protons is the best bet. They have a rest mass ~1839 times more massive than a positron.

The good news is that Fermilab really is working on an anti-proton trap to contain anti-matter.

We're going to have to be very smart and very creative if we are going to try to both tickle the tail of the dragon...and simultaneously tame the dragon (produce and control anti-matter).

Also I have a very interesting idea on where all the antimatter went after the big bang. It didn't go anywhere. It's still here. Something caused time to flow in just one direction making all the mass in antiprotons unstable.

It's been pretty well established where the anti-matter went. Since the mid-60's it has been known that kaon's (K-mesons) can violate CP symmetry. When they decay they ever so slightly prefer matter over anti-matter in the decay particles.

Most of the "stuff" of our universe is energy...almost all of it, in fact. Matter is a thin virtual vacuum of contamination. During the hot, dense period of early expansion the CP violating asymmetry was just enough to leave a smidgen of matter after all of the matter and anti-matter had mutually annhiliated leaving photons and other forms of EM radiation.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zero point energy is where it is at with regards to 'fuel' for your spaceships drive.
It's all around us, just need to get at it in an effiecent manner and there you go!
If people persist in the outdated concept of anti-matter annilation drives, as a source of power then they are poorly deluded fools.

Why don't you take a chill pill? I'll relate this to the post that you made to JTTO on his thread:

So people don't understand what you mean because you use some words like "Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Don't get all high and mighty pal, just tell us what you are on about and support your statement in a calm and reasonably polite manner without calling anyone names. Refering to members as "deluded fools" is never called for. But in your specific case you're still a newb and not have the juice to pull it off.

If you'd been following the conversations recently you'd see that we have a grasp of vacuum states and that under the correct circumstances virtual particle/anti-particle pairs created from the vacuum can be given sufficient energy to become real particles.

"ZPE" is just an Internet pop-sci buzzword for the vacuum energy. But it still comes down to matter/anti-matter. The particles are created in pairs, particle/anti-particle, and obey all conservation laws.