Actually it's old Titor stuff. It's the original "Titor" thread that was deleted here when it became corrupt. People are constantly posting questions about it or emailing me about it.
Once I get it formatted into smaller bites and post it people can see it and not have so many questions, or worse, having their questions answered by relying on the selective synopsis of the thread on other sites like
I put scare quotes around "Titor" because it really wasn't Titor's thread. It was Paul Curan's thread that was hijacked by Titor and the rest of us.
That's a story in itself. Paul is a guy in Ireland who was attacked by a group of bullies when he was 13 or 14 years old. From his photos it appears that they worked him over pretty badly. It had a definite effect on his teen years.
From reading his posts and stories elsewhere it seems as if he wanted to time travel to make "amends" to that part of his life. He was a regular member, started the most popular time travel thread on the Net...and dropped off the forum. He never participated in the Titor part of the story. I've emailed him several times to have him come back and comment but he's never answered. It's been four or five years since I last tried to contact him.