
Chrono Cadet
Okay, everyone. I just need to see which TTer will answer this question, or should I say prediction, and get it right. We have another person throwing his hat into the ring this week for the nomination, Fred Thompson, from Tennessee.

Yesterday, a news commentator, Harry Smith, asked Al Gore if he is considering another run now that he is getting many followers on the bandwagon for his book and movie, he has won an Oscar and is up for the Nobel Peace Prize. There was a big maybe on the guy's lips.

Okay, here is the question: Can you name us the two parties' candidates and their running mates. You do not have to tell us who wins, but I'd like to see the ticket runners we will be choosing between. What do you TTers say to that?

Thanks in advance--or should I say the "future."
I'll tell you, honey. I don't have to be a time traveler to tell you who's going to win in 2008. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif <font color="yellow"> [/COLOR]
Everybody's got their money it's Hillary. Do you?

You really don't read much about what is going on, do you? I am not an American, but I know who is doing rounds in 2008 elections. Hillary is far from being the top dog. There are far more interesting candidates in the game. The one thing that I have to say, is that who ever gets the 'throne'. He or she has to work hard from saving the 'US empire' dying from the 'thousands of cuts that' the current government has inflicted upon it. I am very sorry if it sounds hard but the reality is very obvious, do you agree? We are in the middle of big pile of [censored], and it's starting to feel very icky!
The Republican candidate's initials are "FDT"

Thank you Darby for adding a censored word at above post, I think it works better! Anyhow, check out Ron Paul from Republicans and Mike Gravel from Democrats. Both of the guys are heavily censored by the mainstream media and both of the guys are doing the bid for the American people, not for the corporations or to the Israel lobby-agents. My prediction is that, if either one of them gets elected, then the assassination job is already waiting them.
I can give you a blow by blow if you'd like starting tomorrow. The FDT mentioned her is Fred Thompson of Tennessee. he is also a TV actor on LAW AND ORDER. In today's papers (Sunday) there is a political cartoon that has something to say about this. And Law and Order seems to like to make political statements now and again. So wathc for a few on this show starting next Fll.

Okay. So some of our runners although it's not a complete list:

Fred Thompson
Rudy Giulani
Hillary Clinton

Jon Edwards
John McCain
Barak Obama
Mit Romney
Joe Biden

Oh What the heck. Here is a website with them all listed!

Have fun. I need to do some research on a few myself.

First comment.. Newt Gingrich says McCain will NOT be the Republican's candidate. I believe it.

(This is the main webpage is you can't get to the other one right away. )

I'll end with Mitt Romney. I don't think he will be the Republican candidate either, although he has some very good Ideas. He's Mormon and many people in this country, even though we are a protestant country (Christian) do not like Mormons and believe this religion is more cultic than Christian. Although I think it's just another sect and I do know some Mormons who are not kooky like some believe, some ( or should I say many) people will not agree with me. Watch this aspect as the months go on.

P.S. This is EARLY for a lot of the people who want to run, but we have an inordinate amount of people who want to replace Bush. So they need to get out there as soon as they can and display their ideas, views in the public quickly to get their feet firmly into the running. In a few months backing, money and poll numbers will whittle down the numbers until we get a decent sized number to choose from in our political conventions next year.

Watch for the Dark Horses (an unknown candidate like Jimmy Carter was) and the favorite sons ( I think you can call Mitt Romney from Massachusetts a favorite son). They might score a few votes to just make it to the top for consideration.
Man I wish I could of poped onto this thread sooner. I am a big student of politics and a titor beliver. I can tell you Hillary has already been selected for then win..Hasn't the last two elections shown the world that the AFE doesn't belive in elections? Anyways I am betting that Ron Paul has been selected to lose to her. ....
Man I wish I could of poped onto this thread sooner. I am a big student of politics and a titor beliver. I can tell you Hillary has already been selected for then win..Hasn't the last two elections shown the world that the AFE doesn't belive in elections? Anyways I am betting that Ron Paul has been selected to lose to her. ....

If the elections are fixed again, as you imply, then what you are going to do about it?
Consensus is that Hillary is already the one who will be president, yes. I hear that quite a bit these days. And the next UN secretary general will be Bill. He's been working on that for a while. I'm not worried though, when the "big bang" is about to blow, I'll be upstairs--Raptured!
hey there ctg,
You ask what am I going to do about it? The answer is the same thing I was doing about it before I discovered titors story...I am going to resist tyranny. These days I am trying to peak everyones interest in the idea of constitutonal conventions...You can hold a constitutional convention at you local city council meeting or if the city council is unresponsive hold your own. The key is to keep a log of the minutes and forward the minutes to the next higher up office be it county officals or state officals or if you think you have enough support send it on to the feds.

