Hi Cig,
But I was looking for a formula to explain that the GOD IS LIGHT or GOD is the UNIVERSE theory as according to STRING THEORY.
Understood, but any formula you consider must still pass muster with regard to SOME system of units of measure....either our existing scientific procedures should apply, or your formula should be able to predict things where current physics cannot.
You mention string theory. I would encourage you (as I encourage all) to investigate how the Qabalists (those who study the geometric network model known as the Tree Of Life) have been saying there are 11 dimensions since ancient times. And if you check out the following website, you will note that the animated graphic on the right, which is used in discussing the dimensions of string theory, is pretty close to the Tree Of Life (and not by accident, I would hazard to guess):
So if infinity represents the universe and the universe may be GOD as ENERGY? How would one describe it?
I agree with the first part, but it is my belief (and I believe my math supports) that God is well above the concept of Energy. In fact, Energy is simply a metric we use to measure physicality, and the "magic" that is accomplished through the implementation of any closed-loop control system shows that Information is a metric at a fractally higher dimension than Energy, because Information is the metric used to close a control loop, and any control loop controls Energy.
As for your inference, does infinity relate to time or time travel? Like a map <or container> from point A to point B one must know where they are to know where they are going
The Tree Of Life is a "map of maps" that not only describes the architecture of the human body, but also the architecture of DNA.
String Theory suggests not only 11 dimensions with multiple planes or sheets if you will. What is containing those planes with 11 dimensions? THE UNIVERSE or INFINITY? Maybe another abstract theory
Qabalah explains that our universe is comprised of 10 emanations (dimensions) and the 11th dimension exists "beyond" and that dimension is God.
This might be an exaggeration but I don't think anyone really cared about E(energy) until Einstein and his wife came up with E=MC2
Yes, it is an exaggeration. Various forms of the Energy Equation have been defined since Newton's time. Bernoulli's principle is nothing but the standard Energy Equation of mechanics written for fluid flow instead of solid masses. So plenty of people knew about Energy before Einstein. Einstein's unique contribution was in showing that Mass was nothing more than bound Energy.
As for "infinity = (m)*(d)^3/(t)", I would disagree.
Well, if you disagree then I am afraid you will have to re-think your equation... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif in fact, that was my purpose in showing you the dimensional analysis of your equation. I am trying to show you how dimensional analysis helps us in thinking about these things. But in reality "infinity" is not a number. It is a concept and will forever be a concept that cannot be quantified.
If you think of infinity in terms of distance, does distance have mass?
That is exactly the point: When you wish to consider infinity, you must ask "infinite what?". If you are speaking of infinite space, then since we know space is 3-dimensional we would still describe infinite space as a manifold of (d)^3.
If you think of infinity in terms of the universe, does M(mass) account for the vacuum of space or dark energy?
You would have to be a bit more clear here, Cig. The way that I, and most people of science, think of "the universe" it is the sum total of all mass, space, and time. That's why I have mentioned plenty times here on the forums that my Massive SpaceTime theory is well-founded in the basics of science.
You didn't think I was serious when I put Where k=knowledge. lol
Yes, I knew you were not serious about that... mostly because if I would have pressed you, I would have asked you "how would you define knowledge in terms of the fundamental dimensions of mass, space, and time?"