We only need a few amendments to free the US from the tyranny its devolved into.
A seperation of fraternal brotherhoods and political office (no more repreats of the Skull and bones act)

An end of the electoral colleges in favor of popular vote(with a 90 percent literacy rate I think we are educated enough to choose our president rather than having him choosen for us)

An and to the house of representives in favor of the house of the people were we represent ourselves. No change to the senate. (This would ensure that those who are willing to make the time to participate like we few do are fairly and honestly represented by representing ourselves. Another advantage would be less legislation being passed unread aswell as billions of dollars saved by not paying house reps. The savings in saleries, lobbists, campagins, and all of that would be huge. Money that could be spent else were.

There are a few more amendments I would like to see but with these basic three we could close the door on tyranny and begin building that nation of shineing light the AFE claims to be.

I also expect the feds to move in on the Browns of New Hampshire tommorow. 7-14-7...the numbers match the kind of sequence the NWO likes and many truth movement members will be there too. Its a good target of oppritunity to kill many birds with one stone.

And for the record I would like to remind those that don't know that it is the electoral colleges that elect presidents (at least thats what the constitutions says) and not the common/popular vote..the popular vote is an opinion poll only. Always has been. Read your constitution.
On my political knowledge alone I assure you the Clinton will not take obama as her running mate. And Paul would never run with Guliani. AND the common vote doesn't matter.

You can hold a constitutional convention at you local city council meeting or if the city council is unresponsive hold your own.

You can? And here I was making that tired old assumption that Article 5 of the U.S. Constitution says something about it takes an application by 2/3rd of all the State legislatures to call for a Constitutional Convention. I must have missed the part about city councils or holding your own if the city council tosses you out.

That being said, be careful about what you wish for. The last time that we had a Constitutional Convention, the one in Philadelphia, 1787, - you might remember it, the deligates were sent there only to clean up the Articles of Confederation. But they had absolute authority to change anything and everything. They did. They threw out the AOC and started fresh. It's a great document but that's not what the good folks of the 13 states thought that they had approved.

Sure, writing a new constitution didn't automatically throw the old one out. The individual state legislatures still had to unanimously vote in the affirmative (under Article XIII of the Articles of Confederation, which was a still in affect at the time) to adopt the new constitution. But...

be careful what you wish for. You just might get something that you didn't anticipate. Once the convention convenes they are on their own to do whatever they decide without any interference from the media, Congress, kibitzers, etc. There's a reason why we have never had a Constitutional Convention since 1787.

As an example of what a modern Constitutional Convention could (and probably would) do take a look at the original and current versions of the California Constitution. The original text is a bit longer than the U.S. Constitution. The current document is page after page of codified, politicized, law. It takes control of just about every aspect of a California resident's life.

You get a Constitutional Convention in today's world and you will get a nast bite in the butt if it weren't for the fact that the small mid-western and southern conservative states have one vote just like California and New York when it comes to having 3/4ths of the state legislatures approve the amendments.
Hillary is going to run with Edwards...isnt that a snazzy choice.

Darby I have been in the politcal arena for awhile now... The feds are in violation of several amendments. The income tax itself was ruled unconstitutional in 1895 and passed again in 1913? Don't you wonder why the congress of the time resubbmited an unconstitutional law or even how in the hell they got it passed a second time?

As for calling me on my rally for a constitutional convention...I'm impressed. if more americans knew thier constitution like you we wouldn't be in this prediciment...but they don't and we are.
So yes I do call for people to start off small, rally the cities to pass along the will of the people to the states who in turn will call for another constitutional convention proper. To paraphrase the man "the constitution hasn't failed us, we have failed ourselves by not knowing the constitution" I admit I keep a pocket constitution near me to go over whenever need be.

We don't need to scrap it but a few changes additions would close the doors to tyranny in america.

Personaly I'd also like to see an end to presidential term limits because I think if the people like the leader in office and he wants to remain in office we should be allowed to re-elect him as offten as we want. Abolish the 15th. Put a standard of civil service as a mandate to be able to participate in politics. A seperation of fraternal brotherhoods and political office (because the fraternals hold thier lodge oaths above thier civic oaths). Along with the other amendments I already suggested.

You don't need to be from the future to see where our nation is heading. The sooner we do this the sooner constitutional order can be restored...It wouldn't bite america on its but. It would protect our sovereign rights for the rest of our NATIONS life. This is not the 1700s and humanity has advanced enough to be endowed with some legislative authority over thier own government.

But that just my opinion...what do I know...I believe a guy who posted online saying he was a time traveler because the Z machine actually created a black hole.